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Thread: zig-zag diet 4 Farm Boy, I'm less drastic now

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    zig-zag diet 4 Farm Boy, I'm less drastic now

    I didn't explain the hardest issue with the Bill Phillips diet. the reason it is so drastic for one you force your body to burn fat because of the lower over all carb intake you're normally use to.
    You’re not eating any sugar and next to nothing as far as fat goes. Your body is forced to use your fat deposits as energy during the day...
    I recommend a ABB thermogenic drink for energy in the gym, I don’t recommend supplement shakes only real food... the only shakes I believe in are pro-tein only one's

    I gave you the format but did not tell you the proper way to run it. After day four in the evening you weight yourself and start day 1 over again....
    repeating the pattern and as your weight goes down you change your intake of three nutrients to your body weight. This diet works with the grams of nutrients multiplied by your body weight for intake and with speeding your metabolism through digestion by eating every two hours, this is one of the most extreme daily zig zags. I stake my life on it... by week two you should notice a drastic difference... you should also know that when I am serious about an event I don’t even have a cheat day and I

    day-1 ///carbs=1.5g * 250lb= 375g =1406 cals///////pro= 1g*250lb=250g=1000 cals//////fat=.25g*250=62.5g=562.5 cals

    day-2 ///carbs=0.5g * 250lb= 125g =468.75 cals///////pro= 1.5g*250lb=375g=1500 cals//////fat=.25g*250=62.5g=562.5 cals

    day-3 ///carbs=0.5g * 250lb= 125g =468.75 cals///////pro= 1.5g*250lb=375g=1500 cals//////fat=.25g*250=62.5g=562.5 cals

    day-4 ///carbs=2g * 250lb= 500g =1875 cals///////pro= 1g*250lb=250g=1000 cals//////fat=.25g*250=62.5g=562.5 cals

    day-5 repeat day one after weighing your self & changing gram intake of nutrient- if no change, weigh again on day two, still no change something is being consumed wrong
    day-6 repeat day two
    so on and on

    the ketosis will begin at the end of day three
    goes like this:
    Day 1-
    well balanced diet. Moderate intake of calories, pro, carbs, and low fat. Provides body with ample amount of energy. Frequent meals keep metabolism up.

    deprives active body of carbs. High prot-ein intake protects muscle from being used as fuel. Low fat prevents energy requirements from being met by intake of dietary fat. Well trained athletes will have high BMR and will burn up blood glucose and then go to fuel stored as glycogen in muscle and liver. Late in day these reserves will run low and the body will begin to draw on fat reserves for fuel. Low insulin release also signals body to mobilize fat to be used as fuel

    Day3 (get some ketostix's from local drug store)
    diet is lacking in carb again. Body has been using fat reserves as fuel for about half of day 2 and continues to do so. The system has gone from drawing on glycogen for fuel to body fat stores solely. The body fat is broken down into glycerol and fatty acids. The glycerol is converted to PGAL and then glucose for fuel. The fatty acids are converted to acetyl CoA and then must go through Kreb's cycle, and finally reverse glycolysis prior to being converted to glucose which the body can use to function. Late in day 3, this will cause ketone bodies to build up.
    Since this ketosis only sets in for about 12 hours, it is not dangerous, in fact it is desired.
    On this diet you want to be in light to moderate ketosis by the evening of day three. IF THE KETOSTIX ARE NEGATIVE by day three then the carbs must go lower, IF LEVELS ARE VERY DARK then more carbs need to be eaten on the next DAY 3...

    high carb day. All Ketosis is arrested with high carb break fast on this day. Since there is an abundance of carbs we can be certain that prot-ein will not be used as fuel.
    On day 3 your muscles are starved for carbs and are flat by day 4 will feel like you put on five pounds of muscle...

    I use the goulash method of pasta mixed with chicken and veggies but I make sure that my daily bowl = the total grams intake for that day. I put it in my ice chest that everyone knows I carry around and every two hours I'm eating. I use my prot-ein shakes before, during and after work out and as an evening meal...

    Calories per gram of Prot-ein, Carbohydrate, Fats: 1gram carbohydrate = 3.75 calories /1 gram prot-ein = 4 calories/ 1 gram fat = 9 calories /1 gram alcohol = 7 calories

    I'll send my list of food types, but I'm the boring type. I don’t like to think too much about calculation and measuring so I will use the same prot-ein & carb type for a week....
    This is more drastic than you think; it is a competition diet and is very strict. I guess you could say hardcore, not even top pros go this drastic anymore (at least thats what I believe). I haven't seen faster results with anyother diet; although losing mass is an issue and you must have a good amount of prot-ein in your diet to maintain; an AAS supplement would be very helpful also. You may have to minorly change the ratio to better suit you(the written above being most drastic)
    I currently use a 1.5-2g pro-tein x bw 1g carbs x bw and .25g fat x bw when leaning and cheat on Sunday. This works for me and is less drastic about losing mass even when on a low dose cycle.
    The diet above is for experienced dieters too, but there isn't a way to get experienced unless you’ve tried a few, so give it a try...
    Last edited by mmaximus25; 05-15-2003 at 11:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Some interesting stuff I'll bump it for you.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Every one should have a favorite diet (less stressful) and one they dont favor but works like crazy. Farm boy reminded me that I never posted my favorite zig zag so..... ya know

    LAter on Pain

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Originally posted by mmaximus25
    Every one should have a favorite diet (less stressful) and one they dont favor but works like crazy.
    Very much agreed, I am on my fav right now as a little mental break. For me moderate-high protein, moderate carbs, low-moderate fats. The one that works like crazy, high protein, very low carb, high fat, but that is just hell on me mentally.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    mmaximus25, thanks for the reply. it is definitely an extreme diet. i am going to start working with the numbers and see if i can get it in line for me. i figured i would take advantage of the HRT therapy while i could. again thanks for the info. farm boy

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Farm Boy
    excuse any bad grammar...
    I currently am getting 1.5-2g pro-tein x bw, 1g carbs x bw, .5-.25g fat x bw. This is my maintenance with lean mass growth.

    The diet down above is a fat loss method tried and proved it came out of Anabolic Review 6th edition before Bill P. got soft. (Got soft where he stopped researching and giving advice about AAS.)

    The one thing to remember is you can run this diet for about four weeks then go into a moderate phase for 2-3 weeks and back on for another four. When I first ran this diet I wasn't using and got down 4-5% BF in 5weeks no cheating. That’s not to say I didn't lose mass. The second time around I was on a deca d-bol and upped my protein in all sessions of the diet and was a tighter harder 6% in four weeks coming from 10%bf. I looked so much better and wasn't just lean, but lean with mass.
    The third time around I used in a 3 week on 2 off method just to keep my metabolism fast as fuck and would run a 2week high cal diet in-between and so on.

    When you have time to prepare you will see the greatest results. Most dieters try something but don’t put a mental grip around it.
    They don’t even know what type on calories their ingesting or how close to the projected cal intake they are hitting.

    A good start is to learn food profiles and types. Then plan for your diet around your work out times.

    1. If you’re going to succeed in dieting you must write it all out a week in advance.
    2. People that cause you to deviate should be avoided if not dropped immediately. (People that don’t understand most likely will never understand.) You don’t need added stress trust me and most people will just be envious of your determination yet some will still knock you)
    3. Once you have achieve a good metabolic rate through diet your muscle gains will come faster and easier.
    4. Along with 3 once you have the type of mass you want dieting is a lot easier, fat deposits aren't stubbornly removed anymore. Your cal intake will be higher due to an increase in nutrient intake and you will have tons of energy.

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