General question!!!!!
what type of blood work should a person get before starting a cycle? please give details please!
I know this question has probably been asked before, but not by me! thanks......
General question!!!!!
what type of blood work should a person get before starting a cycle? please give details please!
I know this question has probably been asked before, but not by me! thanks......
I'd more concerned about losing some weight and body fat if i were you.
But if you're thinking about getting boodwork done before you cycle, hopefully waaay down the road, ask for an aging blood panel with a sensitive estrogen assay.![]()
Here's an example. Just depends on insurance or how much money you want to spend....
Thnks going to look into seeing if my ins pays for it
mickeyknox.. yes this just for research right now but I do need to lose about 50-60 pounds....but answer this question....why is it such a big deal about being a certain weight before cycling.....
Higher bf% usually means more estrogen sides. It also means your having difficulty dieting. If you can't diet then AAS are not for you.
Gymfu pretty much covered it. Higher body fat typically produces more unwanted side affects like bloating, acne, erectile dysfunction - not to mention heart attack, stroke.
Its extremely important to reduce you BF to around 15-16% for the above reasons. If you need help setting up a solid diet, head over to the Nutrition Forum for some ideas on diet plans and menus.
Good luck!
Nutritional Forum
Not having a problem dieting...ive come down from 430 -280....thw problem is tht Ive never been a slim guy except as a child....I checked bmi calculator and it says my weight should be at around 220 lbs standing at 6'3" question will always be about get not rushing....
Cool, you have made some good progress. The leaner you get the harder it is the keep loosing bf. The BMI system is crap and doesn't account for any muscle weight which is good weight, right? All that really maters is your bf%
So what are your stats? Weight, hight, bf%?
430-280 Wow!!! congrats bro
430 - 280 is huge! That's some serious discipline. Keep it up and keep doing your research. If you ramp up your training as you reach a low BF % you should be primed for a cycle. 6'3" weight is 280....bmi is 35
Jim 230 its been a hard road but im making progress... I swear its a fast food conspir cy when it comes to dieting ..lmao...but im focused...I tell my friends all the time if they getting back to tht size again slap the hell of of me....most my health problems from the weight are gone.....high blood pressure, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes are gone...I still get temped sometimes though...
Coeus....I agree 100% ....I want to see my body in a state ive never seen before .and with the help of u guys here I will reach tht goal...
Thnks jim ...will so focused its stupid
Thnks jim ...will so focused its stupid
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