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First of all I'll just say that I am 20 and thus am expecting the general stance of 'come back when you're 25 AT LEAST', and I get it and I only think I'm a little bit invincible. BUT I want to get some advice in case the first half of my off season does not go well. I basically have this off season to 'make it' in sports and then my avenues start reducing. I read all the threads about horror stories for young guys like myself, and it has put me on the backfoot a bit, and I will show it to some of my mates who may be considering cycling. In my defense though I don't plan to take Tren straight for 26 weeks with no PCT...
I have been told that low dose pulsing of test can be great for improving athletic performance, has anyone had any experience with this? What doses would you suggest and for how long? As I said I'm only on the fence about all this, my dad didn't stop growing until he was 22 but as stated I kind of having to really pick up my athleticism this year.
Thanks in advance.
By athletic ability I mean faster sprint times and the ability to jump high and further, thus I'm really asking does low test pulsing have the ability to get my muscles firing faster, and will this gains be held onto with appropriate PCT and nutrition just like mass and strength gains?