Would steroids be bad for someone thats 16 or 17?
Would steroids be bad for someone thats 16 or 17?
You might get a ear full for this thread.
It is as bad as an idea gets.
You are probably better off trying other things that are also mysterious and exciting to someone at your age and most likely not suffer as much from the long-term consequences of roid use at that age.
Unless there is a medical necessity, it is a very bad idea. If you are 17 or 18 and still prepubescent then perhaps a doctor may recommend it for you. I hope this is not the case for you. If it is your doctor will let you know. If you have gone through pueberty, your natural test levels should be very high already, and you may get a lot more damage to your body's ability to develop naturally...
that sucks.. im as bad as an ectomorph can get. Been underweight all my life. I see results in gym but its like 5x slower than everyone else. Guess ill keep doing what im doing till im older
What does your everyday diet look like?
Definitely wait. I'm sure mickeyknox will have some great threads for you to read soon enough. That is if he even bothers haha. Trust me man, get a great diet going and lots of protein! You will definitely notice more.Originally Posted by arman067
How old are you? I'm guessing not 23?
Post up everything you ate yesterday. I can bet your not eating as much as you thing you are
You're an Ecto you say? Great! that means you can gobble down tasty food and not get fat!
Do what the others suggested, and post everything you eat in a day, age, weight and height, and you'll get some solid advice.
Doing AAS (steroids in common tounge) at a young age is VERY bad for you, and will most likely defeat your goal of becoming muscular in the end.
That aside, if you cant eat enough to support muscle-growth WITHOUT AAS, you're not gonna benefit anything at all from doing 'em either, even if you were old enough.
Bottom line: You're not going to grow till you learn how to eat.
Without knowing how, and what, you eat now I'd say eat 2-3 more times a day!
Grilled chicken, a can of tuna, another protein shake, cottage cheese, Lean beef, Eggs. Fit extra stuff like this inbetween meals.
If you have a hard time eating as big portions as you should, which is the case for many ectos, make sure you get enough protein, then you could grab some natural nuts or almonds, fill up a shot glass of those (about a big handfull or 20-25grams) and eat after you've finished your regular meals. 3-5 times a day will mean an increase in calories by roughly 300-500/day.
lots of proteins, lots of carbs, and im supplementing. Im getting protein equal to my bodyweight without using any whey. I use whey after and go even higher than bodyweight. But its not hard when you're 110 pounds =/
I ate everything you wrote that day before even reading it. Except i ate salmon instead of tuna
How old are you?
You get banned because you need to be 18 to join these types if forums. You will have your account suspended here pretty soon is guess.
But, you can and should, browse as a guest in the nutrition forum and workout forum as much as possible, they will help you enormously!
A 15 year old asking about steroids, and they say girls are the ones pressured to look good.
Also do not forget to sleep, the body does the vast majority of repair work (like building muscles at night) so try to get at least 8 hrs.
Do heavy sets of compound excersizes with lots of focus on the lower body, squats and the like will build mass both lower and upper body like no other. Avoid cardio and endurance sports, by all means warm up throroughly but once warm 2-3 very heavy sets of 6-8 reps to total exhaustion per body part will be sufficient to stimulate all the growth your body can support.
Remember the body at any age but particularly at 15 is very quick to adapt to any situation, so if you workout with wieghts and then play baseball or run track for a couple of hours the body will see the later as the excersize it needs to adapt to. If you eat a ton, sleep a bunch and warm up then do 3 sets (6-8 reps) per body part to total exhaustion your body will adapt to this also. In this case the message to the body is clear, don't worry this is all you have to do each day, so grow big, this is the only way to protect yourself from whats coming tommorow.
Yeah your right, what a shame.
However what really impresses me about this guy is his receptivness to the answer, its a damn shame we do not have more young men with the intelligence to come to those obviously know the answer but who have nothing to gain or loose by how they answer. So many ask a coach or an older friend, or worse case scenario a guy who sells them. Its a shame this guy will get the axe but I am sure he is smart enough to read the nutritional and workout forums and finish as a guest learning what he needs to achieve his goals natually.
Last edited by Far from massive; 12-29-2012 at 02:00 PM.
Big big props for listening to what the guys here are saying regarding AAS, stay on the board as a guest and read up on diet and training.
I'd still be willing to bet you're not eating enough kcals though mate. As an ecto you really have to stuff your face all day long to get somewhere.
Try aiming for 2000kcals for starters, and see where that puts you in a month or so.
110g of protein is 440kcal or 22% of your daily energy requirement, you want this to be higher.
I'd say you could aim to eat at least something like:
150g Protein - 600 kcal 30% of your daily cals
250g Carbs - 1000 kcal 50% of your daily cals
45g Fat - 405 kcal 20% of your daily cals
That's a 30/50/20 split
A more common split would be 40/40/20, or even 50/30/20, but you're having trouble gaining weight in the first place, so more carbs wont hurt you.
1/2 a pound of chicken, grilled or made in the oven
150g of rice (weighed dry)
Divide that into two meals per day, along with a glass of 1,5% fat milk each time, and you have half of your kcals and half of your protein already.
It'll be:
P: 83g - 332 kcal
C: 133g - 532 kcal
F: 15g - 135 kcal
Total: 999 kcal
Theres nothing wrong with eating the same stuff twice in a day, saves effort on the cooking as well.
Im guessing youre not the cook in the household, but you could toy around with making "smoothies" on lets say 200g cottage cheese (around 24g of protein right there), 1dl plain greek yoghurt, some sweetener and frozen raspberries as an example, tastes really nice and is quite rich in protein.
I forgot the exact macros (macros being protein, carbs and fats), but I did one on 1/2 a frozen banana, low fat cottage cheese, a tiny bit of low fat milk, some greek yoghurt and protein powder with banana flavor that ended up tasting superb! As well as having 60g of protein in it.
Try to eat at least 6 times a day, not all of the 6 times has to be full meals, but as an ecto you need to eat every chance you get.
If you cant manage to keep to the 2000kcals, as well as make the split, then make sure you get enough protein, and eat something a bit higher in fat, just to get the total cals up.
I'm too tired to make sense right now, so I'll stop the post here, but I hope you get where I'm going with this.
Hop over on the nutrition forum and read up on stuff, there's also a forum with some ready made recipes you could have a look at.
You'll have a harder time putting on muscles as an Ecto, but on the other hand, you'll have an easier time looking absolutely shredded once you do.
SteM & FFM.....Originally Posted by Far from massive
You guys certainly don't need my accolades, but great advice to the kid. Despite being too young to have an account, I applaud him for asking before he leaps into something that could have irrevocable consequences. The best thing he could have heard was the truth about the risks as well as encouragement to read as a guest and to focus on nutrition and proper training. It's shocking to hear a 15 year old considering steroids but I'm sure he's not alone. Rather than blow him off or belittle the guy, he got some sincere advice about what was truly best for him and his health.
In any other board he probably would have been ridiculed or berated but our wise members dealt with this in a very professional and courteous manner. I just wanted to acknowledge the great advice and say thanks for being reputable ambassadors on this forum. This kind of advice and encouragement to current and future members makes be proud to be part of this forum.
Well done gentlemen.![]()
You give good advice every time just in a "tough love" kind of way. LolOriginally Posted by Lunk1
Good to be back home where the warmer weather is! Watch your back on those slippery road ways!
32!?!? You'll be breaking out the bike and the cycling shorts in that balmy weather!!!! LolOriginally Posted by Lunk1
Lunk doing cardio????????????Originally Posted by MuscleInk
I'm gonna call him Mr. Cardio soon! Bought himself a new elliptical too! He's going all out crazy with cardio. Told me he bikes over 500 miles a summer and even shared some photos of him in his tighty bike shorts - scared the heck out of me! LolOriginally Posted by SteM
I won't be banning you I will however be suspending you... you will still be able to read and learn... which you should try to read all you can on this subject... use the search... and listen to what these guys have said to you... they have no reason to steer you wrong... their goal is to help you meet your goal safely...
Good Luck and enjoy!
Every man has the ability to be a fool, it is what he does to recover that shows who the fool really is.
Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
~Aldous Huxley~
Completely Cleanse Your Body of Steroids in Only 5 Days! - www.SteroidCleanse.com
Help Stop Steroid Abuse - Click Here!
Perfect. This allows junior to continue to read and educate himself.
OP, this is simply another reason this site is head and shoulders above the rest. And keep in mind the suspension is not punishment, its for your own safety.
See you around here in a few years bud!![]()
Also nobody seems to have mentioned, don't forgot to enjoy your childhood, go chase some girls around and have fun with mates you're only 15 once.
Very nice admin!
Op, I'll say this. You can make substantial progress naturally. I'm a natural ectomorph myself. It just takes time and discipline but you can do it. Enjoy your time here reading and learning!
ps: no more admin compliments. It'll go right to his head....
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