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  1. #1
    keano is offline Junior Member
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    New Cycle Help Please

    Hi fellas. I am on HRT I take 150mg every two weeks. 43. 180. 5'9". My preferred weight is 170 and I am process of dieting back to that.

    Brief History
    When I was young and skinny I tried deca . I had good gains. While still young I did winnie for 6 weeks and had good gains. I prefer the dry quality muscle then gaining a lot of water and bloat. I bloat easily.
    Now I am on HRT since my test has been in the low 200's. 248 - 224.

    What I have
    I have a lot at my disposal but believe in being smart not impulsive. I have tren , anavar , tbol, test e, npp.
    As well as clomid and nolva. I know tren is very powerful. I have read and looked into cycles since I was young. I am not a complete newbie regarding these drugs but I am in regards to me personally using them.

    My goals are to gain 10lb of solid gains. That is a lot to be happy with. I am in no rush. If it takes two cycles that's fine. I want to lower my bf as well which is why I am in diet phase.

    My Concerns & Help
    With all the reading I have done on boards etc it gets confusing at times with different POV from ppl.
    I have decent head of hair. I noticed after 2 years of HRT I have thinned/receded a bit. Not bad but I have noticed.I have proscar on hand right now.I know this works directly with test(dht). So if I do a higher cycle of test and take proscar at the same time will that help or do I need to be taking it for awhile. Will it work immediately on the test cycle? Hair is a because concern because I am vain LOL.

    I was thinking of getting down to my weight and then doing a 7 week cycle of var or tbol first at 60mg.
    I rather start low on dosages injecting to see how I react and learn how I react from that. I also heard EQ and test is a good mix will proscar work with eq as well?

    since I am on HRT I don't believe I need PCT right? Though I do want to ask what you guys recommend for gyno with deca/npp as well as test because I know they're different prolactin/estrogen.

    Thanks much. sorry for the detail.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Do you have a proposed cycle you plan to run here?

  3. #3
    keano is offline Junior Member
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    That's what I'm trying to figure out. For my needs 10lb minimum thinking two cycles. I was thinking go for mild:var 6-7 weeks without changing my HRT.

    Evaluate, then go to npp since it holds less water then regular long lasting deca . Varied opinions on that but worth a try. Other run low dose of tren . I have tren-hex. Long lasting. I know if sides are bad your stuck with it till it leaves your system.

    I have access to letro etc but this is the area I get confused on. If I went with 400mg deca a week what is a good option to nullify the gyno possibilities?

    Tren - same question.

    Would I be better doing high cycle of test take proscar and and anti-estrogen.

  4. #4
    Soar's Avatar
    Soar is offline Productive Member
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    Sounds like upping your TRT dose to the average beginner cycle would work well for the gains you want.

  5. #5
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    I agree with soar...if you have not had much experience with cycling and AAS..avoid tren .

    Perhaps just a nice jump of test up to 500-600mg EW would be perfect. You could throw in the Var since you already have an idea of how you react to test!

  6. #6
    keano is offline Junior Member
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    Los Angeles
    Sounds good. Can you tell me if I started procar same day as cycle would it benefit me or would i have to be taking it awhile? PCT shouldn't be a concern right? I am concerned about build up of estrogen though.
    Last edited by keano; 01-12-2013 at 04:03 AM.

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Check out the AR Spa..

    No, you won't need PCT.

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