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Thread: got blood test back and doctor questioned steroids !!!!

  1. #1

    Exclamation got blood test back and doctor questioned steroids !!!!

    My white blood cell count read 15.2 and average should be at 10. I'm currently running a cycle of test p and tren a. I was taking test e then converted to test p. But he was concerned and I also went back today to get a script filled and I wanted a copy of the blood work and he sent off for a test check and so now he knows even though I denied the use of AAS. My test levels ran 1259 lol. But my concern can he do anything besides rant at me and also does test p or tren a raise your WBC count ??? And advice would be great thanks.

  2. #2
    I got the blood test for my thyroid by the way cause I'm having problems losing weight now and my thyroid read a 1.12 which was kinda on low side to me....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    They should not elevate WBC.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    You can always say you are on pro hormones

  5. #5
    My liver is perfect....

  6. #6
    Question is what ph can raise my test that high ???

  7. #7
    I mean what all can be done cause I do use AAS?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by faststang71 View Post
    I mean what all can be done cause I do use AAS?
    He,can mark it in your records. You health insurance can refuse to pay for something if they think its related. You can be denied insurance later
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
    Strange country sometimes the usa. so if U have lungcancer the insurance doesn't pay when you're smoking? its the same thing

  10. #10
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    Our insurance is not paid for by the goverment, its a private business. So because its a business naturally anything you do of your own will to jepordize your health will raise your rates and if severe enough they can decide they would prefer not to ensure you.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by animal1984 View Post
    Strange country sometimes the usa. so if U have lungcancer the insurance doesn't pay when you're smoking? its the same thing
    i agree about cause and effect, but smoking isnt illegal. So yes it would be covered. Steroids are.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i agree about cause and effect, but smoking isnt illegal. So yes it would be covered. Steroids are.
    Illegal or not he insurance companies don't care. If you're healthy you can get health insurance, I'd you have previously health problems they will deny or drop your coverage. The US. Sucks when it comes to health care. France on the other hand have the best health care system in the world. Maybe I should move there.

  13. #13
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    He HAS to treat you no matter what..if you deny AAS usage all he can do is specualte and if he were to document speculation in your medical record then I doubt that is allowed under the ethics code. I could be wrong as I am not a Doc. He can obviously not your levels but I dounbt he can document his OPINION!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by anahny View Post
    Illegal or not he insurance companies don't care. If you're healthy you can get health insurance, I'd you have previously health problems they will deny or drop your coverage. The US. Sucks when it comes to health care. France on the other hand have the best health care system in the world. Maybe I should move there.
    I'd be right behind you. USA: can't get treatment unless you can pay for it yourself, or your personal carrier approves payment (assuming you can get insurance), Canada: It's free, but the wait list is so long for diagnostics and treatment that unless you have the money to go to the US for treatment, you're screwed.

    I'm personally looking at an expat lifestyle.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    I'd be right behind you. USA: can't get treatment unless you can pay for it yourself, or your personal carrier approves payment (assuming you can get insurance), Canada: It's free, but the wait list is so long for diagnostics and treatment that unless you have the money to go to the US for treatment, you're screwed.

    I'm personally looking at an expat lifestyle.
    oh i agree our us health insurance sucks.
    We just moved literally 2 miles down the road. The zip code changed. My wife's health insurance which we pay on our own just went up $50 a month because of the new address. What BS.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    He HAS to treat you no matter what..
    The only doctor that MUST treat you is one who works in the emergency care setting under EMTALA rules. An urgent care doc in a free standing clinic or your primary care doc has no legal obligation to treat you.

    You are protected by HIPAA so the doctor really can't go shopping around your results but your insurance company will have access to any records on file if they request it and you signed the waiver.

    If you do not have signs of illness (fever cough vomiting, etc.), you have no medical problems, and you're a young healthy individual, then a WBC of 15 may be watched and with no need for treatment. I'd possibly recommend a flu vaccine. Not because of your WBC, but due to national outbreak in USA.

    Lots of meds like corticosteroids can cause elevated WBCs. Hopefully you don't have signs of infection at injection sites which your doctor may have not checked since you insisted you are not taking steroids.

  17. #17
    Funny thing is in US now if 26 and under still can be on parents insurance so I took advantage of it and got on it this year since I got laid off from my job with full coverage bcbs. So not sure how that works had no questions at all adding me to the plan period even with my medical conditions. But idk I was just curious I don't think he really cares just wants to know...

  18. #18
    Insurance is also through my mother's job

  19. #19
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    Are you sure he asked you if you were using ANABOLIC STEROIDS? And not "steroids" (which usually refers to corticosteroids)? I know its unlikely, but its just a thought.

    AAS also should not raise white blood cell count. What usually does that is an infection of some sort.

  20. #20
    Just steroids and I said no that only thing extra I take is test boosters from muscletech lol and he just said steroids... Only thing I've found is that cortico will raise wbc. But he doubted me and sent it off to major hospital to get checked and requested my test results... Which they came back at 1259 lol should been 175-781ng

  21. #21
    Im thinking my wbc is high because 7 months ago I started to get staph infections real bad and one ended up turning into MRSA so I still may have signs of that in my body... He did mention that I've gotten huge since last time I saw him lol asked how big I wanted to get told him he had no idea lol

  22. #22
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    If it was you're RBC I could understand that he might have suspected AAS, but WBC? Prolly the staph infections fault.
    Also, doesent Tren interfere with your Thyroids? I seem to remember Tren lowering T3, but Atomini can probably tell you if that would have anything to do with your dodgy thyroids.


  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by faststang71 View Post
    Just steroids and I said no that only thing extra I take is test boosters from muscletech lol and he just said steroids... Only thing I've found is that cortico will raise wbc. But he doubted me and sent it off to major hospital to get checked and requested my test results... Which they came back at 1259 lol should been 175-781ng
    See, that's why I asked if he was talking about Corticosteroids because I know they increase WBC too. The average doctor is clueless when it comes to AAS, so that is likely what he was referring to (and it is also likely what he thinks anabolic steroids are as well - yes, some really are that clueless).

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    See, that's why I asked if he was talking about Corticosteroids because I know they increase WBC too. The average doctor is clueless when it comes to AAS, so that is likely what he was referring to (and it is also likely what he thinks anabolic steroids are as well - yes, some really are that clueless).
    Yeah, that they are!
    I was a skinny kid with hardly a muscle on my body, at around 14, with frequent migranes, finally went to the doc to see if I could get help, and all she went on and on about was that she thought I was using Anabolic steroids, because they are known to cause headaces and acne..?!

    I left without having any kind of checks done, that's how sure she was that I was using.. utterly clueless, and useless as well for that matter. Meh..

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