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Thread: critiques/suggestions needed for my first cycle

  1. #1

    critiques/suggestions needed for my first cycle

    im gonna run test e for 8 weeks
    my goal isnt to get huge but to gain some solid lean mass of about 5-7lbs in that amount of time and preferably lose some fat as well
    since this is my first time, im only going to do 250mg on weeks 1-4 and then 300mg on weeks 5-8
    ive seen people saying they gain pretty good gains with those amounts on their first cycle and dont need the conventional dosage of 500mg and since this will be my first cycle i dont wanna start off high
    i might up the dosage if i dont see anything happening
    my question is, with that amount in mind (250 - 300mg), how much arimidex should i take while cycle and i dont know if i should take that throughout the whole cycle or not
    and also how much nolva should i take for pct?
    also, i have slight gyno from when i hit puberty. so keeping that in mind, should i do anything differently?
    my stats:
    height: 5'6
    weight: around 138lbs
    been lifting for about 1.5 years

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Why is your age NOT listed under your stats?

    1.5 years of lifting experience barely counts for any experience, you are most likely too young for AAS at any rate.

    I am 5'6 and I was 165lbs at the age of 18 after 1 year of lifting 5 times a week without AAS or a single supplement for that matter. My BF was around 15% and had a very strong core, legs and back...

    Hit the diet section and learn how to eat like a lifter first. Even if you gain 5-7lbs of lean mass in that amount of time, which I doubt you will with your genetics and lack of proper diet at your level of experience, there is NO WAY you are going to be able to maintain the mass you built during your cycle. I am so sure about this that I can bet my own ass on it, can you?

    So, you are most likely looking at a scenario where you make insignificant gains during your 1st cycle, which you will certainly loose during post-cycle, your puberty gyno will flare up and it will develop into even a bigger tissue despite administering Arimidex.

    Is this really what you want???
    Last edited by Turkish Juicer; 12-21-2012 at 07:26 AM.

  3. #3
    im 22 and i said 1.5 years of training because thats the actual amount of time of doing proper diet and working out. i have been working out for about 3 years but the first half, i didnt know jack shit about working out or diet so i didnt really make much gains at that time. and about my weight, i used to weigh 117 at the same height and i now im up to 138 so i think i made good gains (muscle and fat). and why would my pubertal gyno increase even though i would be taking a low dose (half of the recommended level of test) and AI while on cycle? plus why wouldnt i be able to retain my gains since i will be doing pct?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    At 22 you're too young and you need to learn how to eat like TJ mentioned. And without knowing how to that you will lose all your gains during and post PCT. I'm pretty sure that's what TJ was talking about. Just because you do PCT doesn't guarantee you will keep your gains or your natural production will come back 100%.
    Adex doesn't reverse gyno.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    And your dose will barely put you above your natty test levels. Shutdown for no reason. The 500mg a week is a beginner dose, not high. And it will take test e 4 to 6 weeks to kick in. So you'll shut yourself down to barely increase test levels and then quit after 2 to 4 weeks. Brilliant.

  6. #6
    i can take care of my diet cause i know how to do that: around 1.5g protein/lb body weight, for me, 300g carbs and 70g fat
    so diet isnt an issue
    and if i take 500mg a week, then what should be the dosage for arimidex and nolva? and what would be an estimated gain in 8 weeks?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    Quote Originally Posted by doubledouble View Post
    i can take care of my diet cause i know how to do that: around 1.5g protein/lb body weight, for me, 300g carbs and 70g fat
    so diet isnt an issue
    and if i take 500mg a week, then what should be the dosage for arimidex and nolva? and what would be an estimated gain in 8 weeks?
    If your diet was in check, you wouldnt weigh sub 140. If you cant eat and train to sustain muscle mass naturally, you cant do it with anabolics...

    And just a quick lesson in their proper usage, a long ester like test E is not the best choice for only 8 weeks use. Study up on your compounds. It really only begins stable at whatever level you are dosing after about 3 weeks and thats why gains start in the 4-5 week range. So you are intending to pin for 8 weeks to get 3 useful weeks of gains? Also, if it takes this amount of time to stabilize at any given dose, what would upping it @ week 5 do? You would be ending your cycle right when the higher dose would be stabilizing.

    The only thing this cycle is good for at your age is damaging your endo and sexual sides effects.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by doubledouble View Post
    i can take care of my diet cause i know how to do that: around 1.5g protein/lb body weight, for me, 300g carbs and 70g fat
    so diet isnt an issue
    and if i take 500mg a week, then what should be the dosage for arimidex and nolva? and what would be an estimated gain in 8 weeks?
    Apparently it is. Otherwise you wouldn't be so small.

    You need to learn how to eat. If you do a cycle now, you likely will not keep any of it because you have not built a foundation for any new muscle to grow on. You first need to build some solid dense muscle in order to maintain any new muscle. Then, you need to eat more to maintain your new muscle. You see, it’s all about eating. Figure out your TDEE and up your cals at least 500 each day to gain some weight. Workout regularly and eat a high calorie clean balanced diet. There's no magic pill. The magic is EATING.

    You need to learn to eat properly before you learn to use AAS.

    Post your intended diet here including macros and the pros in there will assist you in tweaking your diet to fit your intended goals. Good luck!

    Nutritional Forum

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