Thread: "safe enough" range...
01-03-2013, 11:50 AM #1
"safe enough" range...
I was wondering, I've read every post on "cycle goes wrong for the young" and I arrived to the conclusion that almost all of them were under 20 when they first began with roids.(and often without PCT)
One of them was 23 but his BW didnt show anything more than low test.(can be unrelated with steroids (im 19 and I got low test(about like him and I never touched aas, yet) and another one at almost 21 with a very very bad pct(Like he said when he ajust his PCT, he felt better).
So I'm asking is this reasonable to think that for most people 21-23 is a "safer" range to start. I'm not saying that their is no risk at this age(I would never say that for any age...)
Taking AAS at 16 is a VERY BAD idea 18 it's a BAD idea but at 21-23 does it become only a NOT SO GOOD idea...
Do Someone responsable ready to take the risk and who know what he is doing are diminishing the risk enough, even if he is 21?
i'm asking that because I have low test(trying to raise it naturally ATM) and if it works well I'll train 2-4 more years natty and enjoy the extra test. But if after all my effort my test is still low. being on TRT won't scare me as much as it does now. So, I'll be willing to take that risk.
Even if I'm ready to take it I still don't want it so I'm asking if 21-23 is a "safe enough" range ?
p.s. : If you didnt read all this post don't bother blasting me. And even if you did read it, don't bother blasting me. If you have comment I would like to have them respecfully no matter what it is. And please keep an open mind.
01-03-2013, 11:55 AM #2
You haven't seen of heard the results 3-4-5-10 years down the road. That's the unknown factor with under age use. It will and can show up years later.
01-03-2013, 11:58 AM #3
You are asking for guarantees.Nothing is writtin in stone Bro.You can do everything right.Then a year or two down the road it hits you.So you have to make the choice.
01-03-2013, 12:05 PM #4
its still a bit early to start aas 21-23 its really a gamble at those ages..look our bodys are all different and we all react in various way but if you look at the stats the younger you are the greater risk you have. if you have naturally low test levels and your concidering going on i would consult with your DR and be honest with Him/Her and see what they have to say
01-03-2013, 12:19 PM #5
Where I live DR are strangely stupid about it. they said everything was normal with BW when at 19YO I'm at 370pmol/L of free test... Maybe I'm in the normal range but damn I should be lot higher...
Capbufallo and songdog, I've heard that before but what does it really means?? Like I'll be ok for some years and after my test will start to drop faster than it should? or something like that? (exemple. instead of 2%/years it drop at a rate of 10%/years)??
01-03-2013, 01:38 PM #6Originally Posted by qscgugcsq
I mean at the moment because your 21-23 in the prime and you should be pleasing the ladies. Steroid abuse at a young age is bound to affect this, your shutting down your natural test production and causing your balls to shrink.
After your cycle you might be ok but what if your not??? Seriously, you have problems with your GF because you can't get it up or you don't want to get it up. It can put a massive strain on a relationship and a massive strain on YOU mentally.
Those type of problems stay with you for years and for me CONFIDENCE in yourself at your age will shape the rest of your life.
All for what?????? What goal????
To look good ......for the ladies???
What's the point in looking good for the ladies if there's nothing you can do about it
No blasting from there me bud its just an opinion.
01-03-2013, 02:07 PM #7
First, we all have our reason.
Second, Like I said my test is already low and I already have some erection problem...(can't keep it hard after 30-45min) and low libido(well as low as a 19yo boy with a beautiful gf can go but still! XD) And some crappy mood(don't know if its because im pessimist or my low test, anyway XD)
And I think it worth the shot at 21-23 YO if i recover well I may recover higher than at the beginning and if I don't recover i'll know what to do and TRT!(doesn't seems too bad) maybe it doesn't seems too bad because I'm not on it but control his body instead of being controled by it seems not too bad.
01-03-2013, 02:26 PM #8Originally Posted by qscgugcsq
From everything your saying my advice would be to go see your doctor. You are describing symptoms of low test and sound like a candidate for TRT
You need to get bloodwork done to be sure not cycle just in case.
01-03-2013, 02:34 PM #9
BW already done and Like I said I'm in the normal range but very low in the scale. they keep saying that everything is normal... I don't think 370pmol/l is normal for a 19YO man. 700-800 would be normal! And I don't really want to go on TRT I'm trying to up that with some supplement. I'll pass other BW next month to see if it works if it doesn't I start aromasin (If high E,(and I think I do)+IGF-1 (supose to lower my SHBG).
01-03-2013, 02:40 PM #10
Maybe some nolvadex could be great too also my fsh is really low(do not remember how much but I am low on the scale too)
01-03-2013, 02:44 PM #11Originally Posted by qscgugcsq
01-03-2013, 03:27 PM #12
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