Hello everyone, thanks in advance for any advice given. I'm a 42 year old male with a list of surgeries on my resume. Most recently i had a disk replaced in my lower back(been 2 years). Very active and can now do about anything i used to just a bit slower. I have been checking out the site and love the input from most people. Now that i have registered, here is my question. I have acquired 36-10 iu vials of somatropin and 180 d-bol tabs. I have been working out 3-4 times a week for about a year now with the last 5 months of hard workouts with 3 days of cardio. Can anyone advise me as to what dosages to take with the gear i have to gain 15-20 lbs of lean muscle if its even possible or smart with the gear i have. Once again thanks in advance!