Hello everyone. I used to be a member here a while ago (username was "MartyMcFly" but don't have that email anymore so I can't use that account). I was browsing around and came upon the pictures forum again. I noticed that a few pics on there still had their EXIF data on there. Using that data, I can find the GPS coordinates of the place you took the photo. With this I can find out your address on Google Maps. It would only take a second to find out the owner of the house if one was so inclined.
I wanted to bring this to everyone's attention since you are participating in and discussing illegal activities. It is not only the police you have to worry about, some may want to rob you if you post pics of your stash.
Here is a link to a freeware program that will strip this data: Wouldn't let me post the link but use google.
Thank you for your time and be safe out there.