This will be my secind ever cycle. My first was completed 16 we
eks ago composed of TestE at 500/week. I had very good results with nice gains and Many compliments. I thought I was gonna just do one cycle, but damnit, I kinda liked it too much. I am 44, 5'11'' and 205 with 14 bf. I want to try some EQ to get a little harder look so I was thinking about the following:
Wk 1 - 13 Test E 500/wk
Wk 1 - 12 Equipoise 600/wk
Wk 1 - 14 AI - Liquid Stane 12.5/day
Wk 15 - 18 Tamox 40/20/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Please critique this for me. Thanks.