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Thread: Hdrol Cycle

  1. #1
    chiknmanz is offline New Member
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    Hdrol Cycle

    HI guys, i'm going to be running my first ph cycle and i've decided that it is hdrol. I plan to run a 6 week cycle 50/75~ I will be preloading on cycle assist for 2 weeks as well as use it during the cycle, so the layout will be like this

    Hdrol - 50/75/75/75/75/75
    Cycle assist
    Fish Oils

    Nolva - 20/20/10/10
    Bioforge - recommended dosage

    I was wondering how this looked? And if my pct is enough? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Hey I did the cycle, all what you take is alittle overkill, but ok. Cycle assist is very very good, and in some cases necessary. I did fine with 1-2 pills x day from the 2nd week on. You could notice strong libido loss at the end of the cycle, although no erecction problems in my case.
    your PCT is ok, maybe you can increase dose if libido loss is very strong. I added clomid too, and tribulus.
    So for the results, don't expect any crazy things, I was really disappointed, lots of bloat, and no real transformation, although people will notice that you're on. creatine as PCT is a good idea to try to maintain gains, cause you'll loose almost everything. check diet, BP, and have fun!!!

  3. #3
    fries's Avatar
    fries is offline Junior Member
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    What are your goals with the HDROL cycle? It can be used well for a recomp but will not be effective if you're trying to get huge. I liked the size I got from it and unlike Andrea, it was solid mass with little to no bloat.

    I'd add some extra hawthorne berry in there to help combat BP if you need it and get'r on. Also, consider adding clomid to your pct as well.

  4. #4
    chiknmanz is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fries View Post
    What are your goals with the HDROL cycle? It can be used well for a recomp but will not be effective if you're trying to get huge. I liked the size I got from it and unlike Andrea, it was solid mass with little to no bloat.

    I'd add some extra hawthorne berry in there to help combat BP if you need it and get'r on. Also, consider adding clomid to your pct as well.
    My goal/expectation for this cycle is to gain a good amount of strength and noticeable size, not by any means huge. For sure on the hawthorne berry, so I should run both serms? thanks for the help!

  5. #5
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    hawthorne berry is included in cycle assist, and like I said, 2 pills were enough to control BP. I used Hdrol to bulk, and gained 6kg, then I lost 7kg during cutting. no creatine was used. If you want to get big, use M-Drol instead.

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I dont know wat these guys are taking about but your too young.You risk doing serious damage to your endo system.That being said TEST is a base to all cycles.Cycle assist is BS! you need a real ai like Adex.Your pct is weak you need both Nova and Clomid.

  7. #7
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I dont know wat these guys are taking about but your too young.You risk doing serious damage to your endo system.That being said TEST is a base to all cycles.Cycle assist is BS! you need a real ai like Adex.Your pct is weak you need both Nova and Clomid.
    Actually cycle assist is the base for all my cycles. Without it, i couldn't run any cycle. Hdrol is very weak, its sold like a supplement. There are people who use PCT assist instead of a SERM. I mean, the right hdrol cycle would be at least trt test, adex nolva clomid and hcg . but like that, hdrol woudn't have the necessity to exist. Someone uses hdrol for its simplicity, because he's afraid of needles, because he doen't want to be illegal or doesn't have access to gear.

  8. #8
    Alinjr is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I dont know wat these guys are taking about but your too young.You risk doing serious damage to your endo system.That being said TEST is a base to all cycles.Cycle assist is BS! you need a real ai like Adex.Your pct is weak you need both Nova and Clomid.
    This exactly, to young. Please do your research before starting any cycle.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Actually cycle assist is the base for all my cycles. Without it, i couldn't run any cycle. Hdrol is very weak, its sold like a supplement. There are people who use PCT assist instead of a SERM. I mean, the right hdrol cycle would be at least trt test, adex nolva clomid and hcg. but like that, hdrol woudn't have the necessity to exist. Someone uses hdrol for its simplicity, because he's afraid of needles, because he doen't want to be illegal or doesn't have access to gear.
    Dam I am sure glad not everyone thinks like you.There would be a lot more messed up guys running around.Come back soon and teach us some more plz

  10. #10
    stpete is offline Banned
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    21 is too young like songdog said. And i'm not even talking about the products you're going to run. All garbage imo except for the nolva.

    Best to wait to get a little older and more accurate info regarding a real cycle and PCT.

    Good Luck

  11. #11
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Hdrol is garbage, Kid. If you were smart, you'd listen to what Stpete and Songdog told you.

    And by the way, Bioforge is garbage too. So is Cycle Assist and pretty much any prohormone you can find.

    But I don't want to just smash your dreams and not help you out. Tell us about your build, diet, training method and most importantly your goals from lifting both short term and long term. I'm willing to bet we can help you get closer to your goals if you want to take the time.

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