I got the same issue, brainfog and insomnia, the only 2 sdes of tren, i think it comes from less sleeping.
I got the same issue, brainfog and insomnia, the only 2 sdes of tren, i think it comes from less sleeping.
I stopped cycle. Took what i had and threw it away. Farkc that shit. I got work in 1 hr and been awake thr past 30 mins lying in bed. 10 weeks on tren is way to long. Wont run it.longer than 6-8 next.time
Might not touch it at all. Will go primo and var. ****. I can see why tren really screws people
Im sitting here.in bed and the brain fog is quite bad. Guess.its.cos.of sleep
Ah well. 10 week cycle is long enough
Lovbyts how long does tren take to clear. Im sitting here eating bfast and.finding it so hard.to think. I can still think but feels like.i gotta.push thru a barrier
Hard to explain. Will all this go in a few days?
Soooo a little clarification. Aren't cycle lengths dependent on esters used? 6-8 for short ester tren and 12-14 for long ester? I might have missed it but I didn't see what ester tren was used. Also long esters take longer to clear your system while short esters are out quicker. Isn't this why first time tren cycles its suggested to run short esters incase of hard sides its quicker to get rid of them. Am I wrong?
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Correct. Dont know abouy the ester meaning length of cycle. Person opinion imho
If tren messes with seretonin levels. Could this be a cause of my brainfog? Ive stoill got it and i hope its not permanent. Marcus any thoughts? Also do seretonin levels restore once you stop the tren? How long did most of you guys expwrience brainfog for? Theres no way slmeone can live like this
. I feel like capping myself. Delayes memory. Foggy brain etc.
my experience was only some fog, but I only did 7-8 weeks. try to sleep out, something like 10hours, If it doesn't go away, no idea man, wait some weeks, and if you're still on it, go to the doctor.
Brain fog is most likely caused by a lack of sleep, which is most likely caused by the Trenbolone. I think i've experienced this, but it is a result of not being fully rested. Being an insomniac makes you tired, cranky, lethargic, and unable to think.
Thanks bro. I hope.so. getting suicidal thoughts now
hey man how you're doing??? some news??
Nope still no good. Mind feels hazy and still hard to think! Mate asked me what movie i saw last night and i had to look it up on the net to remember! Can remember certain parts of the movie but mind is to foggy to remember everything! Can remember what i did after the movies tho no problems! I think its getting better but cant judge at this stage yet!
Still idk what to do! Was refused the blood test yeterday stating the doc didnt think i needed one. Waste of taxpayers money and he wont let our health system pay for it etc etc lol. Real ****!
But yeh mind feels hazy, harder to think, can still remember things but takes a while to go thru my head and pull it out! NOT GOOD! Anyone help please!
[QUOTE=XxAndreaxX;6313400]you say its gettin better... the question is when was your last shot of tren? If its the tren, it should get better while tren is leaving your system. the best thing is calm down and hope it clears from alone. I'd get scared if things are starting
Monday was.last shot of tren. 5 days ago. I think its getting better. Im not sure tho
nah i dont think its getting worse! i think maybe its from my sleeping pattern or lack of diet. i havent been dieting for a week or so now! took time off. Same as gym. havent been in a while!
i said i THINK its getting better but how can i THINK its getting better when i cant even think coz of the fog? nomsayin? Lol. Anyone have any suggestions?
Not to be a hard ass but dude have you had any positive experiences with aas since you started? You have been a mess since you joined here.you have had a lot of bad experiences. And it seems you have done several cycles with 0 time off. I hope you know what your doing to yourself.
none taken dude. I know i havent had any time off. i plan on coming off when i can find HCG and im working with someone who will help me recover, i just have to supply myself with HCG which im trying to source! Well i agree i have been a mess and i did complain alot. But ever since i fixed my diet up and 405 helped me with that it had made a MASSIVE difference im ALMOST at my goal physique. I also believe a lot of the gear i was using back when i started was fake! But i know this gear i have now or did use for a new source was deffs legit. This is the only problem i have now.
And i tired to get bloodwork done yesterday but the **** doctor refused. Im doing all i can to take proper precautions as such and i have made some stupid decisions, but i pride myself in coming over ehre to ask for help and not just letting it go like a lot of people would. I do as much research as i can to
How long have you been on and what have you run?
But i plan on coming off once i get a few kits of HCG and as i said im working with someone on helping me recover!
Man I honestly wish you the best of luck. Your too young for trt. Keep me posted. Fvck me.
What do you mean someone to help you recover? Dr. ?
Holy jesus H... that's a 10 month cycle! No wonder your body is doing what it is doing. Your body is telling you something man, it's telling you that it's hurting bad from what you're doing. Once again, the line has been crossed over from use to abuse, a loooong time ago with you. This stuff isn't harmless, you can really screw your body up badly and people just seem to refuse to ackgnowledge that AAS use is in fact quite a danger.
yes since feb. Well once i have HCG i plan on coming off for a good long while! Yes i know i have abused it. Cape, yes a dr. Family friend whos doing this sorta behind the office, just between him and myself.
I have sent emails to various websits that sell HCG and no replys back yet. And i need 4 kits of it and it costs an arm and a leg, cant exactly fork that out ATM.
Do you have novla and clomid on hand?
Yes i do. both from ar-r
IMO I would start pct at the correct time after your last pin. Without the hcg.
I would run a minimum of 6 weeks.
You got to get off and start to level back down ASAP
i dont believe there is a point without HCG.
read this
im trying to source it overseas but not having much luck
if worst comes to worst i will buy it from my source but would rather not as the black market pricing is outrageous.
waaait, I don't know if I'm right, but HCG should be taken 1 week after long ester test, and 1 day after propionate. so If you don't have HCG by hand (BAAAAD ERROR), I would suggest to go on with test until you have it, to avoid brakedown.
The insomnia side is not fun...
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