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Thread: Preparing to do First cycle...still some q's i havent found answers for...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    South FL

    Talking Preparing to do First cycle...still some q's i havent found answers for...

    Hi All,
    First off i want to say thanks for all the great info you guys post here, i've been lurking around the boards doing some research for quite some time now and have learned a ton! I know i still have a way to go, but i feel much more confident about using AS now that i know about it! i've had a lot of friends take it and consequently lose their gains, all due in my opinion to lack of education. Well (hopefully) this won't be my fate!

    I'm going to start my cycle in July/August, i still feel i have some gains i can make in the gym before that. or at the very least, i can strengthen my bones up a bit. I'm an ectomorph, 6'0" 170 lbs, early 20's. have always been skinny (actualy i used to weight like 145 (eeeek) but through time spent in the gym have managed to but on 25 lbs. I'm lookng to try and get BIG i'm more than willing to put on some body fat in the process. This is what i'm thinking of for my cycle.

    500mgs testosterone(Enanthate)/week for 11 weeks
    300-400 mgs Deca/week for 10 weeks
    30mgs DBOLs/day for the first 5 weeks of the cycle (taking 5mgs every 2 hours)
    on week 12 (3 weeks after my last Deca injection and 2 weeks after my last Test injection) i'm going to start Clomid therapy. 300mg the first day, 100mg next 10 days and 50mg the next 14 days.

    I'm going to take all the other bells and whistles accordingly along w/my cycle:
    Milk thistle, ALA, Saw Palmetto, a multivitamin, Finasteride, Novladex, and Armidex (even that shampoo that helps your hair not fall out lol).

    Am also going to take Glutamine and am thinking of taking Creatine post cycle. questions:

    Well for starters...what do you think of the cycle? I'm not sure exactly how much Deca to take...any opinions?

    I am currently working out as follows:
    Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, Tris
    Day 2: Legs
    Day 3: Back, Bis
    Day 4 and 5: off
    Cycle Repeats

    I am concentrating on the big compound movements only. 2 Warm up sets then something i can do for 6-8 reps, 4-6, 3-4, two sets of 1-2 reps, then i use my warmup weight and go to failure. I do this for pretty much all the exercises i do, Doing one or two per bodypart. I read that this is a good routine for a hardgainer (such as myself)

    Should i keep up the same routine while on gear? should i make it only one day's rest? Should i do one bodypart a day and go 5 or 6 days a week? Should i add sets? reps?

    Is it useful to use Creatine during cycle? i've heard people talk about using it post cycle to help maintain gains, but can't seem to find anything about using it during the cycle.

    This is a slightly odder question and i doubt anyone will really know...i got my nipples pierced a little over a week ago and while talking to the lady doing it she said no Gear for like 6-8 months since it'll mess w/my immune system and my piercings won't heal honestly i could really care less if they take longer to heal lol i just figured i'd ask to see if anyone had any experience w/this.

    I watch my diet now...well actually i just try and eat everythig i can, and i take 2 protein shakes a day, i've read that one should wake up during the middle of the night and eat so that your body doesnt go catabolic, now admittedly i dont do this, but would it make a big difference when i was on gear?

    Also, some of my friends who did gear got stretch marks (actually a lot of them did) is there any way to try and stop this from happening? or at least make it so it doesn't happen as much?

    Thanks for the help! and keep up the great posts!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    i can answer a few....Deca i'd go with 300mg per week.
    you're already gonna be holding water with Deca and Test so save Creatine when recovering to keep stregth.
    I've always found that when working Chest and Tri's and Back and Bi's the same day you tend to overwork the smaller muscles. My spread is
    Chest/Back, Legs/Abs, Bi's/Tri's, Shoulders...M,Tu,Th,F.
    I never did the nightly <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> shake and still gained from my cycle, but I definately think it would contribute to gains.
    My boy did a gram of Test a week with Pierced Nipples and he's fine...another friend is currently doing a Test/Fina/EQ/Winny Cycle with both nips pierced and he didnt hear anything.

    That's about all i can looks like you did some good research though and i commend you for that..keep us updated with your results.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Good looking cycle. Looks like youve done some research for yourself. first one is always the most fun and having a good one like that ought to be something to remember.

    1. Youll probably get some decent growth w/ 300mg Deca if its not underdosed like TT. 400-450 would be optimal though. At 172 i used 300 for like 5-6 weeks and didnt really get great results until I used 600mg holly sheez I looked great.

    2. The training split looks good but on that much gear youll probably be able to recover w/ one days rest just fine but everyones different. I add a drop set to everyting when Im on.

    3. Creatuine may or may not help you. The main thing I think is to keep your protein levels the same or higher during recovery. That should help w/ retaining gains

    4. For your nips, Test if anything is supposed to strengthen your immune system. According to my info. just make sure you keep it clean cause your gonna sweat on 500mg of test and some dbol. Shit hurts to get done dont it.

    5. Get some coca butter for the stretch marks. i f you see them appear then rub some on at night and when you wake up. Thsi should alleviate the problem.

    One queswtion of my own...
    >week 12? 5mg of dbol every 2 hours is 60 mgs. Clarify your regimen. I hate dbol but I think you should using soemthing fast acting during that waiting period for clomid to keep you there mentally. 20mg should do it though maybe even 15.

    Good luck and stay focused.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Well, you've certainly done some research bro and I commend you for it.

    I would suggest a few changes
    1. Stick with 300 on the Deca, that should be plenty coupled with your test
    2. I would suggest going 4wks on clomid since your using Deca(it tends to shut you down a little harder than others)
    3. I don't think you need'em but if you do use them, back the dbol down to 4wks instead 5.(I prefer Test prop for a jump start)
    4. I'd switch up the training periodically every 3-4wks. I prefer a 5-6 day schedule, but switching up to keep the muscles guessing is a must so whatever training split you start on, change frequently.

    The night shake is nor neccessary. I do it, but only because I wake up constantly anyway. If you can sleep all the way through, then do it. The rest is just as(if not more) important than that nightly protein.

    Stretch Marks will come if your gaining faster than the skin adapts. Not really anything to do to prevent them. If you get them, cocoa-butter fade.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Another thing on the nips. A buddy of mine got his done and the process managed to stimulate prolactin secretion for about 2 months from a pinched gland.
    Now I would not expect this to occur in every procedure but prolactin secretion during your cycle could cause problems to arrise from Decreased test and elevated estrogen so you might want to hold off.

    Do you have lactation right now?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    South FL
    The piercings fine so far...a little gunk in the morning..but that's about far as the DBOLs are concerned i read that it was good to do at the beginning of the cycle as the other steroids took longer to kick you think i should only do it for the first 4 weeks? (sorry if that wasn't clear before...the DBOLs would be at the beginning of the cycle, and the CLOMID 2 weeks after my last injection i.e. the 12th week into my cycle, i read that because of the half life or whatever of certain steroids that it was best to wait 2 weeks after last injection when using Test, and 3 weeks after last injection when using Deca, this also accounts for the last week (week 11) being just Test w/no Deca) as far as DBOLs are concerned if i take 5mg every 2 hours and am only awake 12 hours a day...that's 6 doses...i'm not waking up in the middle of the night or anything for that! haha...i read that it's good to keep the system constantly "juiced" and so this was the best way to do it.

    If you think 400mgs of Deca would do the trick...i'm all for it..thanks for the tip!!!

    So you think i should do back and chest on the same day, then legs, then arms and then shoulders? i want to get the most out of my cycle (i.e fit the most workouts in...although i do know you grow while you're resting, not lifting, i've read that on juice you dont need that much rest, other than sleep that is)

    would it work better like this do you think?

    Day 1 Chest, Back
    Day 2 Legs
    Day 3 Arms and Shoulders
    Day 4 Rest
    and then start over at Day 1 again? or do you think that's too much work and not enough rest?

    Also when you say change up my you think like every 4 or 5 weeks or is that too much (or little) ?

    thanks again for all the help!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Yes the Test and Decca will take a few weeks to get going but I would suggest a test prop jump start than the dbol. Personal prefrence and i think 2 compounds is enough for a first.

    I think 300 will do the trick on the deca

    Switching training splits- I try to do it every 3-4wks, 4-5wks would be fine

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