Originally Posted by
Turkish Juicer
OK, let's set something straight here: If you are going to go ahead and tell me that money is an issue and you are determined to start your first cycle with what you were handed for free, then my advice would be ''don't start a cycle''. There is simply no point in involving a compound in your cycle only because it was given to you for free, speaking for Deca here, obviously. If this is the kind of dialog waiting for me in your following post, I would rather not be a part of it.
You need NOT more than 500mg of Test E for your first cycle as your weekly dose. We suggest 250mg injections on Mondays and Thursdays for 12 weeks.
I just told you that you need both Nolvadex and Clomid for your PCT. What was not clear about this?
I also told you that you'll need to run an AI throughout your cycle, Arimidex is a good choice, 0.25mg EOD is all you need for a 1st Test E cycle dosed at 500mg EW.
Again, don't even think about involving Deca in your first cycle. Not only Deca is quite useless regarding both strength & muscle gains when dosed under @400mg, even 100mg of it is very harsh on your HTPA and I know people who got sides who initially thought they wouldn't at 200mg EW (mostly because they had no clue about cycle management with a nor-19 compound, same goes for you at the moment).