Hey my stats are age 23 5'8 175lbs with bodyfat 12-13%. This will be my third cycle.
1st cycle: test e and dbol
2nd cycle: sustanon and dbol
I'm planning this cycle for mid February so I have time to slim down to 10% bodyfat. My goal is to gain 5-10 pounds of lean muscle and drop a few %bf.
Here are my cycle ideas
Week 1-10 test prop 150 eod
Week 2-10 mast prop 100 eod
Week 5-10 winstrol 75 ed
Week 1-10 arimidex .25 e3d
Week 1-10 test prop 150 eod
Week 3-10 tren A 75-100 eod
Week 5-10 winstrol 75 eod
Week 1-10 arimidex .25 e3d
Week3-10 caber ???
Any help would be great. And if there's a better cycle I'd love to know. Thanks!!