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Thread: Questions from a first timer (Looking to do Test E 500mg/w)

  1. #1

    Questions from a first timer (Looking to do Test E 500mg/w)

    Hi all,

    Still been toying around with the idea of my first cycle and I'm quite sure i've got my mind made up, I feel after four years of solid training with a diet that doesn't skip out on a single macro I'm ready for the next level. Also; i've been reading these forums since basically when i started working out, so i feel i have a grasp on how a cycle should go.. will ask more when the time comes.

    Stat check:

    25 years old
    185 lbs
    8% BF

    Proposed Cycle:

    W1-12 Test E 500mg/wk
    Can't remember what start week for HCG (Week 4?), but will take it at 250IU day before each pin (Bi-weekly)
    AI on Cycle (Armidex)

    Nolva/Clomid/HCG on PCT

    Been doing an 8 week prime to get bodyfat as low as possible. (Which is a good idea from what i've read)


    1) I live in Canada, was wondering if it's a good idea to tell my doctor what I plan on doing and if anyone has experience with this.

    2) My body fat is going to be quite low when I start cycle, and I'd like to keep it that way. Im familiar with how to put on muscle and lose fat naturally but what i've read on these forums people are eating crazy amounts of calories every day. Is this what you're supposed to do on AAS?

    3) I want to add LBM.. otherwise I wouldnt be considering AAS (Duh), but I'm terrified of people being able to tell "Oh he's on the juice" right away. So my goal would be roughly 15 lbs of LBM (I know thats a lot) but I hear from many people on these boards that they've added crazy amounts of size and thats not what I'm down for... does this all come down to diet? Or should my test dose be lower?

    4) How challenging is it to hide AAS use from your GF? (Not living together) I understand HCG on cycle = normal looking balls, but does anyone have experience with this?

    5) Naturally I train fairly low volume and heavy with rest days inbetween workouts. Basically a three day split, deadlift/chins, squats, bench/dips. And I also follow Martin Berkan's take on intermittent fasting "Leangains" for those of you familiar with it, does all this fly out the window? Most of my training princples have come from Stuart McRobert's "Beyond Brawn", but i'm wondering how much more work I should be doing with AAS?

    I know it's a lot of questions but if I'm going to go down this road I want to be 100% prepared and do it right. Thanks very much!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    Quote Originally Posted by WannaBeHyooge View Post
    3) I want to add LBM.. otherwise I wouldnt be considering AAS (Duh), but I'm terrified of people being able to tell "Oh he's on the juice" right away. So my goal would be roughly 15 lbs of LBM (I know thats a lot) but I hear from many people on these boards that they've added crazy amounts of size and thats not what I'm down for... does this all come down to diet? Or should my test dose be lower?
    Im lost, so you want to get on AAS to add mass that you cant do naturally, but you dont want it to be enough that people will notice?

    Naturally, with proper diet, training and rest, you can add 6-10lbs per year. You are talking about adding twice as much in 1/4 of the time.

    You can control your gains by your diet, but if you are not planning on adding enough to make taking AAS worth it, why bother?

  3. #3
    I understand why you might be lost. My post kind of contradicts itself, although I think you've answered one of my questions.

    Do you think that it would be a waste of my time to run a cycle of AAS and only aim to add 15'ish lbs?

  4. #4
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    15lb of LBM is absolutely massive. Think of adding an uncooked 10oz NY steak to 25 parts of your body. Thats a lot of meat. (pervs need not respond to this comment)

    When you hear of guys adding 30+lb during a cycle, its usually on a dirty bulk which adds a bunch of fat and usually 10+lbs of water. The moment they come off, they drop all the water bloat and have to lose the gut so they end up with mid teen gains in LBM.

    Put it this way, if I could add 10lbs this year, I would be extremely happy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power
    15lb of LBM is absolutely massive. Think of adding an uncooked 10oz NY steak to 25 parts of your body. Thats a lot of meat. (pervs need not respond to this comment)

    When you hear of guys adding 30+lb during a cycle, its usually on a dirty bulk which adds a bunch of fat and usually 10+lbs of water. The moment they come off, they drop all the water bloat and have to lose the gut so they end up with mid teen gains in LBM.

    Put it this way, if I could add 10lbs this year, I would be extremely happy.
    Agreed. The only way you're putting 15lbs on is with a lot of fat and water retention. Lean muscle takes time. Steroids don't magically grow muscle over night.

    A lot of noobs have this misconception of how fast they'll grow.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    USA-New Jersey
    dont worry about people thinking you are on the juice! just do your best and follow good diet.
    cycle looks good
    how about PCt , how will u run it ?
    and HCG on cycle and after cycle ? are you planning on doing HCG blast after cycle. i heard its great for recovery and im planning on doing it on my cycle in few months

  7. #7
    Thanks for the replies guys, oh believe me I've looked at what 15lbs of beef looks like.. thats a SHIT ton. Glad to hear that it's only dirty bulks that lead to the whole 30lbs gain thing.

    I definitely am a noob that's why i'm still trying to learn as much as I can.

    Any ideas on the other questions from my original post?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by WannaBeHyooge View Post
    1) I live in Canada, was wondering if it's a good idea to tell my doctor what I plan on doing and if anyone has experience with this.
    Dont tell a Doc unless you have a close confidential friend or if a problem arises

    2) My body fat is going to be quite low when I start cycle, and I'd like to keep it that way. Im familiar with how to put on muscle and lose fat naturally but what i've read on these forums people are eating crazy amounts of calories every day. Is this what you're supposed to do on AAS?
    Diet is all goal dependant. If you want strictly LBM gains, stick with lots of protein (2-2.5g/lb of LBM), good fats and moderate your carbs as you see your body changing

    4) How challenging is it to hide AAS use from your GF? (Not living together) I understand HCG on cycle = normal looking balls, but does anyone have experience with this?
    Expect to have to explain it to her. Your libido is going to go through the roof so either get use to knocking it out twice or day or explaining why you've worn her insides out

    5) Naturally I train fairly low volume and heavy with rest days inbetween workouts. Basically a three day split, deadlift/chins, squats, bench/dips. And I also follow Martin Berkan's take on intermittent fasting "Leangains" for those of you familiar with it, does all this fly out the window? Most of my training princples have come from Stuart McRobert's "Beyond Brawn", but i'm wondering how much more work I should be doing with AAS?
    IMHO, throw any kind of fasting out the window when on AAS. You dont need to "trick" your body into anything. You're loading it up with the tools to repair and grow faster than it can naturally. Tear down that muscle, fuel it appropriately and get tons of rest.

    I know it's a lot of questions but if I'm going to go down this road I want to be 100% prepared and do it right. Thanks very much!
    Answers in bold

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I think the post above me hit most of it. To get the most out of your cycle please don't out limits on yourself other than keeping it clean and lean. If fifteen lean pounds is possible it would be crazy to try to stop it or slow it down.

    The girlfriend thing puzzles me. Your girl would not approve of you doing this? Sound like some fundamental differences in outlook there. No bueno. Yeah you can probably hide node t from her but yours going to need SOME sort of cover story. Your best bet is some new supplement.
    As far as hiding it from others... same thing you want people to notice you are more muscular right? Guess what, most people do not automatically assume ROIDZ!!! Again have you'd cover story in place new supplements new training program new bulking diet usually " yeah man I've been eating a ton and killing it in the gym!" Does the trick. Don't freak out when you get a compliment.

    I would never mention doing something illegal to a doctor unless there are a damn
    good reason.

    Fasting... no. Please, just no. Eat bodybuilder style. Frequently. Like wake up in the night and eat some more if you want.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Wow holy typos. I don't seem to be able to edit my posts? Weird.

  11. #11
    Love this forum, everyone is so helpful. Thanks very much!

    I'm gunna head on over to the training forum and see what else I can learn for what sort of splits work best when on AAS.

    Anyone care to share what's worked best for them?

  12. #12
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    Everyone is different, but the key to gaining mass is to eat for it. I find the biggest problem is people do a bunch of calculations to figure out how much they should eat according to their bodyweight or LBM. Figure out definitive goals (ex 190lb LBM) and figure out how many clean calories it takes to fuel this weight. Trial and error, add in some extra cals for 2 weeks, if it softens you up, remove a couple hundred. By week 8 you will be so happy with your gains, you wont be worrying about being so picky. Keep the cycle simple and enjoy where it takes you.

    Always keep in mind that AAS does not do the work for you. You still need to tear your body down, the AAS just helps repair quicker.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    Everyone is different, but the key to gaining mass is to eat for it. I find the biggest problem is people do a bunch of calculations to figure out how much they should eat according to their bodyweight or LBM. Figure out definitive goals (ex 190lb LBM) and figure out how many clean calories it takes to fuel this weight. Trial and error, add in some extra cals for 2 weeks, if it softens you up, remove a couple hundred. By week 8 you will be so happy with your gains, you wont be worrying about being so picky. Keep the cycle simple and enjoy where it takes you.

    Always keep in mind that AAS does not do the work for you. You still need to tear your body down, the AAS just helps repair quicker.
    Solid advice, thank-you very much.

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