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hey all, im on day 2 of DNP. i'm following a 50/35/15 diet, c/p/f at around maintenance. I seem to be binging a little bit to get my carbs in. but all carbs i consume are low GI. i've started to get some night sweats, but its bearable. my main concern is eating such high carbs and putting on fat. i looked a lot leaner before i started the DNP cycle. why is this? is this water retention? im currently on 400MG
just to add, i'm 6'4, 242lbs, 12% bf
on test 200mg/tren e 400mg
supplementing with vit e, vit c, glutamine, bcaas, multi, coq10, krill oil, potassium
eating a lot of fruit and complex low gi carbs also