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  1. #1
    ineedauser is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2012

    How long is to long?

    To re start your test e cycle? I considered my cycle over because this Thursday will be 2 weeks off of test. But I just got the gear in, FINALLY... not sure if it's worth starting it back up or just call it quits and end it now. I did completed 10 weeks. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks off of test. I originally thought to just add on 3 weeks but now I am not so sure it's the best idea. I read that missing 3 pins (11 days) is pretty much ending your cycle. But I read elsewhere that I will be fine picking it back up and just adding on an additional week (For a total of 13 weeks of test over a 15 week period).

    I do have my nolva and clomid on hand btw... just midjudged 3 vials being enough. I needed 3 1/4 vials. :-(

  2. #2
    snowman's Avatar
    snowman is offline Senior Member
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    since you been off for 2 weeks already, i would start PCT, and save your gear for another cycle.... you have already done 10 weeks.

  3. #3
    ineedauser is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2012
    I was really hoping to not hear that... :-(

  4. #4
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    I agree with snowman its been 11 days now you will be starting pct in a few days mate you got 10 weeks least you will know how much you need next time lol

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Start your pct

  6. #6
    snowman's Avatar
    snowman is offline Senior Member
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    lol...i know , we always want more and more, cause of the results we see, but in this case bro, since you did already 10 weeks and are off for 2 i would start pct... If you were only on for 6 weeks, i would tell you to restart again, but that's not the case...
    a "normal" cycle is about 12 weeks, you done 10 weeks, be happy with it...learn from it and next time get enough gear :-)

  7. #7
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by ineedauser
    To re start your test e cycle? I considered my cycle over because this Thursday will be 2 weeks off of test. But I just got the gear in, FINALLY... not sure if it's worth starting it back up or just call it quits and end it now. I did completed 10 weeks. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks off of test. I originally thought to just add on 3 weeks but now I am not so sure it's the best idea. I read that missing 3 pins (11 days) is pretty much ending your cycle. But I read elsewhere that I will be fine picking it back up and just adding on an additional week (For a total of 13 weeks of test over a 15 week period).

    I do have my nolva and clomid on hand btw... just midjudged 3 vials being enough. I needed 3 1/4 vials. :-(
    If you understood how long it takes for levels of test-e to reach peak concentrations then (1) you would know that your levels have started to drop 2 wks off and (3) adding another three weeks is essentially going to get you back to where you were before you stopped and then you'll be stopping again.

    This is why you MUST have everything on hand before a cycle starts.

    Take the advice. PCT, wait appropriate time off and then start another cycle. Do it properly.

    Sorry it's not what you want to hear but it's what you should do and then plan your next cycle (completely) in the "off" period.

  8. #8
    tdoe11's Avatar
    tdoe11 is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2011
    I would go into pct

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