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  1. #1
    syntaxstealth is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Planning 2nd Cycle (Stack & Diet help)

    Hello Gents,

    I'm planning my second cycle and wanted to run a cutter after bulking.

    My stats:
    • 6.1
    • 27yrs old
    • 237lbs
    • no clue on %bf arms/legs pretty lean, chest and abdomen vary.
    • 2nd cycle

    I ran Test E at 500mg a week. I injected once a week since it was mainly on my outer quad. Was at 215 prior to test and gained 22lbs in muscle. Problem is, i didn't really focus on my abs too much and had a poor diet. Now trying to make up for it and get rid of some of the belly fat.

    My diet will be: example below i'm currently following the formula 50 diet plan.
    1. protein packed oatmeal. (vanilla)
    2. 24 raw almonds
    3. eggs and wheat

    1. Chicken Sandwich (6 ounces)
    2. Broccoli & Salad

    Afternoon meal:
    1. 5 ounce steak
    2. sweet potato
    3. steamed greens

    1. Protein Drink
    2. Fruits

    During workout I take creatine.

    Second cycle i'm considering the following:
    TEST CYP - 500mg (Mon/Thur) Week 1-16
    Anavar - 40mg (ED/EOD) Weeks 8-16
    Taking var later since test doesnt really kick in until weeks 6-8.

    PCT - Nolva (40/40/20/20)

    Two questions:
    • First question is do i need to run Nolva & Chlomid PCT for this cycle and if so, why?
    • Second question is do i need to run anything during the cycle?

    I'm aware of the risks with both test and Var (liver risk) and i'm just curious if i really need to be taking two different SERMS for PCT or if one will suffice.

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Cialis, Texas
    Thats a long run with cyp. Maybe get rid of the last 2 to 4 weeks.

    Var dose is too low and you probably don't even need it anyway. Seems like your last cycle of Test only did great, you just need to do it again with proper diet.

    Yes, you need both nolva and clomid for PCT and an AI on cycle. Use adex @ 0.25 EOD up to PCT.

    You really need to get that BF checked. You could be too high to cycle safely.

  3. #3
    syntaxstealth is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    according to online body fat calculators i'm between 18-20% bf. What is an unsafe BF%?

    i should note that bp and blood tests are all good...

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