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  1. #1
    testluva's Avatar
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    Prostate Enlargment from Test

    Has anyone had any sides for enlarged prostate from testosterone ?

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    It is temporary and will go away in a couple of weeks post cycle.

  3. #3
    testluva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva
    Has anyone had any sides for enlarged prostate from testosterone?
    If yes how does this affect future cycles? Do I need to go light on pulling the plunger or shorter cycles? The swollen prostate blocked my urine from being emptied and caused some infection over the last couple of months. UTI, urine tract infection.
    Last edited by testluva; 01-05-2013 at 02:50 AM.

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I don't know mate.

    when on cycle i take prostate health supps 2x a day. I know it's working if i dont' have to wake up and pee every 90 minutes.....

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva
    Has anyone had any sides for enlarged prostate from testosterone?
    Affects some people more than others. Happens to me in most cycles and PSA drops down off cycle. Masteron and primo cycles can increase severity of enlarged prostate.

    This is a topic that doesn't get enough attention on here IMO. A swollen prostate can be caused by several variables on cycle and becomes even more serious when estrogen is not properly managed.

  6. #6
    testluva's Avatar
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    I normally do BW every three months and check my PSA. This one snuck up on me. First sign was frequent urination. Second was having to piss again 15 min after my last piss. Third was still dribbling and wanting to piss more after I finished. So I end up in the ER from finally not being able to piss and was in deep pain. They ended up having to drain my bladder by sticking a tube in my dick and told me my prostate was swollen and was blocking my track. Well the old urine got infected from sitting around and caused a UTI. Urine track infection. I'm taking liver support and will now add a prostate support. I hope the doctor doesn't tell me to stop my testosterone injections.

    What have you guys done to handle this? Will I mess up my prostate by continuing my testosterone, Deca and Anavar future cycles? now the big question "does my HGH play a role in this"? Thanks for the support a d responses above.
    Last edited by testluva; 01-05-2013 at 03:41 AM.

  7. #7
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Anatomically speaking, testosterone is converted into the androgen called DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which has a greater effect on hair loss and prostate hypertrophy than testosterone itself.

    Reason why some males suffer from prostate issues more than others, where some don't seem to experience any significant prostate issues at all, is the fact that every individual gives a different metabolic response to the same compound and/or process. Thus, it is not at all good idea for someone like yourself to continue to cycle with DHT compounds in the future, including Anavar .

    I would urge you to look into DHT blockers. Since you want to use test for the rest of your life yet not suffer from prostate issues, the only exit strategy on your behalf seems like you need to learn about DHT blockers and successfully integrate them into your future cycles.

    FYI, there are different types of DHT blockers available, some herbal and some OCT.

  8. #8
    testluva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer
    Anatomically speaking, testosterone is converted into the androgen called DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which has a greater effect on hair loss and prostate hypertrophy than testosterone itself.

    Reason why some males suffer from prostate issues more than others, where some don't seem to experience any significant prostate issues at all, is the fact that every individual gives a different metabolic response to the same compound and/or process. Thus, it is not at all good idea for someone like yourself to continue to cycle with DHT compounds in the future, including Anavar .

    I would urge you to look into DHT blockers. Since you want to use test for the rest of your life yet not suffer from prostate issues, the only exit strategy on your behalf seems like you need to learn about DHT blockers and successfully integrate them into your future cycles.

    FYI, there are different types of DHT blockers available, some herbal and some OCT.
    Thanks for sharing your info. I do take Finastrtide 1mg daily to control DHT. I added Anavar 50/50/75/75 to my Test Cyp and Deca 150mg ew. Ok so stick to the Test Cyp and drop the Deca and var

  9. #9
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva View Post
    Thanks for sharing your info. I do take Finastrtide 1mg daily to control DHT. I added Anavar 50/50/75/75 to my Test Cyp and Deca 150mg ew. Ok so stick to the Test Cyp and drop the Deca and var
    I don't see why you would want to drop Deca?

    Nandrolone cannot be converted to DHT and hence is probably the safest of the 3 compounds you are currently running regarding your prostate.

    I would drop Anavar and increase the Deca dose.

  10. #10
    choker28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva View Post
    Has anyone had any sides for enlarged prostate from testosterone?
    i had problems with constant urination when i first started Trt (nebido)it was resolved with Flomax (tamsulosin) ive been taking test in one form or another for just under a year, just finished 16 weeks of test e 250mgs a week just had my prostate checked and psi done all was normal in fact my psi was slightly lower than when i started my Trt

  11. #11
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Maybe OP should give Flomax a try too?

  12. #12
    testluva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by choker28

    i had problems with constant urination when i first started Trt (nebido)it was resolved with Flomax (tamsulosin) ive been taking test in one form or another for just under a year, just finished 16 weeks of test e 250mgs a week just had my prostate checked and psi done all was normal in fact my psi was slightly lower than when i started my Trt
    Thanks Chocked28
    I just had my urology exam today. Urologist is having me take Flomax and will allow me to continue my Testosterone cyp but to keep my upper level from exceeding the chart. Also wants me to monitor PSA level more regular.

  13. #13
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    My psa was high after cycle too, no urinary symptoms though. Urologist put me on antibody for 3 weeks psa came back 1.4

  14. #14
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I am being treated for prostrate cancer right now.Had my PSA done in Jan 2012 and digital exam showed no enlarged prostrate,never had any urination issues at all even with 1500mg AAS including Masteron . Psa came back 5.5.had it checked in May 2012 and it had risen to 11.4,had biopsy done and found high grade cancer confined to my prostrate. I never had any prostate issues while on AAS in the 30 years i have used them. PSA not a reliable test for cancer,ultrasound and biopsy will determine if you have cancer and it is in you best intrest to find it early before it spreads to other organs in your body.I am on hormone thearpy to shut down my testerone to shrink my prostrate and slow the cancer progression,smaller prostrate will make radiation treatments easier.

  15. #15
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    I am being treated for prostrate cancer right now.Had my PSA done in Jan 2012 and digital exam showed no enlarged prostrate,never had any urination issues at all even with 1500mg AAS including Masteron. Psa came back 5.5.had it checked in May 2012 and it had risen to 11.4,had biopsy done and found high grade cancer confined to my prostrate. I never had any prostate issues while on AAS in the 30 years i have used them. PSA not a reliable test for cancer,ultrasound and biopsy will determine if you have cancer and it is in you best intrest to find it early before it spreads to other organs in your body.I am on hormone thearpy to shut down my testerone to shrink my prostrate and slow the cancer progression,smaller prostrate will make radiation treatments easier.
    Sorry to hear about this man, I wish you good luck in your struggle with prostate cancer.

    We know that there is an indirect correlation between long-term AAS use and prostate cancer but you could have developed it without ever touching the stuff so who knows, really...

  16. #16
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    Did they do a psa3 test, from what my urologist told me that's the test they use for a sign of prostate cancer. I hope all goes well, I was scared there for a minute and started studying it and from what I gather is if they get it before it spreads past the prostate it's almost 95% curable. But keep us posted and good luck.

  17. #17
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    And that was pca3 test, my mistake

  18. #18
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Since my PSa was so high they just went ahead and did the ultrasound which they visualize the proatrate and the cancer and did 12 samples by a biopsy which came back gleason 8 cancer.They implanted 61 radiation seeds in the prostrate where the cancer is 2 months ago and now i have to do 5 weeks of radiation thearpy 5 days a week. The procedure my doc did is the best and gets the highest sucess rate of all the treatments.I shoudld be fully cured after the treatments and can get back to a normal test level. From what i have learned androgen doesnt cause the cancer but it does feed it and make it grow faster. men with low test levels get the cancer and from what a doc told me it doesnt take much androgen to saturate the Andreogen receptors in the prostrate so it doesnt matter if your level is high or low which seems to explain why men with low test still get it.heres a link to a site which explais treatments for the cancer.I am doing the seed implant with ADT and IGRT radiation,this treatment has the best sucess and is has hardly any side effects.
    Last edited by MR10X; 01-12-2013 at 08:04 AM.

  19. #19
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    Nice Mr10x I read that, 98% that's a good percentage. I never really thought about this stuff till my psa came back high. You know you just don't want to accept your getting older. I feel like I'm 30 not 45. But I am starting to take some of these things more serious now. Thanks for sharing your story and hope all goes well.

  20. #20
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    Nice Mr10x I read that, 98% that's a good percentage. I never really thought about this stuff till my psa came back high. You know you just don't want to accept your getting older. I feel like I'm 30 not 45. But I am starting to take some of these things more serious now. Thanks for sharing your story and hope all goes well.
    You never think about ths stuff untill it happens to you,it can really mess up your life.The ADT (androgen depravation therapy) has really sucked,basicly i have had no testerone for 7 months now and i feel like shit.I still workout but i have no strenghth,no endurance and all my joints hurt.Just a normal level of test would be great,but i have no choice but go through the therapy and hopefully cure the cancer and get back to normal.I would suggest anbody doing steroids get the exam and PSA done evry year when they turn 40,i had mine checked when i was 65 after doing steroids for 3 years before the test so theres no telling how long i had the cancer.

  21. #21
    testluva's Avatar
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    I'm 51 and do my BW every two or three months. The past testing help a lot during my Urology exam on Friday. My prostate blew up to 80 and my Urologists was going to diagnose me with cancer if I didn't show him my last six BW from last year showing normal ranges. He put me on Flomax for life and antibiotics for three weeks and said its ok to continue my Test Cyp but no DHT compounds. So my Anavar is out the door. Still keeping my Deca .

    He also told me to monitor every Two months my PSA level and to stay within the text level ranges. Under 1100.
    Last edited by testluva; 01-12-2013 at 09:40 PM.

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