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  1. #1
    broesb4hos's Avatar
    broesb4hos is offline New Member
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    I need a second opinion on my gear and questions from an experienced user

    Forum Friends,

    Here is a little bit about me:

    I am a 26 year old male and I have been lifting weights at the gym regularly for 10 years now. I am 5'11" and weigh on average about 190 lbs. Recently I have not been hitting the gym as religiously as I had been in the past since I work part time and go to school full time. Currently, on average I lift about four times a week given my hectic schedule. I am in above average shape (muscular) in relation to my peers but my ideal weight is 210 lbs and I want to gain more size.

    This will be my 2nd time of doing a cycle and I had a couple of questions that I need help getting answers to. It has been three years since my last cycle and I'm not sure what kind of gear I purchased or how to administer it properly in order to maximize its effects. Below are the specifications of what I purchased based on what it says on the vial:

    10 ml multiple dose sterile bottle
    T-300: 300 mg/ml

    Each milliliter contains:
    Testosterone Enanthate 125 mg
    Testosterone Cypionate 100 mg
    Testosterone Propionate 50 mg
    Testosterone USP 25 mg << what is this? I can’t find any information on this type of testosterone….
    Benzyl Benzoate .15 ml
    Benzyl Alcohol .03 ml

    So far it seems like I will be getting a mixture of four different testosterones which add up to 300 mg total... Am I correct?

    Based on the information presented above, how do I administer the product for optimal results? Should I pyramid, do it once a week, or every so many days?

    When should I time the beginning of my cycle? In other words, after how many weeks of consistent weight lifting should I begin my cycle? I read somewhere that one should wait to start using their gear only after having plateaued (as far as gains in the gym) without the use of gear….

    I was thinking about using HCG during my cycle to keep my testicles from shrinking... Is this a good idea? or is there a better alternative? If taking HCG is the best way to go during my cycle then how should I take it? what is the proper dosage? Is this good to take in combination with another PCT or AI during the cycle?

    How do you administer HCG?

    What is the best PCT to take after my cycle given the product I will be using? How many weeks should I be taking it, what dose, and when should I start using my PCT?

    What is the optimal syringe to use? In other words what is the optimal gauge and needle length?

    What other supplements besides protein and creatine should I consider taking in addition to protein and creatine to optimize muscle gain?

    On a side note, I hear a lot of experienced body builders talking about getting BW (blood work) done to check for increased e2 (estrogen) levels; How do most of you experienced juicers get your blood work done? Do you go to a doctor and say, “hey, I need to know what my estrogen levels are at, so I need some blood work done” or do you do your own blood work? If you do it on your own, what is the best method of doing this in your experience? I'm afraid of seeing my doctor because I don't want him to think I am using steroids and report that to the medical information bureau...

    Please let me know. Your help is much appreciated!

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by broesb4hos View Post
    Forum Friends,

    Here is a little bit about me:

    I am a 26 year old male and I have been lifting weights at the gym regularly for 10 years now. I am 5'11" and weigh on average about 190 lbs. Recently I have not been hitting the gym as religiously as I had been in the past since I work part time and go to school full time. Currently, on average I lift about four times a week given my hectic schedule. I am in above average shape (muscular) in relation to my peers but my ideal weight is 210 lbs and I want to gain more size. Fix the above statement in bold before starting anything!

    This will be my 2nd time of doing a cycle and I had a couple of questions that I need help getting answers to. It has been three years since my last cycle and I'm not sure what kind of gear I purchased or how to administer it properly in order to maximize its effects. Below are the specifications of what I purchased based on what it says on the vial:

    10 ml multiple dose sterile bottle
    T-300: 300 mg/ml This stuff is going to sting most likely...just warning you!

    Each milliliter contains:
    Testosterone Enanthate 125 mg
    Testosterone Cypionate 100 mg
    Testosterone Propionate 50 mg
    Testosterone USP 25 mg << what is this? I can’t find any information on this type of testosterone…. I'm guessing this is test suspension and it will cause some pain from the injection.
    Benzyl Benzoate .15 ml
    Benzyl Alcohol .03 ml

    So far it seems like I will be getting a mixture of four different testosterones which add up to 300 mg total... Am I correct? Yes!

    Based on the information presented above, how do I administer the product for optimal results? Should I pyramid, do it once a week, or every so many days? I would inject .5ML (.5 CC) EOD for a total of 525mg EW. Pyramiding is old school and not a needed!

    When should I time the beginning of my cycle? In other words, after how many weeks of consistent weight lifting should I begin my cycle? I read somewhere that one should wait to start using their gear only after having plateaued (as far as gains in the gym) without the use of gear…. This is a good idea...make the best gains you can naturally then consider AAS when you can no loger make gains.

    I was thinking about using HCG during my cycle to keep my testicles from shrinking... Is this a good idea? or is there a better alternative? If taking HCG is the best way to go during my cycle then how should I take it? what is the proper dosage? Is this good to take in combination with another PCT or AI during the cycle? HCG on cyle is a great idea and should be used at 250iuX 2 per week (alternate of AAS injections is great). You need an AI like Aromasin or Adex during cycle as well. PCT is POST CYLE THERAPY

    How do you administer HCG? Subq in slin pins injected into belly fat

    What is the best PCT to take after my cycle given the product I will be using? How many weeks should I be taking it, what dose, and when should I start using my PCT? Nolva 40/20/20/20 and Clomid 100/50/50/50 , that the doses taken each day for 4 weeks, start 18 days after your last pin

    What is the optimal syringe to use? In other words what is the optimal gauge and needle length? Draw the gear with a 22G then swtch tips and inject slowely with a 25G. length depends on where youare injecting, you need 4 and preferably 6 stes to rotate from. I use 1.5" for everything

    What other supplements besides protein and creatine should I consider taking in addition to protein and creatine to optimize muscle gain? Fish oil and a good multi Vit

    On a side note, I hear a lot of experienced body builders talking about getting BW (blood work) done to check for increased e2 (estrogen) levels; How do most of you experienced juicers get your blood work done? Do you go to a doctor and say, “hey, I need to know what my estrogen levels are at, so I need some blood work done” or do you do your own blood work? If you do it on your own, what is the best method of doing this in your experience? I'm afraid of seeing my doctor because I don't want him to think I am using steroids and report that to the medical information bureau... Bloodwork before, half way through and after your PCT is prefered. Def get BW before and after. There are private labs that you can use and get the tests done such as

    Please let me know. Your help is much appreciated!
    NOW! I was dumb enough to spoon feed you all this info when you really should be reading up on AAS use to the point that you could answer these questions yourself. Reading and learning is better than someone telling you what to do. You need to educate yourself to assure you do not hurt yourself. Please consider hanging around the forumfor a few months to get completly up to speed on all of the info you need. Read the steroid profiles of the stuff your using. Have EVERYTHING on hand before starting! Post your diet in the nutrition section for the best results!

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Nothing to add, that even came with the spoon.

  4. #4
    A_Grant is offline Junior Member
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    ^^^ that.

    And yes, test USP is most likely a testosterone suspention. USP states for United States Pharmacopia, a regulation norm for pharmaceuticals.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Very well said Lunk. Only thing I'll add would be to consider splitting the total desired weekly amount in half and injecting every 3.5 days. EOD for a first cycle may be a bit much IMO.

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Very well said Lunk. Only thing I'll add would be to consider splitting the total desired weekly amount in half and injecting every 3.5 days. EOD for a first cycle may be a bit much IMO.
    I always rec. EOD on blends to get the full effect of the short esters and maintain the most stable levels.

  7. #7
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Gotta love the E/C split....I would love to hear the makers reasoning.

  8. #8
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Gotta love the E/C split....I would love to hear the makers reasoning.
    You would think the cyp dose would be the highest huh FFM?

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