I am going to link him to this thread. He is 20 years old, 6'1" and currently 75kg/165lbs. He has cycled 3 times previously, a few months apart (1 dbol cycle, and 2 200mg test 200mg masteron cycle + PCTed properly) and has cut from 90kg 20% bodyfat to 73kg 7-8%. He's currently 75kg and above 15% bodyfat and wants to run a dbol only cycle. He had his blood done and everything is normal.
I've told him firstly he shouldnt be cycling due to HPTA potentionally messing up for life. Secondly a dbol cycle is pointless because it is liver toxic and the gains will be temporary. Can anyone add to this and explain further? i'm no expert myself and have never cycled but i have read a shitload on here and am studying biomedical sciences.