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Thread: My gains?

  1. #1

    My gains?

    Hi guys,

    Been on my sus250 (organon) 500mg/week and tren e (thaiger pharm) 300mg/week cycle for 4.5 weeks now its the first cycle that I've had 'quality' gear. My other few cycles I gain at least 6-8kg but this cycle my gains aren't as dramatic as I was expecting ive only gain 3kg.

    I will add that 1.5 years ago I weighed 60kg due to way to much partying so I cleaned myself up and got back to training. I now weight 83kgs so my question is will my gains stop being as dramatic because I'm reaching my genetic potential? Or I'm simply not eating enough?

    Thanks for the replies

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    I would up the meals a bit. You should still be gaining weight at that stage in a cycle

  3. #3
    I eat 6 400gram meals a day? 200grams of meat 200grams of rice or sweet potato

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    post up what you ate yesterday.

  5. #5
    Breakfast: 1 cup oats 2 cups liquid egg whites
    Meals 2-5 200grams chicken 200grams rice
    Meal 6 steak bread rolls pasta salad and veggie salad (had BBQ with the gf)
    Mass gainer shake before bed
    And somewhere in there I MIGHT of had KFC haha

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    With out seeing macros it looks like you are getting enough carbs and protein and that should be enough gear to make gains. What are your stats?

  7. #7
    22years old 83kg 165cm guessing my body fat is around 13-14%

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Cycle experience?

  9. #9
    I've done 4 test only cycles my last cycle was sus and tren and this cycle is the same sus and tren

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    200g chicken
    P: 44
    F: 2.5

    200g rice
    P: 19
    C: 144
    F: 6

    Totaling: P: 63g, C:144g, F: 8.5g Calories: 904 x 4 times a day: 3600kcal
    2 cups egg white: 45g prot, - 180kcal
    1 cup oats: P: 13g, C: 58g, F: 7g, - 347kcal

    Steak bread rolls and gainer - I havent got a clue, but I doubt you're lacking in food...

    310g+ protein/ day, and way over 4000kcal..

    At 83kgs and 14% bf, you'd have a TDEE around 2300kcal

  11. #11
    I think I'm getting 'to big' so my body won't pack on the weigh as dramatic ? Do you no what I'm trying to say

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Or you aren't eating as much as u think u are. Or don't do it consistently everyday. Wont help if u eat all that one day, then only 1500 the next

  13. #13
    Yeah that's true I do have my off days where I don't eat as much due to heat at work and the fact that tren kills my appetite my eating is consistent BUT a couple of days a week generally it turns to shit...

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