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Thread: D-bol/anavar 8 weeks together??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    D-bol/anavar 8 weeks together??

    With what I know up to now it seems to be a good idea but maybe you can help me on that.

    I was creating some cycle who could fit with my goal and experience. And I arrive with:

    Goal: Hard lean muscle gain

    Test-p 8weeks 150mg EOD
    Anavar 8weeks 50mg ED
    d-bol 8weeks 25mg ED
    Of course UDCA for whole duration 250mg-500mg daily

    Ai/pct Include but it doesnt concern My question nor my stats and cycle experience anyway. It's an hypothetical question.

    Is taking anavar with d-bol for an extended period even with a good liver support a good idea??
    About liver health I think it will be ok cause I got low dose of 2 oral so it's about the same of one high dose oral.

    But does one will screw the effect or the other or (like I think) Both will stack and give good gain + hard gain.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bed, work, gym, kitchen
    For me it doesn't make sense to run them together... IMO- and keep in mind this is my opinion- if I were to use anavar, It would be for the slow and steady gains with little to no water retention.

    If I were to choose dbol, it would be because I am bulking and looking to make serious gain in a short period of time and not concerned about water retention, just packing on weight.

    I would think that Var and dbol together would be working against each other and at the same time, beating up the liver together. Why not run the dbol first, at higher dose to bulk (maybe 4 weeks 50mg) and then adjust diet for final 6 weeks and switch to Var (80mg for 6 weeks) and run the test for the duration.

    If it was my decision, I'd choose one and save the other for a later date

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Dude, you are 19yo you wont get advise on this forum about AAS.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    Dude, you are 19yo you wont get advise on this forum about AAS.
    Not true. We will give good advise to any and everyone. Just might be advise they want to hear.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bed, work, gym, kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco
    Dude, you are 19yo you wont get advise on this forum about AAS.
    Yea I guess some won't help him do the least damage he can. It's obvious he is already using, so why not help him atleast save his liver... If he's dumb enough to use hear that early, I doubt anyone can convince him to stop now before he does real damage...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    2 orals at the same time isn't a good idea mate. A dont think 2 orals in the same cycle is a goon idea.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    Yea I guess some won't help him do the least damage he can. It's obvious he is already using, so why not help him atleast save his liver... If he's dumb enough to use hear that early, I doubt anyone can convince him to stop now before he does real damage...
    He hasn't started the cycle yet. At 19 it's crazy for him to juice. My only advice to him would be to put down the drugs and put in the work that the rest of us did at that age naturally.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    He hasn't started the cycle yet. At 19 it's crazy for him to juice. My only advice to him would be to put down the drugs and put in the work that the rest of us did at that age naturally.
    ^^^^^ x2

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    For me it doesn't make sense to run them together... IMO- and keep in mind this is my opinion- if I were to use anavar, It would be for the slow and steady gains with little to no water retention.

    If I were to choose dbol, it would be because I am bulking and looking to make serious gain in a short period of time and not concerned about water retention, just packing on weight.

    I would think that Var and dbol together would be working against each other and at the same time, beating up the liver together. Why not run the dbol first, at higher dose to bulk (maybe 4 weeks 50mg) and then adjust diet for final 6 weeks and switch to Var (80mg for 6 weeks) and run the test for the duration.

    If it was my decision, I'd choose one and save the other for a later date
    Make lot of sense thanks, I will find something more appropriate for my goal thanks

    Also for the infromation of everyone, Yes, I'm 19 YO.(soon 20 btw) But I'm on this forum for more than 6 month and I'm here only to gather information.

    And No I never use any AAS yet. And I know what I'm doing. I certainly won't wait until 25 But I won't start so early either.
    Nothing in my post could let you think that I was already on cycle or going to right away.

    If you read my post entirely you would have read "It's an hypothetical question." Maybe it doesn't have the same signification
    in english but the literal translation make sense in my language, If So I'm sry for your misunderstanding. If not you should have read it totally and have some faith that I'm not another 19YO trying to screw myself up.

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