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Thread: Reduce Test dosage to keep my abs (while on Tren)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Arrow Reduce Test dosage to keep my abs (while on Tren)

    I'm currently doing 583 mg of Sustanon per week, and 467mg of Trenbolone Enanthate per week.

    I'm on day 23 of my cycle, and the weighing scales says that I'm up 8.2 kg already (that's 18.07 pounds).

    I'm losing my abs. I'm pretty sure it's water retention so I started on Arimidex recently, taking 1 mg every other day.

    Given the fact that I want to gain no fat and no water at all whatsoever, and given the fact that I want to put on as much muscle as possible (to look hard, ripped, vascular, and maybe even have striations), do you think I should decrease my Testosterone dosage... or should I simply give the Arimidex more time to work?

    I'm thinking of changing my dosages to:

    Sustanon: 292mg per week
    Tren E: 700mg per week

    Opinions please?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    16,397 are by far the most hard headed OP I have ever seen! You were told repeatedly to use the AI for this purpose and many more from day one, it was suggested by several vets for you to run your test lower, you were already told how yopur high tren dose you had suggested before was not necessary and a bad idea!

    Anybody choosing to give you advise should look back at your thread history. If you would listen to the vets that have toldyou what to would have even needed to make this thread! Good god man...just listen or don't bother asking!!!!

    1mg of adex is too much to start! Drop to .25 EOD. You do not want your E2 to be too low!
    Check your diet as water retention is often the result of bad diet, too much sodium, not enough water or NOT USING AN AI! Give the AI more time!
    I would suggest dropping the test dose and 292 or even lower would be fine (even though I believe I suggested that numerous times)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Where are you getting those numbers from? Are you using the actual weights of the AAS? If so, its not necessary for these purposes.

    Cutting back your test is a wise idea not only to potentially reduce water retention, but to reduce possibility of unwanted sides. A TRT dose is all you require next to Tren. But whatever you feel comfortable at is fine as well.

    Youre AI should be run along with your Tren and Test rather than wait for sides to accumulate. Make sure you have Prami or Caber on hand and check your diet for adequate water intake and proper macros for your intended goals.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Looks like Lunk covered it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I aplaud you two for keep helping somebody that was given great advise a week or so ago, ignored all of it and is back again.

    Shows a testament to why this is such a great site. No matter what someone still will help you out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The advice I was given a week or so ago no longer applies as my symptoms have changed.

    My body has adjusted to the Tren. I no longer have tachycardia nor insomnia nor fatigue, so I could potentially increase the Tren dosage.

    Are there any bad effects to reducing my Testosterone dosage (e.g. lessening of appetite)?

    By the way, contrary to what Lunk1 said, I've been given all sort of different advice on this forum --
    1) Some people are telling me to run the Test higher than the Tren
    2) Others are telling me to keep the Test at a TRT dosage and let the Tren do its job

    So who should I listen to?
    Last edited by KimboHalfSlice; 12-28-2012 at 05:41 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Quote Originally Posted by goode80 View Post
    I aplaud you two for keep helping somebody that was given great advise a week or so ago, ignored all of it and is back again.

    Shows a testament to why this is such a great site. No matter what someone still will help you out.
    They don't call him Job for nothing. Lol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    The advice I was given a week or so ago no longer applies as my symptoms have changed.

    My body has adjusted to the Tren. I no longer have tachycardia nor insomnia nor fatigue, so I could potentially increase the Tren dosage.

    Are there any bad effects to reducting my Testosterone dosage (e.g. lessening of appetite)?

    By the way, contrary to what Lunk1 said, I've been given all sort of different advice on this forum --
    1) Some people are telling me to run the Test higher than the Tren
    2) Others are telling me to keep the Test at a TRT dosage and let the Tren do its job

    So who should I listen to?
    How about this guy?!#.UN471qzX_fs

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Thank you, I've read that thread already.

    For the time being, I'm gonna go with:
    Sustanon: 292mg per week
    Tren E: 700mg per week
    Arimidex: 1mg every other day

    I'll see how I get on.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Actually, on second though, I might reduce the Sustanon to 200mg per week.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Good luck. Post back with your results.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    The advice I was given a week or so ago no longer applies as my symptoms have changed.

    My body has adjusted to the Tren. I no longer have tachycardia nor insomnia nor fatigue, so I could potentially increase the Tren dosage.

    Are there any bad effects to reducting my Testosterone dosage (e.g. lessening of appetite)?

    By the way, contrary to what Lunk1 said, I've been given all sort of different advice on this forum --
    1) Some people are telling me to run the Test higher than the Tren
    2) Others are telling me to keep the Test at a TRT dosage and let the Tren do its job

    So who should I listen to?
    Almond...please listen. Your body has NOT adjusted to tren in the way your thinking. You may not be experiencing the sides as much but it is still 150% effective. It's not like a rec drug whre you need more and more and more. If that were the case I have done enough trwn that I should need 2.5 grams now...thats not the case at all!

    The idea isn't to increase dosages till you get's to run as little as possible that gives you gains!

    As far as test higher or will get offsetting advise because it is a matter of preference. Some like their test higher because they feel it helps with keeping an appetite and the lethargy associated with tren. Others (like myself) prefer test lower to keep the E2 related sides down!

    You def. had been advised of the need of an AI and proper dosages...correct?

    I know it sounds like I'm busting your chops but I'm actually trying hard to help you avoid a failed cycle and possible health just have to be willing to listen!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Almond...please listen. Your body has NOT adjusted to tren in the way your thinking. You may not be experiencing the sides as much but it is still 150% effective. It's not like a rec drug whre you need more and more and more. If that were the case I have done enough trwn that I should need 2.5 grams now...thats not the case at all!

    The idea isn't to increase dosages till you get's to run as little as possible that gives you gains!

    As far as test higher or will get offsetting advise because it is a matter of preference. Some like their test higher because they feel it helps with keeping an appetite and the lethargy associated with tren. Others (like myself) prefer test lower to keep the E2 related sides down!

    You def. had been advised of the need of an AI and proper dosages...correct?

    I know it sounds like I'm busting your chops but I'm actually trying hard to help you avoid a failed cycle and possible health just have to be willing to listen!
    listen to lunk he is giving you good advice
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    Thank you, I've read that thread already.

    For the time being, I'm gonna go with:
    Sustanon: 292mg per week
    Tren E: 700mg per week
    Arimidex: 1mg every other day

    I'll see how I get on.
    This is my have had your heart set on running that stupid high dose of tren from the beggining. Let me tell you...I have run numerous tren cycles and this one I'm on now, I too thought I would see what a big dose was like. 750mg a week for 4 weeeks was enough for me and I dropped back down to 500mg. I notice NO extra benifit to the added dosage and way more extreme sides. Atomini has said the same thing after his 800mg EW run. He couldnt wait to get finished and said that there was not enough added benifit to run that high again.

    Not to mention this is your first tren cycle (correct)...why would you think that dose is remotely necessary when veteren tren users are still using 250-400mg EW with great success!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    This is my have had your heart set on running that stupid high dose of tren from the beggining. Let me tell you...I have run numerous tren cycles and this one I'm on now, I too thought I would see what a big dose was like. 750mg a week for 4 weeeks was enough for me and I dropped back down to 500mg. I notice NO extra benifit to the added dosage and way more extreme sides. Atomini has said the same thing after his 800mg EW run. He couldnt wait to get finished and said that there was not enough added benifit to run that high again.

    Not to mention this is your first tren cycle (correct)...why would you think that dose is remotely necessary when veteren tren users are still using 250-400mg EW with great success!
    right now im using 50mg of tren a ed.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    right now im using 50mg of tren a ed.
    After plenty of experimenting I am most likely going to saty at 400 or less as 400 seems to be the magic number where sides get crappy yet gains are still great at 400 or less!

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