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Thread: Methyltrienolone (Oral Tren) - Interested in Log?

  1. #1
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    Methyltrienolone (Oral Tren) - Interested in Log?

    Hi folks,

    Methyltrienolone ( is considered THE most androgenic and anabolic steroid out there. I will be kickstarting my next cycle with it. It is one of the most, if not the most, hepatotoxic steroid out there.

    I will post a log if I get enough people interested. My 10 week cycle will consist of Tren E @ 350 mg/week + Test E @ 100 mg/week. MethT will be used for the first 3 weeks at 500mcg (that's micrograms, not milligrams...yeah, it's that strong).

    500mcg ED for a week can be considered equivalent to 200 to 300 mg of Tren A per week.

    I will also be using it again during Week 11 and Week 12 to end the cycle so that I am still "on" while my long esters clear my system. I will start PCT at Week 13.

    So, anyone interested in the log?

  2. #2
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    post proelia praemia
    Id have a look at it, what are you using on cycle like an a.i, bp meds, liver support? all needed with methyltren

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Curious why if you are using test E you don't just use injectable tren??

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop View Post
    Hi folks,

    Methyltrienolone ( is considered THE most androgenic and anabolic steroid out there. I will be kickstarting my next cycle with it. It is one of the most, if not the most, hepatotoxic steroid out there.

    I will post a log if I get enough people interested. My 10 week cycle will consist of Tren E @ 350 mg/week + Test E @ 100 mg/week. MethT will be used for the first 3 weeks at 500mcg (that's micrograms, not milligrams...yeah, it's that strong).

    500mcg ED for a week can be considered equivalent to 200 to 300 mg of Tren A per week.

    I will also be using it again during Week 11 and Week 12 to end the cycle so that I am still "on" while my long esters clear my system. I will start PCT at Week 13.

    So, anyone interested in the log?
    Let me get this straight.....

    you're 20 years old and have only ran test only cycle in the past (all info from your "about me" page) and now you want to run Tren E with basically a TRT dose of test and methyl tren???

    What part of this sounds like a good idea, especially at your age???

    It sounds to me like your just trying MT just to brag about it.... at least thats how it comes across in your post (see bold highlights in quote)

    I'm not trying to be a jerk, but please don't do this for the wrong reason Methyl Tren is serious shit... I have some and have thought about maybe doing it in a future cycle, but the stuff is bad ass and I'm not sure if the results are worth the risk.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Curious why if you are using test E you don't just use injectable tren??
    He is... he wants to use both Tren E and Methyl Tren.... just unnecessary if you ask me....

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    He is... he wants to use both Tren E and Methyl Tren.... just unnecessary if you ask me....
    IC...said the blind man. I see it now....just sounds like a "dumb" plan to me! I'm a big fan of my liver. I really want it to keep working as long as I can lol!

  7. #7
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    I would love to follow the log, also pictures before after would be nice and diet also.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    IC...said the blind man. I see it now....just sounds like a "dumb" plan to me! I'm a big fan of my liver. I really want it to keep working as long as I can lol!
    You and me both... thats a lot of the reason why I am hesitant in ever using the stuff, even though I have a lot of it, for some reason.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    You and me both... thats a lot of the reason why I am hesitant in ever using the stuff, even though I have a lot of it, for some reason.
    Does anybody still produce it other than GP? Thats the last ones I saw...

    Big sales for kids afraid of pins!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Does anybody still produce it other than GP? Thats the last ones I saw...

    Big sales for kids afraid of pins!
    yeah quite a few places got it, i just got an email for this blend, its still saved in the right click copy thingy so i may as well paste it here too, this is a bad boy lol


    It is official: Drakon Labs is auctioning his most famous product - SECRET WEAPON INJECTABLE 300.750

    TPHP 50............ (Test PhenylProp)
    TREN A 50
    NPP 50
    MAST PROP 50

    TBOL 25
    TNE 25.......(Test Base)
    DBOL 25
    DROL 25

    METHYL TREN..... 750 MCG

    Do not miss this one!


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Does anybody still produce it other than GP? Thats the last ones I saw...

    Big sales for kids afraid of pins!
    Mine is GP

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Let me get this straight.....

    you're 20 years old and have only ran test only cycle in the past (all info from your "about me" page) and now you want to run Tren E with basically a TRT dose of test and methyl tren???

    What part of this sounds like a good idea, especially at your age???

    It sounds to me like your just trying MT just to brag about it.... at least thats how it comes across in your post (see bold highlights in quote)

    I'm not trying to be a jerk, but please don't do this for the wrong reason Methyl Tren is serious shit... I have some and have thought about maybe doing it in a future cycle, but the stuff is bad ass and I'm not sure if the results are worth the risk.
    I understand that you are not trying to be a jerk and are just trying to watch out for me.

    My profile About page has not been updated in a while. I have done 2 Tren/Test cycles already. I am not 20 anymore either =P

    I get my bloodwork done every 2 weeks on cycle. I will be looking for elevated liver values. And BTW, the whole liver thing is tad too much overplayed on most bb forums. Methlytren is about as hepatotoxic as Superdrol when taken at effective doses. Most of the studies you will find on PubMed regarding this steroid were done with doses anywhere between 1mg to 5mg. Obviously going to cause problems...that is like taking...hmmm....1000mgs of Anadrol ED. I am to lazy to back this up atm, but as I said before, even if what I am saying is a load of bullcrap, I will keep a constant eye on my liver enzymes.

    I am a big fan of long estered Tren because it gives me very low sides compared to Tren A (I had to stop a Tren A cycle midway before). I usually kickstart with Dbol, but this time around, I want to make Tren the baseline and not use many aromatasing steroids. There are many many GREAT reasons for this and you will find them all in the new Tren sticky on this board. Hence, for kickstarting, I had the choice of Methyl-Tren or Anavar. But since this is a bulking cycle, Anavar was obviously not my first choice given that I have great access to bloodwork.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    Id have a look at it, what are you using on cycle like an a.i, bp meds, liver support? all needed with methyltren
    I will be using Caber at 1mg per week. I will have Aromasin in case I need it but I shouldn't. I will be taking every liver support there is. BP has never been a problem for me before but thanks for mentioning it. I will ask my coach about it.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    IC...said the blind man. I see it now....just sounds like a "dumb" plan to me! I'm a big fan of my liver. I really want it to keep working as long as I can lol!
    Think of this as kickstarting a Tren E cycle with Tren A. But instead of Tren A, I will be using Methyl-Tren. By the time the Tren E has built up in my system to an effective level, I will be off M-T.

    And a simple google search for NEW studies of M-T will show you that <1mg of this compound is relatively safe for your liver.

    Moreover, M-T exchanges ill effects on your cardiovascular system with ill effects on your liver. Normal tren can mess up your can survive a bout of jaundice easily...I won't give you the same odds of surviving a heart transplant.

    Your liver is very strong folks...the only organ in your body with stem-cell like regenerative capacity.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop View Post
    I understand that you are not trying to be a jerk and are just trying to watch out for me.

    My profile About page has not been updated in a while. I have done 2 Tren/Test cycles already. I am not 20 anymore either =P

    I get my bloodwork done every 2 weeks on cycle. I will be looking for elevated liver values. And BTW, the whole liver thing is tad too much overplayed on most bb forums. Methlytren is about as hepatotoxic as Superdrol when taken at effective doses. Most of the studies you will find on PubMed regarding this steroid were done with doses anywhere between 1mg to 5mg. Obviously going to cause problems...that is like taking...hmmm....1000mgs of Anadrol ED. I am to lazy to back this up atm, but as I said before, even if what I am saying is a load of bullcrap, I will keep a constant eye on my liver enzymes.

    I am a big fan of long estered Tren because it gives me very low sides compared to Tren A (I had to stop a Tren A cycle midway before). I usually kickstart with Dbol, but this time around, I want to make Tren the baseline and not use many aromatasing steroids. There are many many GREAT reasons for this and you will find them all in the new Tren sticky on this board. Hence, for kickstarting, I had the choice of Methyl-Tren or Anavar. But since this is a bulking cycle, Anavar was obviously not my first choice given that I have great access to bloodwork.

    ^^ Just so you know, your age updates automatically based on the DOB you put in.... you can't actually go to your about page and edit your age.... give it a try...... Can you say.............. BUSTED???

  16. #16
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    I guess you think it requires an IQ of 135 to lie about your age while making an account here. I dunno about the updating thing but I probably didn't pay attention to it while creating this account.


    And moreover, you are not even doing any service here. Did you see me asking shit like "How is this for my first cyclez" or "Can I drinkorz Winny?"

    I wanted to do a service if people were interested. If you want to stop the exchange of information, you are just being a jackass.

  17. #17
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    This is crazy stuff. i did a similar dose as you. .25 morning and night. i think i only lasted 3 weeks on it. i started to get acid relux type symptoms. it was really annoying. so i stopped. also i had bloods done while on it and my t3 and t4 where higher than the normal range :/

  18. #18
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    Big Ron, I like your boobs...

    OP, dont play with this stuff. I know the thought of "most powerful steroid" makes everyone jizz their pants, but its not a toy and you definitely do not need it. Would love to see your current stats if you are seasoned enough to use cycles like this.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power
    Big Ron, I like your boobs...

    OP, dont play with this stuff. I know the thought of "most powerful steroid" makes everyone jizz their pants, but its not a toy and you definitely do not need it. Would love to see your current stats if you are seasoned enough to use cycles like this.
    Agree with KP......but based on the sarcastic immature retort to every post, you're not likely to get an honest answer.

    These kids and their know it all attitude, geesh. Read a few pubmed articles and suddenly you're the expert?

    I've been publishing in clinical journals for 18 years and an editor in 4 high impact journals throughout my career. Just because something gets published doesn't mean it's perfect science. Authors and scientists will often overstate the significance of findings and understate or ignore negative results or outlying data.

    I'm not saying published studies have no value, I'm only suggesting that it be reviewed with some measured skepticism. I've seen a lot of articles accepted by reviewers, yet the data were inconclusive and alternate interpretations of the data were dismissed.

    You'd be far better off listening to the advice of experienced users who have several years of practical experience than putting all your eggs in one basket. After all, I assume you came here for advice from experienced users rather than to tell us how great you think your cycle will be.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Authors and scientists will often overstate the significance of findings and understate or ignore negative results or outlying data.
    I find this a lot. Not that they lie about anything, but do tend to only focus on the data collected that supports whatever point they are most trying to get across... or... the group that funded the research in hopes of biased info they can use for their cause

  21. #21
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    Well, I was going to post here since whenever I see the word Methyltrienolone I get a hard on.

    But MuscleInk just saved me the effort of posting exactly what he was going to say.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power

    I find this a lot. Not that they lie about anything, but do tend to only focus on the data collected that supports whatever point they are most trying to get across... or... the group that funded the research in hopes of biased info they can use for their cause
    Very true. There's a lot of politicking involved at times. It's ridiculous. I've even seen a reviewer reject a submission because it came from a "competing" scientist.

    Pharma companies like to through outlying data out. Their motives are generally profit driven though.

    I'm not trying to imply all science is bad. I've just seen some of the manipulation and influences that can affect how things are published and its regrettable that clinical/medical sciences are so easily influenced by these variables.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    Big Ron, I like your boobs...

    OP, dont play with this stuff. I know the thought of "most powerful steroid" makes everyone jizz their pants, but its not a toy and you definitely do not need it. Would love to see your current stats if you are seasoned enough to use cycles like this.
    Thank you Sir! Long time no speak. I dont come on here as much anymore and the lounge has changed to much for me haha.

    Im with the guys above. Be careful dont mess around with the shit. It made me feel pretty shit actually. was very lethargic. Altho it is a good steroid obviously.

  24. #24
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    I believe a member here landed himself in hospital with severe liver issues. I forgot who it was.

    Methyltrienolone is almost poison. There's a reason why it must be dosed in MICROGRAMS instead of miligrams...

  25. #25
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    I think MuscleInk makes some great points that the OP should at least consider.

    I also wonder, have you tried Anadrol and/or Dbol yet? They are very powerful agents. I'm not telling u to take them, I'm just encouraging u to consider a less toxic agent that may give u the same or better results as you will already be on Tren E.

    I understand the idea of it taking time to build up in your system, but I think that is a somewhat exaggerated point. One could just start their first week with a higher Tren E dose. I know many ppl will disagree with me on this last point but there are many ppl who do it and claim to have successful experiences.

    Good luck.

  26. #26
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    Great post MuscleInk.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Agree with KP......but based on the sarcastic immature retort to every post, you're not likely to get an honest answer.

    These kids and their know it all attitude, geesh. Read a few pubmed articles and suddenly you're the expert?

    I've been publishing in clinical journals for 18 years and an editor in 4 high impact journals throughout my career. Just because something gets published doesn't mean it's perfect science. Authors and scientists will often overstate the significance of findings and understate or ignore negative results or outlying data.

    I'm not saying published studies have no value, I'm only suggesting that it be reviewed with some measured skepticism. I've seen a lot of articles accepted by reviewers, yet the data were inconclusive and alternate interpretations of the data were dismissed.

    You'd be far better off listening to the advice of experienced users who have several years of practical experience than putting all your eggs in one basket. After all, I assume you came here for advice from experienced users rather than to tell us how great you think your cycle will be.
    I completely agree with you good sir, especially the part in the bold. Real life experience beats most studies any day. Studies just are not practically useful sometimes. What I consider is the gold standard is experience from somebody like Atomini who is not only experienced but also has a mind for the science behind things.

    I apologize for coming off as sarcastic. I just hate it when people just post without adding any new information to the discussion. "DONT DO IT BRAH!" Why? What? When? I hope you understand...especially if you see the first few posts on this thread.

    With all of that being said, I will be relying on bloodwork results done every 2 weeks. Would that not be enough?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc View Post
    I think MuscleInk makes some great points that the OP should at least consider.

    I also wonder, have you tried Anadrol and/or Dbol yet? They are very powerful agents. I'm not telling u to take them, I'm just encouraging u to consider a less toxic agent that may give u the same or better results as you will already be on Tren E.

    I understand the idea of it taking time to build up in your system, but I think that is a somewhat exaggerated point. One could just start their first week with a higher Tren E dose. I know many ppl will disagree with me on this last point but there are many ppl who do it and claim to have successful experiences.

    Good luck.
    I have done Dbol. Love the gains but I am extremely prone to estrogenic sides. I have to be on an AI even at 10 to 20 mg ED. Moreover, even an AI does not seem to get rid of the bloat. I want to try a pure hard look lean gain cycle this time around.

    I would love to try Anadrol. I am a bit wary of DHT drugs though. I don't lose much hair on Tren but when I take lots of Test, I start thinning. By process of elimination, I am guessing DHT converted from the Test is the culprit. How else can I explain hair loss on Test but not much on Tren? But all that being said, I would love to try the godly Anadrol sometime in the future. But it too produces bloat (see my point above) and hence was not considered for this cycle.

    That pretty much only left Anavar and MT. But Anavar is too expensive for me as a bulker and moreover, there are no synergistic effects of combining Anavar and Tren.

    And you are right that I can completely skip a kickstarter and perhaps frontload Tren (oh come the haters =P), but I will repeat what I said before...I have easy cheap access to bloodwork. So why not? =)
    Last edited by MuttonChop; 01-07-2013 at 01:07 PM.

  29. #29
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    Even with ready access to bloodwork, I am going to wait for more input from some more people like Atomini and MuscleInk and see what the general consensus is.

    I have respect for the vets. Hats off to everything you guys do for us noobs here.

  30. #30
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    I saw more than a few cases of drug induced hepatitis in med school and residency. Unfortunately, too often it will develop very suddenly and severely, in less than a matter of days. In those instances, the patient presents to the ER with classic symptoms of hepatitis (right upper quadrant abdominal pain, fever, fatigue, nausea & vomiting, sometimes jaundice, and only mildly elevated LFTs) with a sudden skyrocketing level of LFTs in the days following admission.

    My point is that sometimes the LFTs trail behind the clinical manifestations so you could get a false sense of security from LFTs that are high normal or mildly elevated. And certainly this can happen within the 2 weeks between tests during which you won't have LFTs to guide u if ur symptoms are only mild. By the time your symptoms become severe, its too late - acute drug induced hepatitis will ensue even with abrupt discontinuation of the offending drug. Have you decided at what level of LFT increase you will discontinue the MT?

    Of course this is a risk with any AAS, which increases with some of the orals and certainly with MT. So plz be careful. Also, many ppl on this forum have spoken to the effect of liver support supplements as a prophylactic measure. Some sites are advocating ursodial as well as it may help prevent hepatobiliary obstruction which is hypothesized by some to be the cause of AAS drug-induced hepatitis. I am not very familiar with the benefits of any of these measures, but it probably wouldn't hurt to get some advice about this from vets on the site. Anyone want to comment on effective liver support strategies?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop View Post
    I completely agree with you good sir, especially the part in the bold. Real life experience beats most studies any day. Studies just are not practically useful sometimes. What I consider is the gold standard is experience from somebody like Atomini who is not only experienced but also has a mind for the science behind things.

    I apologize for coming off as sarcastic. I just hate it when people just post without adding any new information to the discussion. "DONT DO IT BRAH!" Why? What? When? I hope you understand...especially if you see the first few posts on this thread.

    With all of that being said, I will be relying on bloodwork results done every 2 weeks. Would that not be enough?
    I have considered methyltren at 750mcg, decided against it for the time being, but after speaking to several highly respected figures online and locally, they insist from their own personal experience with the compound that weekly bw is needed also is rx bp meds and rx liver protection and there was a couple others but these are main two i can remmeber off top of my head, lipids will also be literally fvcked, in all honesty I dont think this is the right cycle for you at the moment mate, its your life but Im pretty irrational in my life, some on this forum know me well enough to vouch for this and I came to the conclusion that MT was not a good idea for me at the time and nor will it be in the near future, so for me to decide against it at this point of time in my life should show some people the seriousness of this compound as I am never one to air on side of caution when its my own body but I decided this was just too much and unnecessary at this point in time

    You never road a pushbike before, then you jump onto motogp bike and try to ride flat out down a motorway/interstate depending where you live, in rush hour traffic on slick tyres in the wet all so that you can get a sandwich from the deli before it closes, now you may get away with it but can you see the risk/reward ratio? in your shoes the risk/reward ratio regarding methyltren is pretty similar i.m.h.o
    Last edited by DanB; 01-07-2013 at 03:48 PM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc
    I saw more than a few cases of drug induced hepatitis in med school and residency. Unfortunately, too often it will develop very suddenly and severely, in less than a matter of days. In those instances, the patient presents to the ER with classic symptoms of hepatitis (right upper quadrant abdominal pain, fever, fatigue, nausea & vomiting, sometimes jaundice, and only mildly elevated LFTs) with a sudden skyrocketing level of LFTs in the days following admission.

    My point is that sometimes the LFTs trail behind the clinical manifestations so you could get a false sense of security from LFTs that are high normal or mildly elevated. And certainly this can happen within the 2 weeks between tests during which you won't have LFTs to guide u if ur symptoms are only mild. By the time your symptoms become severe, its too late - acute drug induced hepatitis will ensue even with abrupt discontinuation of the offending drug. Have you decided at what level of LFT increase you will discontinue the MT?

    Of course this is a risk with any AAS, which increases with some of the orals and certainly with MT. So plz be careful. Also, many ppl on this forum have spoken to the effect of liver support supplements as a prophylactic measure. Some sites are advocating ursodial as well as it may help prevent hepatobiliary obstruction which is hypothesized by some to be the cause of AAS drug-induced hepatitis. I am not very familiar with the benefits of any of these measures, but it probably wouldn't hurt to get some advice about this from vets on the site. Anyone want to comment on effective liver support strategies?
    Excellent post AD.

    Acute liver failure (ALF) or any impairment in normal liver function can manifest a cascade of clinical problems that many, especially young, steroid users may fail to appreciate. In the more extreme cases of drug induced ALF, encephalopathy, internal hemorrhaging, and organ failure can occur. Early indicators of possible liver disease such as frequent urination, changes in stool coloration, fatigue, decreased appetite, may be easily dismissed or overlooked by the individual.

    With respect to managing liver toxicity, clearly the best way is to avoid hepatotoxic agents. Among AAS users, this is less likely to occur unless the person sticks entirely to injectable anabolics which generally have little hepatic clearance. Among the OTC supplements, there are many that provide some measure of "protection" but I am often skeptical of their absolute clinical efficacy. Among the more effective compounds are: tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA), ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), Liv52 (mildly effective IMO).

    The best way to avoid any hepatic impairment is to:
    - avoid hepatotoxic compounds
    - use sparingly for a limited period
    - avoid use of more than one hepatotoxic compound
    - avoid consecutive cycles of oral anabolics
    - include OTC liver supplements

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop
    Even with ready access to bloodwork, I am going to wait for more input from some more people like Atomini and MuscleInk and see what the general consensus is.

    I have respect for the vets. Hats off to everything you guys do for us noobs here.

    Frequent blood work is only going to identify a problem as it is occurring and you may be asymptomatic between blood work when in fact your on going health is at risk. An added challenge is that in most cases you will need a physician's order for a CMP, CBC and any other assays performed. I'm not sure how many physicians would authorize lab work at two week intervals without asking why you need it that often and then condone your use of a highly hepatotoxic compound. Moreover, if you are seeking insurance coverage for the lab work, no insurance company will authorize that frequency of blood work - at least within the US anyway.

    If you are already going to run test and tren E, the Methyltrienolone is an unnecessary overkill and any marginal gains would be offset by greater threats to your health. As Atomini opined early, Methyltrienolone is tantamount to a poison. IMO the risks clearly outweigh any benefits.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    Frequent blood work is only going to identify a problem as it is occurring and you may be asymptomatic between blood work when in fact your on going health is at risk. An added challenge is that in most cases you will need a physician's order for a CMP, CBC and any other assays performed. I'm not sure how many physicians would authorize lab work at two week intervals without asking why you need it that often and then condone your use of a highly hepatotoxic compound. Moreover, if you are seeking insurance coverage for the lab work, no insurance company will authorize that frequency of blood work - at least within the US anyway.

    If you are already going to run test and tren E, the Methyltrienolone is an unnecessary overkill and any marginal gains would be offset by greater threats to your health. As Atomini opined early, Methyltrienolone is tantamount to a poison. IMO the risks clearly outweigh any benefits.
    Yes, it might be extremely powerful (of which, it really is) but the problem is that its toxicity now far outweighs its strength. What use is the strongest AAS ever if you poison your liver from it and land in the hospital before you can experience any gains from it?

    Look, you're not supposed to run Methyltrienolone for more than 3 weeks. I don't care if the anabolic rating is in the range of 12,000 - 30,000, what dramatic gains will you see in 3 frigging puny weeks? Nothing. It's not even enough time for any AAS to rise to optimal blood plasma levels to elicit nice steady gains. In fact, I would submit to you that an individual running Dianabol or Anadrol for 6 weeks (or hell, even 500mg/week of Testosterone for 10 weeks) will make WAY more gains than a person running a 3 week Methyltrienolone cycle. The only thing you'll see from that small amount of time on something like Methyltrienolone is the psychological advantage of increased aggression in the gym. IF somehow Methyltrienolone was not as toxic as it is, and you could run it for 8 weeks or something with no significant hepatotoxicity, i'll bet you could make IN-FVCKING-CREDIBLE gains considering its strength. But 3 weeks?

    BTW now I remember who here went to the hospital from it - jimmyinkedup. In a different thread on Methyltrienolone he said the following:

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I ran it once at a moderate dose. 1.5 mg/day in 3 .5mg doses. After 3 weeks i ended up in hospital with rhabdomyolosis and renal failure. No BS. The stuff is no joke. I have run many many cycles , many crazy high doses of inj tren ace etc up to that point. That stuff is no joke ..i will never touch it again.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    Yes, it might be extremely powerful (of which, it really is) but the problem is that its toxicity now far outweighs its strength. What use is the strongest AAS ever if you poison your liver from it and land in the hospital before you can experience any gains from it?

    Look, you're not supposed to run Methyltrienolone for more than 3 weeks. I don't care if the anabolic rating is in the range of 12,000 - 30,000, what dramatic gains will you see in 3 frigging puny weeks? Nothing. It's not even enough time for any AAS to rise to optimal blood plasma levels to elicit nice steady gains. In fact, I would submit to you that an individual running Dianabol or Anadrol for 6 weeks (or hell, even 500mg/week of Testosterone for 10 weeks) will make WAY more gains than a person running a 3 week Methyltrienolone cycle. The only thing you'll see from that small amount of time on something like Methyltrienolone is the psychological advantage of increased aggression in the gym. IF somehow Methyltrienolone was not as toxic as it is, and you could run it for 8 weeks or something with no significant hepatotoxicity, i'll bet you could make IN-FVCKING-CREDIBLE gains considering its strength. But 3 weeks?

    BTW now I remember who here went to the hospital from it - jimmyinkedup. In a different thread on Methyltrienolone he said the following:
    .....and there's the definitive answer and proof IMHO. Excellent response Atomini. We've come to expect nothing short of spectacular from you!

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Thank you DanB, AnabolicDoc, MuscleInk, Atomini, and everyone else. Bertuzzi, I am sorry for being a dick to you.

    I will not be running this compound. I had to remind myself that I came into the bodybuilding lifestyle to live a healthier life. I need to refocus.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop View Post
    Thank you DanB, AnabolicDoc, MuscleInk, Atomini, and everyone else. Bertuzzi, I am sorry for being a dick to you.

    I will not be running this compound. I had to remind myself that I came into the bodybuilding lifestyle to live a healthier life. I need to refocus.

    Not something you will hear from me too frequently either but this has been earned

    If you ever need an opinion on something before you start a thread (to avoid a repeat of this lol) my inbox is always open

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop
    Thank you DanB, AnabolicDoc, MuscleInk, Atomini, and everyone else. Bertuzzi, I am sorry for being a dick to you.

    I will not be running this compound. I had to remind myself that I came into the bodybuilding lifestyle to live a healthier life. I need to refocus.
    Bravo! As Dan said, you've already earned the respect of your peers here by flexing your brain first and not your muscles!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I havnt read all the responses but I'll throw my experience out there.

    I'm not a fan of MT..... My source is great..... Everything is always high quality. With that said..... I think MT is way overhyped.

    Ive tried it a few times..... Including gp's. I got rather frustrated with lack of results and went up to 3mg! That dose made my nipples flare up..... I did notice some fat loss but nothing to write home about.

    I didn't post this for people to be wreckless and run high doses of the stuff either.


  40. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    Haz!!! Good to see you around.

    How long did you run MT for? I'm guessing it wasn't longer than 3 - 4 weeks?

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