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Thread: Crystals in Test???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Ventura county

    Crystals in Test???

    My bottles of Test have some crystals in it? Did my shit expire or is it fake?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    neither. it "crashed." try placing it in boiling water and see if the crystals dissolve. at least i think that's how you get rid of them. do a search. it's still good, but i would try to get a refund if possible. i think this usually happens if it gets too cold.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Ventura county
    No refund is possible brother so it looks like I'm boiling the shit out of this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Also is there any change in the amount of Test I'll receive per mg?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocRock View Post
    Also is there any change in the amount of Test I'll receive per mg?

  6. #6
    yea it crashed, there are a few things that can make it happen but the bottom line is it needs to be fixed before you inject. I dont ever recommend boiling it. A lot of people do but i have had issues. I use a hair dryer on high until you see the crystals go away and the fluid to look completely mixed again. takes about 5 minuets.... now depending on why it crashed the test might hold but more then likely you will need to reheat it again in a few days/weeks. ALSO make sure you let the test cool completely if you are injecting the same day you heat the test. Put a drop on your skin to make sure its cool again... but dont rapid cool it just let it cool at room temperature.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thicknick1 View Post
    yea it crashed, there are a few things that can make it happen but the bottom line is it needs to be fixed before you inject. I dont ever recommend boiling it. A lot of people do but i have had issues. I use a hair dryer on high until you see the crystals go away and the fluid to look completely mixed again. takes about 5 minuets.... now depending on why it crashed the test might hold but more then likely you will need to reheat it again in a few days/weeks. ALSO make sure you let the test cool completely if you are injecting the same day you heat the test. Put a drop on your skin to make sure its cool again... but dont rapid cool it just let it cool at room temperature.

  8. #8
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    Yeah It seems to crash at room temp and I live in California. I'll definitely try the hair dryer heat to warn it next time. I just put it in boiled water ( off the stove) and it worked fine. Does anyone know why it crashes?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocRock View Post
    Yeah It seems to crash at room temp and I live in California. I'll definitely try the hair dryer heat to warn it next time. I just put it in boiled water ( off the stove) and it worked fine. Does anyone know why it crashes?
    i have no idea, but it doesn't mean it's bad. it just means it's an inconvenience.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocRock
    Yeah It seems to crash at room temp and I live in California. I'll definitely try the hair dryer heat to warn it next time. I just put it in boiled water ( off the stove) and it worked fine. Does anyone know why it crashes?
    Not enough solvent or co solvent to keep it in solution or to high on the mg/ml ratio.
    There is nothing wrong with warming a vial in water at all as long as the water doesn't come up past half way on the vial your fine.
    If your worried about the stopper shooting out that won't happen due to the headspace of air in the vial.
    If stuck boil kettle and pour water in a cup upto halfway on the vial and let it sit there till it cools down

  11. #11
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    Make sure it doesent crash again, let it sit for a day or two before injecting.

    If it crashes in the vial again, it will crash inside your muscle as well, and cause some wicked pain! It's like having ground glass deep inside your muscles.

    If you have access to an autoclave, or pressure cooker, you could always grab some .20um syringe filters, solvent and oil. If it's a really high concentration (400mg/ml+) Just adding more oil can do the trick.

    Run the oil, or the finished mix, through the filter, and then autoclave your vials.


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ma_fighter
    Make sure it doesent crash again, let it sit for a day or two before injecting.

    If it crashes in the vial again, it will crash inside your muscle as well, and cause some wicked pain! It's like having ground glass deep inside your muscles.

    If you have access to an autoclave, or pressure cooker, you could always grab some .20um syringe filters, solvent and oil. If it's a really high concentration (400mg/ml+) Just adding more oil can do the trick.

    Run the oil, or the finished mix, through the filter, and then autoclave your vials.

    Would it crash inside the body even if it's been properly absorbed? Also what oil do you recommend? Grape seed?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocRock View Post
    Would it crash inside the body even if it's been properly absorbed? Also what oil do you recommend? Grape seed?
    Not likely but it's best to let it sit for a day as said. You can add Grape see oil or EO but remember the more you add the less potent it will be.

  14. #14
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    [QUOTE=ma_fighter;6339126]Make sure it doesent crash again, let it sit for a day or two before injecting.

    If it crashes in the vial again, it will crash inside your muscle as well, and cause some wicked pain! It's like having ground glass deep inside your muscles.

    This is true. Be careful.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts

    Not likely but it's best to let it sit for a day as said. You can add Grape see oil or EO but remember the more you add the less potent it will be.
    Would I have to boil the Grape sees oil to sterilize it? And I'm thinking of only adding about 1ml or even half to fight the crash.

  16. #16
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    You need to filter it with a watman .02 micron filter to sterilize it

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts

    Not likely but it's best to let it sit for a day as said. You can add Grape see oil or EO but remember the more you add the less potent it will be.
    I agree here. Let it sit out for a couple days. If it doesn't crash you g2g but if it crashes may as well get some new gear

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027

    I agree here. Let it sit out for a couple days. If it doesn't crash you g2g but if it crashes may as well get some new gear
    Getting gear is out of the question at the moment, not due to finances but due to supply. So I'm stuck with this at the moment. Any downsides about re-constituting crashed gear every couple of days if I had too?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocRock

    Getting gear is out of the question at the moment, not due to finances but due to supply. So I'm stuck with this at the moment. Any downsides about re-constituting crashed gear every couple of days if I had too?
    No but you have to remember the oil will sit in your muscle for a few days and if its crashing in the vial it's going to crash in the muscle!
    I've experienced this once and was excruciating pain and couldn't walk properly never mind train for over a week!
    Be careful

  20. #20
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    Boiling wont sterilize it, thats what the filter and autoclave is for. Do NOT inject unsterile oil!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ma_fighter
    Boiling wont sterilize it, thats what the filter and autoclave is for. Do NOT inject unsterile oil!
    Absolutely, I'm well rounded in sterile procedures and the last thing I want is MRSA or any other type of abscess, cellulitis, etc. and as far as having the gear crash into the muscle, doesn't it absorb within a couple of days? Or what if you inject using a four point method?

  22. #22
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    Gear crashing in your muscle is more painful then cellulitis, I've had both happen to me, so I know from experience.

    It's absolutely horrible, you can still function somewhat if its in your glute (where it crashed the first time, sitting down was not on the menu though), but when I switched to the quad, I couldnt walk for a few days. Every time I even tensed my muscles it felt like red hot pokers deep inside the thigh.
    Mine were in dark brown vials so I didnt spot the crystals the first time, I just switched to another vial, but when I saw it was crashed, and heated it, it re-crashed within an hour.

    If it stays in suspension a day after heating you should be good to go.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ma_fighter
    Gear crashing in your muscle is more painful then cellulitis, I've had both happen to me, so I know from experience.

    It's absolutely horrible, you can still function somewhat if its in your glute (where it crashed the first time, sitting down was not on the menu though), but when I switched to the quad, I couldnt walk for a few days. Every time I even tensed my muscles it felt like red hot pokers deep inside the thigh.
    Mine were in dark brown vials so I didnt spot the crystals the first time, I just switched to another vial, but when I saw it was crashed, and heated it, it re-crashed within an hour.

    If it stays in suspension a day after heating you should be good to go.
    Yeah, I heated it up on the 13th and I just noticed a very small crystal in the vial, so I should be good to go. Thanks brother.

  24. #24
    Just saw this...I have some test e with crystals that are almost a huge gel blob. I've just been shaking the vial before I draw up, otherwise I can't even pull into the syringe. Never had that pain people have described, just the usual soreness the next day. Do I really need to be heating this up if I can still shoot it?

  25. #25
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    Well, the crystals are undissolved testosterone, which means that whatever you're sucking up is NOT the mg/ml thats stated on the label.
    If you shake it, all you do is break up the "blob" of crystals into smaller ones, a lot of them are still going to be too big to even enter a needle.

    I've shot 4ml's of test that was not crashed in the vial, but did crash inside my quad, which means that if you imagine almost half of that blob of crystals sitting inside a muscle, that's going to sting.

    Re-heating it now might or might not make a difference, you have already altered the ratio of Test vs Oil/solvent ratio by withdrawing oil/solvent with no, or less, dissolved test in it.
    Therefore you'll have an even higher concentration of test left in the vial, and it'll have an even harder time to stay dissolved.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Until_It_Sleeps
    Just saw this...I have some test e with crystals that are almost a huge gel blob. I've just been shaking the vial before I draw up, otherwise I can't even pull into the syringe. Never had that pain people have described, just the usual soreness the next day. Do I really need to be heating this up if I can still shoot it?
    Yeah, shit sucks if it crashes in your muscle. I'm a little more sore than usual and small crystals are forming in the vial, so I'm sure some of it crashed in my ass. Hurts to sit bro.

  27. #27
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    I had vials with a lot of crystals - I knew it was crashed before I got it. After trying a few different methods, the best way for me was to put it in the toaster oven, lay it flat without a needle in it and use the toast setting on light-medium. Some of the vials had more crystals and I'd have to "toast" it twice. Or after the first toast, I'd let the vial sit on top of the toaster (which on mine gets very hot - it's an old toaster oven) until the rest of the crystals dissolved.

    A few notes:

    - Each of my vials were 10ml vials with an additional 1 to 2ml of head space. I think u need that extra space.

    - The vials get very hot, so don't touch with your bear hand.

    - Make sure you let it cool before sticking a needle in it or stuff will come spouting out. I found that pouring some rubbing alcohol on top helped it cool down while disinfecting the top.

  28. #28
    Heh. Crashed in your ass.

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