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Thread: PRIVORON-For a healthier and recuperated hormone panel?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Sydney, Australia

    PRIVORON-For a healthier and recuperated hormone panel?

    Hi there bros, in the past I have had chronic appendicitis which was undiagnosed for quite a long period of time. I was mis diagnosed with several conditions (lol).

    Now, 2.5 years later.. I have found that my body has not re-adjusted itself and fully recovered. I do believe my hormones were on a havoc whilst being ill thus suppressing my HPTA quite dramatically.

    It has been 4 months after surgery and nothing has changed. My physical strength, stamina and resilience has declined and is continuing to do so. My body has increase in BF%, lowered sex drive, no wood, lowered muscle density and size, and finally poor sleep quality! My quality of life is slowly but steadily also plummeting.

    I do want to run a Privoron cycle as I do believe it will help regulate my hormone ratios with little damage done to the HPTA. I will also be adding GHRP-6 to Privoron.

    I have heard alot of bro's running Privoron PCT and reaping all the benefits from it.

    What is your advice for me as a young 22 year old running Proviron and what should I expect...? Will it assist in recuperation?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Proviron doesn't have the ability to recover your HTPA and get everything back to normal.

    You should talk to an endocrinologist and have him run a full hormone panel.

    A solution to your problem can be evaluated between your doctor and yourself, trying to self-medicate with Proviron is a pretty bad idea.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Only benefit of running priviron during PCT is libido.

    Listen to TJ! Your problem can be solved only by doctor. Thats what they are for mate!!!!

  4. #4
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    Sydney, Australia
    Turkish Juicer, what if im brushed off as normal and have been in the past by a few docs, I had to visit a few docs before my appendicitis was diagnosed.

    I do not want to go threw the same process again. I have had a hormone panel done twice in the past and was considered to be normal, even high. still doesn't change the fact that I suffer from the symptoms.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by oscar1990 View Post
    Turkish Juicer, what if im brushed off as normal and have been in the past by a few docs, I had to visit a few docs before my appendicitis was diagnosed.

    I do not want to go threw the same process again. I have had a hormone panel done twice in the past and was considered to be normal, even high. still doesn't change the fact that I suffer from the symptoms.
    OK, I see now.

    If so, what makes you firmly think that process of recovery from appendicitis has led to suppression of your HTPA dramatically, as you put it?

    Now, I believe we are both facing an oxymoron here: you say you had hormone panel done twice during the process of recovery and that there was nothing wrong with your HTPA. If there is nothing wrong with your hormone metabolism and yet you have been suffering from increase in BF%, lowered sex drive, no wood, lowered muscle density and size, and poor sleep quality, don't you think this may be due to the fact that dealing with appendicitis at a rather young age has put you down and these symptoms are merely reflections of your ongoing psychological condition? Any of these symptoms listed above can be easily psychosomatically triggered, you want to shift departments and talk to a psychiatrist.

  6. #6
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    Sydney, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    OK, I see now.

    If so, what makes you firmly think that process of recovery from appendicitis has led to suppression of your HTPA dramatically, as you put it?

    ^^ Nuts don't hang like they use to + loss of testis size overtime (even though maintaing a good diet full of veggies, grains and lean meats)+ training feels like nothing, little muscle contraction

    Now, I believe we are both facing an oxymoron here: you say you had hormone panel done twice during the process of recovery and that there was nothing wrong with your HTPA. If there is nothing wrong with your hormone metabolism and yet you have been suffering from increase in BF%, lowered sex drive, no wood, lowered muscle density and size, and poor sleep quality, don't you think this may be due to the fact that dealing with appendicitis at a rather young age has put you down and these symptoms are merely reflections of your ongoing psychological condition? Any of these symptoms listed above can be easily psychosomatically triggered, you want to shift departments and talk to a psychiatrist.
    All my tests were done whilst/during the diagnosis process, not during the recovery/remission period.

    The hormones were tested during the process of diagnosis by my GP, he believed I had some thyroid issue and ran these tests.

    TT: 16 and 21 - (9-29)
    Free T: 49.00 and 51.5 (25.00-125.00)
    TSH: 0.94 (0.10-5.00)
    SHGB: 41 and 53 (11-71) - he commented on this and said it was high-normal
    LH: 4 and 6 (<7)
    FSH: 2 and 1 (<7) - he noted FSH was lower-normal
    Liver Function: Enzymes were considered normal
    Kidney Function: Normal
    RBC: Normal
    C-reactive protein was always elevated
    Prolactin 115 (99-500)
    Blood pressure: normal
    ESR: Elevated (higher than normal)

    These blood tests were all done prior to my diagnosis and operation. Once I left the hospital, I thought my body would recover back to what it was and that the low energy and low sex drive etc was due to the abdomen issue (appendicitis). It has now been 4-5 months since, and I still feel the same. Just beating a dead horse.

  7. #7
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    The flare ups were on a casual basis of every 4 weeks or so, I would literally die from sweating, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, lose 3-4 kg over two days, sack would tighten up. Anyways, I was diagnosed in another country during a business trip.

    I had one of the same persistent cramps over in Istanbul, Turkey and was referred by my GF's dad to one of the best hospitals in that country. I saw the professor, he examined me.. literally hit me in the appendix region and seconds later I found my self on a bed attached to a canula ready to have a laparoscopy.

    Now, it's been approx. 15 weeks since and I have never had a stomach/abdomen issue, however the nasty symptoms of low energy, low test symptoms etc etc do still remain..???

    I don't want to come across as an ignorant **** but I do not think a psychiatrist has much to offer
    Last edited by oscar1990; 01-14-2013 at 04:54 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    ^^^ I see. Sorry to hear about your health issues, hope you get better soon.

    Going back to your original question, Proviron will definitely not help you with any of this, if not give you sides of its own.

    Good luck with your recovery!

    PS: I couldn't help but laugh as I was reading the part where the professor literally hit you in the appendix region and knocked you out! Holy shit, what a crazy piece of experience that must have been for you, probably will never forget about it, ha!?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    Sure won't, it was a unbelievable experience haha

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