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Thread: Reaction on injection site after 2 weeks

  1. #1

    Reaction on injection site after 2 weeks

    Waz up guys?

    I just started my first cycle of deca and sus250.
    First hit in the right glute was ok felt lump for about a week in it
    But that's normal I heard.
    Hit 2nd time a week later in left glute was all good had a slightly bigger lump
    Than the first one. But no dramas.

    Just before I was about to hit the 3rd time I developed a rash on both sites.
    The lump was hard a bit warm but not hot. Very itchy tho.
    I couldn't resist and had to scratch em, now both sites are still itchy and the swelling got bigger.
    And the lump is still hard.
    I used new needles both times one to draw and one to hit.
    I injected 1ml of deca and 1ml is sus250 on a weekly basis.
    The lump and itchiness is still there after a week.
    Could it be a abscess I do not see any white marks nor does it hurt its just very itchy
    I can't handle the itch anymore.
    If I go to the doctor what should I tell him?

    Thnx guys hope anyone can help and I hope it's not a abscess just a reaction of the gear.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Is the rash growing?
    Do you see a red, slightly warm, pattern on the skin that increases slightly in size day by day?

    It could be Cellulitis, in which case you'll need antibiotics.
    You could also be allergic, or sensitive, to either the oil itself, or BA/BB.
    I've never had 1ml cause a noticeable lump at all, but I've had cellulitis, and I've had a brand of AAS I simply couldn't use.


  3. #3
    I don't see a pattern it's just red and very itchy.
    I can see more stretch marks due to swelling when massaged and scratched it.
    So just go to the doctor and ask for antibiotics?
    What should I tell him if he's asking what causes it etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Try Ibuprofen before going to the doctor.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    if you go to the doc, you tell him exactly whats going on.
    He's not gonna bust you, he's there to help, and he cant do that if he (or she) doesent have all the information.
    If at all possible, try to find out what oil and solvents are used when making your gear as well, you might be able to google it with a bit of luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    check if your gear is legit, deca and susta should never leave a PIP, at least in my case.

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