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Thread: PCT on 8 week plan?

  1. #1

    PCT on 8 week plan?

    Hey guys,

    So I recently started a 12 cycle of Test P, Equipose and Anavar. I realized I didn't have enough Test to last 12 weeks the way I wanted (125mg EOD) so I posted a thread here and got some advice to just do 2.5 ml every week for 8 weeks which I been doing. So I switched the Test cycle but am still doing the Equi. and Anavar on the 12 week setup.

    My question is when then should I start my PCT of Nolvadex? After the 8th week of Test or just after the entire 12 week process?

    Thank guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Are you running everything for 8 weeks or continuing the eq after test?
    It's a strange one to run prop with eq as the eq will take a while to leave your system and the prop will take a few days.
    Mixing the 2 and finishing them at the same time makes a successful pct a tough call

  3. #3
    i did plan on running the Equi for the entire 12 weeks and start the Var at week 7. I just pulled the stack straight off this website and thought id give it try. Just really sucks because I have no way to get more test now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by snipeemall
    i did plan on running the Equi for the entire 12 weeks and start the Var at week 7. I just pulled the stack straight off this website and thought id give it try. Just really sucks because I have no way to get more test now.
    I wouldn't run the eq without test at all buddy

  5. #5
    definitely depressing news. Maybe i can just do 1.25 - 1.5 ml every week of test just to keep it going for 12 weeks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by snipeemall
    definitely depressing news. Maybe i can just do 1.25 - 1.5 ml every week of test just to keep it going for 12 weeks.
    12 weeks is to short for eq in my eyes aswell
    There's no point risking your hpta and endocrine system doing 1.25 ml -1.5ml prop every week.
    Quit the eq now run the prop till the end and do a solid pct

    Next time get everything you need before you need it and get a extra vial of each just incase

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