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  1. #1
    bjbella is offline New Member
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    Aug 2012

    T400 var and PCT plan, for first cycle

    Hi guys, so ive been reading and doing all my research for the last few months. Alright I know you will ask this so:
    Training experience-just under 2 years
    15.49% BF
    Have not yet done a cycle (that being said I know it will be recommended I start with just a test and nothing else to pinpoint any problems, but I already had t400 and var and nolva, and I am confident this will be ok).

    So Cycle: weeks 1-12--> 400mg of T400, 2 injections a week of 0.5ml/200mg
    weeks 7-12--> 50mg of anavar every day

    The idea with the anavar is to help keep some solid gains. My overall goal of this cycle would be to obviously increase strength as well as gain about 20+lbs and try and keep about 15lbs.

    PCT: I was debating a 4 or 6 week one, so if anyone has any thoughts on this please let me know

    OPTION 1: wait 2 weeks after last inject, then weeks 1-2--> 40mg nolva everyday
    weeks 3-4-->20mg nolva everyday

    OPTION2: wait 2 weeks after last inject, then weeks 1-3--> 40mg nolva everyday
    weeks 4-6--> 20mg nolva everyday

    I was also wondering if the nolva would be fine or if I should ass hcg or perhaps an AI to the PCT.

    Any thing I missed please let me know I will respond ASAP

  2. #2
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Personal opinion your too young bro and still under weight
    Learn to diet properly and by diet I mean eat

  3. #3
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Agreed with panntastic also you only trained for less than 2 years... you should wait at least 1 mroe years to let the time to your tendons to be strong enough to handle the mass you'll win on roids but if you are going to do it anyway add clomid to your pct and charge light... so you won't break a tendon.

    Hcg and AI are during the cycle not the PCT

  4. #4
    bjbella is offline New Member
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    Agreed with panntastic also you only trained for less than 2 years... you should wait at least 1 mroe years to let the time to your tendons to be strong enough to handle the mass you'll win on roids but if you are going to do it anyway add clomid to your pct and charge light... so you won't break a tendon.

    Hcg and AI are during the cycle not the PCT
    Isn't clomid a SERM and thus have the sane function as nolva? is doing both really beneficial. And for hcg I was reading that you can do it during or after, if after do it right after last pin to the start of the nolva

  5. #5
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    AAS use is a very serious and complex matter. Putting chemicals into your body that change the hormonal balance when your endocrine system is not fully developed can cause permanent serious damage. Read this:***

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Shutting down your natural production at your age is something you should take very seriously and could lead to lifelong issues such as ED and fatigue to name a few.

    You can make great gains by hard training and having a solid diet in place. Check Nutrition Section for help on your diet cause i think it's lacking by looking at your stats. Read all the Stickies over there as well. Without hard training and a diet to compliment your gains, it's all for not anyway.

    Good Luck

  7. #7
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    All I can say is your diet is off big time.Dispite your age you dont need to be cycling until you get your weight up nat.I mean you are not ready phyically.You have not been training long enough.You have no base and you dont know how to eat.So get your diet in order and build a base w/o aas.Quit being lazy you will pay for it in the end.

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