I'm in a bit of a dilemma here.. I need some advise on what's best to do.
I already have on deck 30ml of Test E (250mg/ml) as well as some clen
I'm already fairly lean, but my goal for now is to put on a little more mass and get shredded (6-7% BF).
How would you run the test e and clen and why? What's the best strategy here?
I was thinking maybe first I should diet away 10 - 15 lb of fat and use the clen along. Then wait a few weeks for my metabolism to stabilize and then start the test e cycle.
Is there a better strategy to follow by maybe incorporating both test e and clen in the same cycle to get the results I want? I have no previous experience with either so I'm kind of unsure how they would interact together and what results I'd get.
But most importantly.. what would Jesus do??