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1) I live in Canada, was wondering if it's a good idea to tell my doctor what I plan on doing and if anyone has experience with this.
Dont tell a Doc unless you have a close confidential friend or if a problem arises
2) My body fat is going to be quite low when I start cycle, and I'd like to keep it that way. Im familiar with how to put on muscle and lose fat naturally but what i've read on these forums people are eating crazy amounts of calories every day. Is this what you're supposed to do on AAS?
Diet is all goal dependant. If you want strictly LBM gains, stick with lots of protein (2-2.5g/lb of LBM), good fats and moderate your carbs as you see your body changing
4) How challenging is it to hide AAS use from your GF? (Not living together) I understand HCG on cycle = normal looking balls, but does anyone have experience with this?
Expect to have to explain it to her. Your libido is going to go through the roof so either get use to knocking it out twice or day or explaining why you've worn her insides out
5) Naturally I train fairly low volume and heavy with rest days inbetween workouts. Basically a three day split, deadlift/chins, squats, bench/dips. And I also follow Martin Berkan's take on intermittent fasting "Leangains" for those of you familiar with it, does all this fly out the window? Most of my training princples have come from Stuart McRobert's "Beyond Brawn", but i'm wondering how much more work I should be doing with AAS?
IMHO, throw any kind of fasting out the window when on AAS. You dont need to "trick" your body into anything. You're loading it up with the tools to repair and grow faster than it can naturally. Tear down that muscle, fuel it appropriately and get tons of rest.
I know it's a lot of questions but if I'm going to go down this road I want to be 100% prepared and do it right. Thanks very much!