So I was checking out AR-R and was about to get some arimidex but I also saw Letrozole on there. Anybody have a preference?
So I was checking out AR-R and was about to get some arimidex but I also saw Letrozole on there. Anybody have a preference?
Or Exemestane?
My preference is Aromasin - Liquid Stane. Second would be Arimidex - Liquidex. Letro is the most powerful AI. Generally, this AI is frequently used to control gynecomastia.
Differences between them..
Exemestane (Aromasin)
Exemestane is a steroidal suicidal Type 1 irreversible aromatase inhibitor. It’s a naturally occurring substance from androstenedione which makes it very similar to formestane, one can call them brothers if they would like. It’s a newer generation AI which shows lots of promising potential as it does not abuse cholesterol as bad as other AI’s have been reported to do so along positive effects on bone mineral density. It also does not lower IGF levels which pretty much all other AI’s with the exception of formestane (raises IGF) lowers them. Since Exemestane is a steroidal AI, it does have some androgenic properties which can lead to some minor strength and size gain along an increase masculinity. The byproduct from the liver called 17-hydroxyexemestane is a metabolite which is created by the reduction of the 17-oxo group by way of the 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase which is responsible for its potent anti-estrogenic properties. Studies suggest Exemestane will block circulating estrogen up to 85% in women and 65% in men within a 12 hour span. When exemestane reaches full blood plasma concentration within the blood, it will block up to 98% of estrogen which means its POTENT. Based on a couple of studies I have read the only AI that can be taken with Novladex to reduce the estrogen that comes from increased testosterone would be Exemestane. Novladex inhibits the effectiveness of arimadex and other AI’s based on this study: J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2001 Dec;79(1-5):85-91. I present the study to you good bros so you see that I am not trying pull the wool over your eyes. The suggested use of Aromasin/Exemestane is 25mg to see the 20% decrease in SHBG, 65% decrease in estradiol, and 60% increase in total/ 117% in free testosterone.
A NOTE: The main difference between Type 1(suicidal) and Type 2(competitive) is that type 1 will deactivate the estrogen and the enzyme will be gone, which means a new aromatase enzyme must be created. In Type 2 AI’s, the AI will compete for the binding site and once the individual stops taking the AI, the effects will come to a hault which can be problematic if you are on or still carry metabolites of a highly aromatizing androgen in your system.
Arimadex (Anastrozole)
Anastrozole is a Type 2 non-steroidal competitive aromatase inhibitor (second generation) which functions by blocking the aromatase enzyme (chromosome P450), the key enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Without the usage of an AI during an aromatizing cycle there are many unwanted side effects that may occur such as water retention, fat gain and growth of glandular tissue within the breast tissue aka gyno.Estrogen is needed for increased androgen receptor density, increased GH, IGF output, and glucose metabolism/utilization. Competitve reversible aromatse inhibitros do not stop the production or reduce estrogen, but prevent the estrogen from launching its effects by competitively binding up the receptors for estrogen, which is paralyzes estrogen from manifesting it’s tendencies. Unfortunately as explained before, once one stops taking it, the enzyme will continue from where it left at which could potentially lead to an estrogen overload aka “estrogen rebound”. Since Arimadex works is potent at preventing estrogen manifestation, it can plunge cholesterol levels.Estrogen is needed to maintain healthy cholesterol levels which is common sense it is cholesterol derived. This why many people prefer to use SERM’s to control estrogen while on cycle without limiting gains and keeping cholesterol ratios of HDL to LDL in a healther range. If I had to suggest a SERM to use during a cycle, it would definitely be Raloxifene since its more potent than Novla in reducing gyno and does not have much evidence of affecting IGF, plus its less toxic than Novla as well. One other drawback is that Arimadex is really expensive, near the price as exemstane; yet in my opinion nowhere near the value as exemestane. Although, there is no doubt that Arimadex is potent as it does block over 95% of estrogen within peak concentrations, near Letro but not quite that strong.
Letrozole ( third generation) is a non steroidal selective third generation aromatse inhibitor which just like Arimadex will not give off androgenic effects. Its very similar to Arimadex which why they both are called Type2 non-sterodial competitive aromatase inhibitor. The main difference between Femara and Arimadex is that Femara is MORE potent. The MAX dosage for this AI is only 2.5mgs, by no means does one ever up the dosage, this will obliterate one’s estrogen by 98-99% within peak concentrations and is detrimental to cholesterol over pronlonged usage. I never recommend it on testosterone since studies suggest that when estrogen is blocked while taking testosterone, HDL (good cholesterol) plummets to unsafe levels. Now the good thing about letro is that if estrogen is starting to irritate the glandular tissue of the breast tissue, letro if presented on time will clear up the issues at hand. For some reason people think that if gyno calcifies; Letro will be able to get rid of it, NOT TRUE, only surgery will get rid of gyno at that point. Be aware of your chest when running any compound as I have seen non-aromatizing compounds cause gyno in some people. Remember when using AAS, you are using an exogenous hormone that is not part of the body’s current chemistry and could cause issues such as gyo. Do not use during PCT as its detrimental to one's libido and lipids, only during cycle and please be careful with it since its extremely anti-estrogenic.
Thanks alot. cleared it up pretty well. But I think I'm gonna go with Liquidex just mainly because of the price difference cause I'd have to get 2 bottles of stane and damn that stuffs high. Oh, I've heard good stuff about ar-r but are they underdosed? I'm just a little wary of using their stuff. I don't f*** around when it comes to AI and PCT lol.
Neither do we. Thats why we use AR-R.
They are probably the most reliable, respected, and most professional chem site on the Internet. All their products are 100% gtg. And their customer service is unmatched by any other chem site. There's a huge 30% off sale on right now.![]()
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