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Thread: First cutting cycle need help

  1. #1

    First cutting cycle need help

    Hey my stats are age 23 5'8 175lbs with bodyfat 12-13%. This will be my third cycle.
    1st cycle: test e and dbol
    2nd cycle: sustanon and dbol

    I'm planning this cycle for mid February so I have time to slim down to 10% bodyfat. My goal is to gain 5-10 pounds of lean muscle and drop a few %bf.

    Here are my cycle ideas

    Week 1-10 test prop 150 eod
    Week 2-10 mast prop 100 eod
    Week 5-10 winstrol 75 ed
    Week 1-10 arimidex .25 e3d

    Week 1-10 test prop 150 eod
    Week 3-10 tren A 75-100 eod
    Week 5-10 winstrol 75 eod
    Week 1-10 arimidex .25 e3d
    Week3-10 caber ???

    Any help would be great. And if there's a better cycle I'd love to know. Thanks!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    What are your nutrition and cardio ideas for cutting?

  3. #3
    Lift 4 days a week, run a mile on days I lift, other 3 days in the week I run 3 miles

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    OK. What about nutrition?

    Reason I am asking about your nutritional plan is that for some reason I am getting the feeling that you are in a state of mind where the so called ''cutting compounds'' will do the job and that you will get you down to a lower BF%.

  5. #5
    My diet will be spot on, about 2500 calories only carbs will be from veggies and sweet potatoes and rice

  6. #6
    Would it be possible to run my prop week 1-8 150mg eod and use mast prop 1-8 500 a week

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by svenman19 View Post
    Would it be possible to run my prop week 1-8 150mg eod and use mast prop 1-8 500 a week
    Yes, it is perfectly suitable.

    I wouldn't mess with oral Winstrol, especially at 75mg ED. It is a higher dose than you think, as it will be beneficial for a cutting cycle it is yet one of the most hepatatoxic compounds you can run, so beware.

    Also, Arimidex needs to be run EOD, not E3D.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    /\ agreed but as for your mile on workout days I would cancel it.. Studies have been shown that on lift days your body needs all the nutrients you can get for proper muscle grown therefore on lift days you are risking hindering your muscle gains. IMO lift hard one day eat right and just stick to the good ole fashioned split training. HIT could also help

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer

    Yes, it is perfectly suitable.

    I wouldn't mess with oral Winstrol, especially at 75mg ED. It is a higher dose than you think, as it will be beneficial for a cutting cycle it is yet one of the most hepatatoxic compounds you can run, so beware.

    Also, Arimidex needs to be run EOD, not E3D.
    Yeah I've decided to run 50mg winstrol plus I have lots of liver protection on hand so ill be good. I'm still deciding on the esters I'm gonna use. I'm trying to be as cost efficient as possible. Would the gains be similar with test prop and mast prop compared to test E/sustanon an mast E? 8week cycle with prop or 12 week cycle with enth? Any advice please guys

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by tempted1
    /\ agreed but as for your mile on workout days I would cancel it.. Studies have been shown that on lift days your body needs all the nutrients you can get for proper muscle grown therefore on lift days you are risking hindering your muscle gains. IMO lift hard one day eat right and just stick to the good ole fashioned split training. HIT could also help
    Yeah after my mile of running I slam a Protien drink then lift weights. I think it's helping alot

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Instead of running a mile and then hitting the weights, I would strongly suggest a quick warm up, hitting the weights, and then doing low intensity cardio when you are finished lifting.

    Running will likely use glycogen that you should need for lifting. Also, by lifting, you will have copious amounts of fatty acids in your bloodstream that are ready to be used by the body.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by JTathlete
    Instead of running a mile and then hitting the weights, I would strongly suggest a quick warm up, hitting the weights, and then doing low intensity cardio when you are finished lifting.

    Running will likely use glycogen that you should need for lifting. Also, by lifting, you will have copious amounts of fatty acids in your bloodstream that are ready to be used by the body.
    Okay thanks bro

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by svenman19 View Post
    Would the gains be similar with test prop and mast prop compared to test E/sustanon an mast E? 8week cycle with prop or 12 week cycle with enth? Any advice please guys
    You can't know for sure before you actually do it and see it for yourself.

    I prefer an 8 week cycle over a 12 week cycle, same lean gains, just quicker, and less strain on my body.

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