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Thread: Pain in kidney area or is it just back pump ....?

  1. #1

    Pain in kidney area or is it just back pump ....?

    So yesterday morning upon waking I felt discomfort in my kidney area, I am currently on my 4 th day of dbol and test e 500

    I've had this discomfort all of yesterday off and on... Wondering if this is just a back pump or is it actual kidney pain, I'm only running 30 mgs of dbol.

    It's usually just on one side, but shifts from one or the other, so discolour in color in urine or anything. Should I be worried ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    sydney, australia
    nope im very confident its kidney stones.

    to not make things worse get off the dbol and keep fluids very high.

    if they are kidney stones which im certain you will have to pass them if they dont break down it will ****ing hurt when you piss them out.

    unfortunately i know from experience ive had kidney stones a few times.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Yeah, back pumps are a different animal than what you're experiencing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by ChipChelios
    So yesterday morning upon waking I felt discomfort in my kidney area, I am currently on my 4 th day of dbol and test e 500

    I've had this discomfort all of yesterday off and on... Wondering if this is just a back pump or is it actual kidney pain, I'm only running 30 mgs of dbol.

    It's usually just on one side, but shifts from one or the other, so discolour in color in urine or anything. Should I be worried ?

    Any difficulty voiding (peeing)? Increase or decrease in urine frequency? Dark colored urine or cloudiness? Any signs of hematuria (blood in urine)?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz
    nope im very confident its kidney stones.

    to not make things worse get off the dbol and keep fluids very high.

    if they are kidney stones which im certain you will have to pass them if they dont break down it will ****ing hurt when you piss them out.

    unfortunately i know from experience ive had kidney stones a few times.
    I've never had kidney problems that I now of. How long does it take to pass them ?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    Any difficulty voiding (peeing)? Increase or decrease in urine frequency? Dark colored urine or cloudiness? Any signs of hematuria (blood in urine)?
    No difficulty peeing. No increase in frequency, urine is normal, no signs of blood in urine.

    * didn't have any pain yesterday and so far today.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by ChipChelios

    No difficulty peeing. No increase in frequency, urine is normal, no signs of blood in urine.

    * didn't have any pain yesterday and so far today.
    Keep consuming large quantities of water. Could be many factors and not necessarily kidney stones. I've seen a few people reporting flank pain but kidney function was normal and they were asymptomatic for kidney stones.

    If flank pain returns or other symptoms return, you should see your MD. You could have had a muscle strain or some dehydration issues.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    Keep consuming large quantities of water. Could be many factors and not necessarily kidney stones. I've seen a few people reporting flank pain but kidney function was normal and they were asymptomatic for kidney stones.

    If flank pain returns or other symptoms return, you should see your MD. You could have had a muscle strain or some dehydration issues.
    Thanks for the Input! I will drink lots of water.

  9. #9
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Keep consuming large quantities of water. Could be many factors and not necessarily kidney stones. I've seen a few people reporting flank pain but kidney function was normal and they were asymptomatic for kidney stones.

    If flank pain returns or other symptoms return, you should see your MD. You could have had a muscle strain or some dehydration issues.
    i don't have any history of stones nor a diet that is conducive to their development and each time i have BW done, my kidneys are fine yet i still have the pains right there. turns out i've just got a "bad back" and that my posture is a contributing factor. hanging and hanging knee raises alleviate the pain for a bit, a 2hr oil massage and stretching work well but nothing works as well as sitting properly, back straight and no hunched shoulders.

  10. #10
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    I get what I think is kidney pain sometimes and luckily its fixed with large amounts of water. I consume too much powder protein at times and water helps.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by likelifting
    I get what I think is kidney pain sometimes and luckily its fixed with large amounts of water. I consume too much powder protein at times and water helps.
    Still having the same discomfort. I'm trying to consume at least 4 litres of water a day

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Has it gotten any worse? Did you see MI's post? I saw where you said 'no discolor' but freequency the same? Pain when urninating?

    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Any difficulty voiding (peeing)? Increase or decrease in urine frequency? Dark colored urine or cloudiness? Any signs of hematuria (blood in urine)?

  13. #13
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    I get bad back pumps on dbol.... It feels like someone is pumping my kidneys up with a bike pump....

    Never had it on one side tho....

    If its only just come on since you have started the cycle then I wouldn't be supprised if it was just bad back pumps as people who have never had it always seem to think its kidneys.... But don't rule out kidney stones...

    Drop the dbol for now and see how it goes, it may take some time...

  14. #14
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    It is a very ignorant and premature thing for anyone to jump to a conclusion that any kidney related pain refers to the condition of kidney stones.

    I was complaining about a similar problem a few weeks ago, took a session of ultrasound and it turns out the cold I caught previously ended up giving me kidney pain, plain and simple. Not to mention lack of pain while urinating is a very strong indication of this not being a case of kidney stones...

    For those who are not aware, there is a condition in medical science called ''Renovascular Hypertension.'' It is a type of secondary hypertension caused by abnormal changes in the regular blood flow to the kidneys, which is a condition that is generally overlooked.

    OP, drop Dbol and continue to drink lots of water. You should also immediately engage in cardiovascular activity, running is the best aerobic exercise for kidneys as MD's often recommend, also get your BP checked to see if it is on the right track. There is also a direct correlation between HPB and kidney diseases.

    If symptoms continue, get an appointment for an ultrasound session ASAP...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    You may just have kidney strains, stretching, lots of fluids, and cardio if this "condition does not clear up in 4-5 days go see your pcp.(primary care physician)

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