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Thread: Improving Athletic Performance with Low Dose 'Pulsing'?

  1. #1

    Improving Athletic Performance with Low Dose 'Pulsing'?

    First of all I'll just say that I am 20 and thus am expecting the general stance of 'come back when you're 25 AT LEAST', and I get it and I only think I'm a little bit invincible. BUT I want to get some advice in case the first half of my off season does not go well. I basically have this off season to 'make it' in sports and then my avenues start reducing. I read all the threads about horror stories for young guys like myself, and it has put me on the backfoot a bit, and I will show it to some of my mates who may be considering cycling. In my defense though I don't plan to take Tren straight for 26 weeks with no PCT...

    I have been told that low dose pulsing of test can be great for improving athletic performance, has anyone had any experience with this? What doses would you suggest and for how long? As I said I'm only on the fence about all this, my dad didn't stop growing until he was 22 but as stated I kind of having to really pick up my athleticism this year.

    Thanks in advance.


    By athletic ability I mean faster sprint times and the ability to jump high and further, thus I'm really asking does low test pulsing have the ability to get my muscles firing faster, and will this gains be held onto with appropriate PCT and nutrition just like mass and strength gains?
    Last edited by TheBogeyMan; 01-10-2013 at 03:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Bump, anyone?

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Your body's already producing about 70mg of Test per week. Low dose means 100mg/wk? That means that the net gain of Test is 30mg/wk. For 30 mg/wk you're willing to have your natural production cease, have your nuts shrink, get acne, throw off your endo? Test is a powerful drug. It will absolutely work. Are you sure you can handle the consequences of the sides, if it happens to you? It won't be fun when you pull your pants down and the only thing stand up is the lamp post.

  5. #5
    I was thinking in the range of 200-250mg. But no I'm not prepared for my natural test to completely shut down, though this seems like an over exaggeration. Would you suggest any other performance enhancers that would tailor to my needs?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Any and all AAS will shut you down, and the younger you are the greater the risk of this shut down being permanent, or that permanent damage is made to your Endocrine system.
    It is NOT an over exaggeration, I'll edit in some links for cycles gone wrong for young folks.

    That being said, Testosterone or any other AAS will not, per say, get your muscles firing faster. You can make your muscles bigger, and stronger, but it is your CNS that dictates how effectively the muscles you have are utilized.
    And the CNS can only be improved by training, training and training.

    You will have *some* growth of off 200-250mg of test per week, but not a super whole lot.

    If you already are good enough to make it to the absolute world elite in whatever sports you're doing, and are absolutely certain that you can, and will, make a living off of it, then, but only then, would I personally feel that the risk of AAS use at a young age MIGHT be worth it.

    But then again, if you are that good, why would you need performance enhancers in the first place?

    I would consider this very, very, very carefully if I were in your shoes, spend a few days and read up on as much as you can on this board. Read the things that have gone wrong for others, and then weigh the advantages vs risks.

    IF you then decide that its worth it, read up on:

    HRT dose of test (more or less what you suggested, or lower)
    AI usage
    Proper PCT


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    East Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by TheBogeyMan
    First of all I'll just say that I am 20 and thus am expecting the general stance of 'come back when you're 25 AT LEAST', and I get it and I only think I'm a little bit invincible. BUT I want to get some advice in case the first half of my off season does not go well. I basically have this off season to 'make it' in sports and then my avenues start reducing. I read all the threads about horror stories for young guys like myself, and it has put me on the backfoot a bit, and I will show it to some of my mates who may be considering cycling. In my defense though I don't plan to take Tren straight for 26 weeks with no PCT...

    I have been told that low dose pulsing of test can be great for improving athletic performance, has anyone had any experience with this? What doses would you suggest and for how long? As I said I'm only on the fence about all this, my dad didn't stop growing until he was 22 but as stated I kind of having to really pick up my athleticism this year.

    Thanks in advance.


    By athletic ability I mean faster sprint times and the ability to jump high and further, thus I'm really asking does low test pulsing have the ability to get my muscles firing faster, and will this gains be held onto with appropriate PCT and nutrition just like mass and strength gains?

    Let's set aside the likely damage you will do to your not-fully-delevoped system for the moment, I want to come at this from another angle.

    If this is your year to "make it" in whatever sport it is you play I think it's safe to assume that you consider yourself a top-tier athlete as it is, but one who still needs a synthetic edge to make it. What I don't understand is why you think your opportunities will start drying up after this year. You'll be 21 next year, far from seeing any major decline in skill levels. What sport is it you're competing in? Personally I turned 23 in August, was out of baseball for 2 years after being scouted heavily by 2 teams, and recently got back into it and am again seeing scouts coming around. I see no reason why you will see opportunities drying up.

    And also, if you're a top-tier type athlete, couldn't drug testing be an issue?

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