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Thread: Dbol only cycle?

  1. #1

    Dbol only cycle?

    Hey guys,
    I am a long time reader and supporter of this site this is my first post.

    I am 23, I have been training for about 4 years and about 2 months ago I tried a winstrol cycle that I was given. Results were not what I expected.

    Now I am thinking of doing a Dbol only cycle.

    My current weight and height 5'8" at approximately 152 lbs.

    Diet is about 3600 Calories(probably might increase it in my cycle)
    -Egg Whites
    -Red Meat
    -Brown Rice
    -Wheat Pasta
    -Wheat Bread
    -Sometimes i treat myself to fruits.

    - Creatine

    Obviously I will start a milk thistle cycle before and during the cycle.

    My question is as follows, would it be a good idea and would i see decent results. I understand its not as common as just stacking Dbol with a steroid, but at this time I feel I am not ready to go with injections. I also have a phobia of needles, doctors need ti tie me down to get a blood sample.

    I am in the gym about 2-3 hours a day and I have been pretty good about lifting as heavy as possible but I have hit a plateau and feel a little boost might get me going.

    Please let me know.

    Also people I have spoken with out here have been stating 90 pills of dbol(thai) for 200. I think that is pretty high from what I have read on here.

    Please let me know your words of wisdom.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Bro if you been here reading you should know we dont endorse oral cycles.We tell everyone test is a base for all cycles.Read the stickys Bro.

  3. #3
    you should do a "Test" only cycle to see what sides your prone to then after your first cycle start adding orals.
    Never ever do oral only cycles because most of the weight you put on with dbol is just water retention.

    Do a Test-e or Test-c cycle and once you've done that you should start stacking more.

    also, alot of members will say your too young, but if your set on doing it like I said start off with Test.

    Thanks, hope this helps!

  4. #4
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    Your only 22 as well bit on the young side

  5. #5
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    On top of what everyone else said...if youre afraid of needles, AAS is NOT for you.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    On top of what everyone else said...if youre afraid of needles, AAS is NOT for you.
    ^^ agreed Test has to be the base of any worth while cycle!

  7. #7
    Okay so after a lot more reading and a lot more thinking I think i will try a Test E Cycle. I am 23 and I think that during the winter would be the best time to gain the most mass. I have yet to find a source but i am sure one will come up around here soon.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Read the rules, we are not a source board and dont allow fishing for sources!!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkw1sh
    Okay so after a lot more reading and a lot more thinking I think i will try a Test E Cycle. I am 23 and I think that during the winter would be the best time to gain the most mass. I have yet to find a source but i am sure one will come up around here soon.
    This should have been the first thing you read:!#.UOqHuUK9Kc0

    Please abide by the rules or you may be banned from the board.

  10. #10
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    At 5'8" and 152 lbs you don't even have a base to build off. Try really eating and training hard for a couple more years before you cycle

  11. #11
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    Dec 2012
    Wow you guys are brutal. 22 is old enough for the army I'm pretty sure four years of training is enough for him to decide to do AAS.
    Way more than enough actually.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fraser1994
    you should do a "Test" only cycle to see what sides your prone to then after your first cycle start adding orals.
    Never ever do oral only cycles because most of the weight you put on with dbol is just water retention.

    Do a Test-e or Test-c cycle and once you've done that you should start stacking more.

    also, alot of members will say your too young, but if your set on doing it like I said start off with Test.

    Thanks, hope this helps!
    Bad advice kid
    OP don't listen to this please
    Keep researching till your ready

  13. #13
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    Dec 2012
    Even if 23 is "old" enough heresay, 152 lbs is not enough of a base to start. Ok 3600 cal a day? Do you know how many you burn a day? I'm leaning towards calling bs on 3600 cal a day. You would be heavier than 152 lbs. Dont take this the wrong way, cause your gonna hear it a lot , but you need to stay focused on diet and gym, very small cardio and get up to 180-190 then think about AAS. And don't be one of those guys that doesn't listen and waists $$ on a cycle . Gain some lbs, more research, cause your gonna need a HcG , AI, PCT and sh*t on hand . I'm not trying to crush dreams just giving advice and my opinion

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by valkyrie View Post
    Wow you guys are brutal. 22 is old enough for the army I'm pretty sure four years of training is enough for him to decide to do AAS.
    Way more than enough actually.
    Really? Are you basing youre opinion on the minimum age requirement to enter the Military? If so, I think YOURE the one who is brutal.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    On top of what everyone else said...if youre afraid of needles, AAS is NOT for you.
    Needles were my only phobia but I realize that's cause the people that administer them in clinics treat you like cattle. Much easier on your own, phobia gone!

    OP... Dbol only is gonna be a waste. If you read around the site long enough you'd notice all the reviews and opinions on this cycle..

  16. #16
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    I have ran dbol before. Not alone it was stacked but just FYI , dbol is a protein synthesis. It stores protein in the body longer. Very harsh on kidney/liver. And you have to double or even triple your h2o intake with dbol. So you will also bloat a little bit. So yes a dbol only might give you a better pump (depending) but is basically pointless !

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Scottyb13
    Even if 23 is "old" enough heresay, 152 lbs is not enough of a base to start. Ok 3600 cal a day? Do you know how many you burn a day? I'm leaning towards calling bs on 3600 cal a day. You would be heavier than 152 lbs. Dont take this the wrong way, cause your gonna hear it a lot , but you need to stay focused on diet and gym, very small cardio and get up to 180-190 then think about AAS. And don't be one of those guys that doesn't listen and waists $$ on a cycle . Gain some lbs, more research, cause your gonna need a HcG , AI, PCT and sh*t on hand . I'm not trying to crush dreams just giving advice and my opinion
    Sorry man I'm going to have to disagree here... I was 6'2" at 155lbs and could not gain an ounce... I was eating all the right things and was doing little to no cardio... Just some people's genetics work differently than others... I had a very high calorie and protein intake as well... Once I started Beastdrol in 6 weeks 3 bottles I gained 25 lbs... So to tell someone to just keep eating is plain ole horse shit... Yes most do gain but others do not gain easily at all... But I do agree on doing all the research you can before doing anything... And look the guy is here getting advise so instead of hounding him help him out

  18. #18
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    I was just giving him a heads up on what to expect from others opinions and what he is gonna hear a lot of is all.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjsurfer26

    Sorry man I'm going to have to disagree here... I was 6'2" at 155lbs and could not gain an ounce... I was eating all the right things and was doing little to no cardio... Just some people's genetics work differently than others... I had a very high calorie and protein intake as well... Once I started Beastdrol in 6 weeks 3 bottles I gained 25 lbs... So to tell someone to just keep eating is plain ole horse shit... Yes most do gain but others do not gain easily at all... But I do agree on doing all the research you can before doing anything... And look the guy is here getting advise so instead of hounding him help him out
    I have to disagree with this as well if you were stuck at155lbs then you weren't eating ENOUGH plain as that. You might have been eating the right stuff but not enough. And if after your cycle you gained 25lbs (of muscle which I doubt) you would have to eat a hell of a lot more than you were to maintain it.

    I have done Dbol on its own in a cycle a few times and its a waste of time OP you will put on weight but you will lose it once you cease dbol. You will shut yourself down for nothing and be miserable when all that water weight is gone.

    Just my opinion guys Forum chit chat

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigsiv

    I have to disagree with this as well if you were stuck at155lbs then you weren't eating ENOUGH plain as that. You might have been eating the right stuff but not enough. And if after your cycle you gained 25lbs (of muscle which I doubt) you would have to eat a hell of a lot more than you were to maintain it.

    I have done Dbol on its own in a cycle a few times and its a waste of time OP you will put on weight but you will lose it once you cease dbol. You will shut yourself down for nothing and be miserable when all that water weight is gone.

    Just my opinion guys Forum chit chat
    When I did my first cycle (dbol only, about 10 years ago when I was dumb as all hell) I was 6' 155 ad couldn't gain shit either. Did dbol and gained about 25 pounds, but after the water retention went away and I was recovering natural test I actually lost weight below the 155. After that I dedicated myself to perfecting my diet and workout. You'd be amazed at what it can do to people who think they "just can't gain an ounce". I used to b one of those fellas. Granted it took a lifestyle change and about 5 years to gain 40 pounds. But this is has to b a lifestyle change, not a fad. And yes I'm aware f genetic potential, but if ur genetic potential is 6'2'' 155, I'm gonna say you have a genetic flaw that needs to be dealt with. Then u need to treat the problem, not the symptoms with aas.

    Moral of the story, patience and dedication will, 9 times out of 10, get u where u want to be. THEN use aas to push past your true genetic potential.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Really? Are you basing youre opinion on the minimum age requirement to enter the Military? If so, I think YOURE the one who is brutal.
    Lol please read complete sentence. Four years of training.

    Its annoying how certain posters deem themselves the arbiters of who is worthy or not worthy of doing steroids. Just can't wait to condescendingly declare someone too fat too young too inexperienced.

    This is the question and answer forum. Giving advice is great. Thinking there is some magical dividing line which only the worthy may cross into AASland is ludicrous.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    PS great advice ITT regarding calories.

    Foodadrol should be the first performance enhancer. Must eat to gain.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by valkyrie View Post
    PS great advice ITT regarding calories.

    Foodadrol should be the first performance enhancer. Must eat to gain.
    The best oral ever! Expensive but worth every penny!

  24. #24
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    North east England
    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219

    When I did my first cycle (dbol only, about 10 years ago when I was dumb as all hell) I was 6' 155 ad couldn't gain shit either. Did dbol and gained about 25 pounds, but after the water retention went away and I was recovering natural test I actually lost weight below the 155. After that I dedicated myself to perfecting my diet and workout. You'd be amazed at what it can do to people who think they "just can't gain an ounce". I used to b one of those fellas. Granted it took a lifestyle change and about 5 years to gain 40 pounds. But this is has to b a lifestyle change, not a fad. And yes I'm aware f genetic potential, but if ur genetic potential is 6'2'' 155, I'm gonna say you have a genetic flaw that needs to be dealt with. Then u need to treat the problem, not the symptoms with aas.

    Moral of the story, patience and dedication will, 9 times out of 10, get u where u want to be. THEN use aas to push past your true genetic potential.
    Good post Tron

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by valkyrie
    PS great advice ITT regarding calories.

    Foodadrol should be the first performance enhancer. Must eat to gain.
    Agreed Foodadrol is the best anabolic i have had!!!

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by kjsurfer26 View Post
    Sorry man I'm going to have to disagree here... I was 6'2" at 155lbs and could not gain an ounce... I was eating all the right things and was doing little to no cardio... Just some people's genetics work differently than others... I had a very high calorie and protein intake as well... Once I started Beastdrol in 6 weeks 3 bottles I gained 25 lbs... So to tell someone to just keep eating is plain ole horse shit... Yes most do gain but others do not gain easily at all... But I do agree on doing all the research you can before doing anything... And look the guy is here getting advise so instead of hounding him help him out
    It isn't about agree or disagree....It is 100% true...It isn't up for argument, it is a proven fact....

    Yes, everyone's metabolism is different...So if your metabolism is super fast and your body is burning more calories then the average person it doesn't matter if you eat a lot....What matters is you have to take in a surplus of calories compared to your maintenance caloric intake for the day....

    Bottom line, you're not gaining eat more....i don't care if you're eating 6,000 calories a day....You're not gaining eat more...It is a SCIENTIFIC PROVEN FACT, eat more calories then your body needs you're going to gain weight...

    It's not up for discussion..

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by valkyrie View Post
    Wow you guys are brutal. 22 is old enough for the army I'm pretty sure four years of training is enough for him to decide to do AAS.
    Way more than enough actually.
    It's not about if someone is MATURE enough or if they have the right to do it...It is about having a fully developed endocrine system...using too early of an age can put them at risk for destroying their natural testosterone levels for life...Which would have to be treated with TRT testosterone replacement therapy for the rest of their life....

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by darkw1sh View Post
    Hey guys,
    I am a long time reader and supporter of this site this is my first post.

    I am 23, I have been training for about 4 years and about 2 months ago I tried a winstrol cycle that I was given. Results were not what I expected.

    Now I am thinking of doing a Dbol only cycle.

    My current weight and height 5'8" at approximately 152 lbs.

    Diet is about 3600 Calories(probably might increase it in my cycle)
    -Egg Whites
    -Red Meat
    -Brown Rice
    -Wheat Pasta
    -Wheat Bread
    -Sometimes i treat myself to fruits.

    - Creatine

    Obviously I will start a milk thistle cycle before and during the cycle.

    My question is as follows, would it be a good idea and would i see decent results. I understand its not as common as just stacking Dbol with a steroid, but at this time I feel I am not ready to go with injections. I also have a phobia of needles, doctors need ti tie me down to get a blood sample.

    I am in the gym about 2-3 hours a day and I have been pretty good about lifting as heavy as possible but I have hit a plateau and feel a little boost might get me going.

    Please let me know.

    Also people I have spoken with out here have been stating 90 pills of dbol(thai) for 200. I think that is pretty high from what I have read on here.

    Please let me know your words of wisdom.

    And to answer your main question - NO, I definitely wouldn't take a dbol only cycle for 2 reasons...

    #1 - I would say no because you're not ready for any cycle at that need to get your diet and training in check first...

    #2 - Dbol is mostly water weight...You will gain strength and size fast..But then again it is basically all water weight...As soon as you get off you will lose everything....

    My advice, learn to diet and train correctly, add on some natural size and then take a test cycle....if you want to use dbol then fine....That is typically ONLY what dbol is used is used to "kickstart" a real cycle as it take a few weeks for the injectables to kick in...

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Is the question:

    A) should I get on a DBol only cycle? I think by reading all the posts, the answer is NO.

    B) I'm going on a DBol only cycle, what do you guys think? I think the answer is, it's a waste of money.

    If you've been training solid for 4 years and have had your diet in check then you stand to lose more on a DBol only cycle than anything.

    Either continue natty till your 25+, or if your set on doing it then add some test to your cycle.

    That's my 2 cents worth.

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by valkyrie View Post
    Lol please read complete sentence. Four years of training.

    Its annoying how certain posters deem themselves the arbiters of who is worthy or not worthy of doing steroids. Just can't wait to condescendingly declare someone too fat too young too inexperienced.

    This is the question and answer forum. Giving advice is great. Thinking there is some magical dividing line which only the worthy may cross into AASland is ludicrous.
    You think four years of training and the minimum entry age of the Military determines if a person is ready for AAS? Youre joking right? You obviously need to do more research and educate yourself about the serious health risks that young people face when using AAS at an early age.

    Its not about arbitration or being condescending - its about being responsible. This is something you learn with experience and knowledge. Stick around, you have a lot to learn.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    It's not about if someone is MATURE enough or if they have the right to do it...It is about having a fully developed endocrine system...using too early of an age can put them at risk for destroying their natural testosterone levels for life...Which would have to be treated with TRT testosterone replacement therapy for the rest of their life....
    Good point. 22 is still old enough and I don't think the risk of permanently destroying their endocrine system is greater than a 23 or 24 year old.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by valkyrie View Post

    Good point. 22 is still old enough and I don't think the risk of permanently destroying their endocrine system is greater than a 23 or 24 year old.
    I do not agree with this..
    Last edited by Soar; 01-07-2013 at 03:12 PM.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    You think four years of training and the minimum entry age of the Military determines if a person is ready for AAS? Youre joking right? You obviously need to do more research and educate yourself about the serious health risks that young people face when using AAS at an early age.

    Its not about arbitration or being condescending - its about being responsible. This is something you learn with experience and knowledge. Stick around, you have a lot to learn.
    I was just about to come to your defense big man! Looks like you've addressed this sufficiently.

    You know where I stand on this issue. Unless this 22 yr old is almost guaranteed to go pro in body building, arresting his endocrine development prematurely all for gaining a few pounds of water weight IS "ludicrous".

    Attention to nutrition and a higher caloric intake is the path he should choose. Some of the most committed and successful guys here are consuming in excess of 4500 cals per day. If you eat that much or more daily, you WILL bulk. I don't care how fast your metabolism is. Eventually you will outpace a fast metabolism and grow accordingly.

    Good response Mick.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Oh yes. I know exactly where you stand on this issue.

    In fact i think most of us would agree that introducing AAS under the age of 25 is not a wise choice. However that's not to say that's where the line in the sand is drawn. But based on the overwhelming information that supports the majority of opinions that safe use of AAS at an early age is not recommend for a variety of reasons, is the path i choose to take as i believe it to be the most responsible course.

    Thanks for the support MI.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
    Oh yes. I know exactly where you stand on this issue.

    In fact i think most of us would agree that introducing AAS under the age of 25 is not a wise choice. However that's not to say that's where the line in the sand is drawn. But based on the overwhelming information that supports the majority of opinions that safe use of AAS at an early age is not recommend for a variety of reasons, is the path i choose to take as i believe it to be the most responsible course.

    Thanks for the support MI.
    Always brother.


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