12 week test only 650 week roughly of sus,,seems to be stuck at 193 lbs. ,have i plateaud? or should i continue the cycle or wait a month and blast an cruise,,,
12 week test only 650 week roughly of sus,,seems to be stuck at 193 lbs. ,have i plateaud? or should i continue the cycle or wait a month and blast an cruise,,,
You should RE-check you diet bud.Originally Posted by poppz
If you are not gaining from 650mg TEST a week you have eater crapy gear or diet.
How far into the cycle are you?
how much have you gained so far?
As you grow...so must your diet!
U don't keep gaining forever. If you've done your 12 weeks, pct and go from there. I make quicks early in cycles then stop. I've learned this about my body over the last year. 8 week cycles from here out
I'm probably gonna get destroyed by my fellow forum-members for saying this....... but this happened to me before when I was on cycle so I started knocking back 6 protein shakes per day..... then the gains started off again.
My 2 favorite words: GOTTA EAT. A lot of people want to up the AAS when the answer is in their fridge.
It could be my diet.i will end this one then pct and come bck with a better diet.i just figured I plateaud.
12 weeks of sustanon is a pretty long duration and a complete cycle IMO for sustanon.
food is the only thing that makes your scale say a different number.......... not any steroid or magic chemical........
if it stops growing you need more fuel...........if its shrinking you need more fuel( unless your cutting) if your growing to fast ( fat) you have to much fuel.
After you understand this you move your macros around to what fits you the best
head to the nutrition section........ post diet...... it will be your problem..........
as for gear being legit, you should still have all your normal signs, sex drive, estrogen related effects.... either way you grow with food.
if your stuck at a weigth while on juice , being anabolic your probably under your tdee...... throw 750-1000 extra cals in bro.... see if your scale changes........ if you 193 your and holding your probably around 3000 cals or less ( which if eating clean is still alot of food) .
Last edited by largerthannormal; 12-26-2012 at 12:01 PM.
Exactly my thoughts!
It is about time OP stops, waits for PCT (although he'll probably hate hearing that waiting phase lasts for 18 days for Sustanon cycles, the next thing he will probably want learn about ''bridging into PCT'', there is the Sustanon cycle for you lol) and starts PCT.
12 wks ,,i will end this one and go into pct, but my last one was test deca 18 wks ,bounced bck ok ,
i got stuck at 193 too was pretty anoying but i just rammed more cans of tuna down n i got past it
When my gains stop that's when I know its time to stop, pct and recover!
imma go with you should try eating more bro like a nice big fillet of wild salmonyumm an cal full
Not as much gains as I wanted t.b.o.
Always next time.
At this point, chalk it up to experience. The next time (if you decide to) you cycle, make sure you really start to fine tune your diet. Every week that I'm on a cycle, I recalibrate my diet once a week so that whatever I weigh in at Monday a.m., I make sure I take in my 500 calories (if you are bulking) over maintanance.
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