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Thread: 23 Weeks cycle Deca+Sust+dbol /PCT/ Eq+Winny advices

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Hong Kong

    23 Weeks cycle Deca+Sust+dbol /PCT/ Eq+Winny advices

    Hi guys,
    I need some advices for my 6th cycle. I just got my blood check and everything is back to normal 

    I’m thinking of doing a 23 Weeks cycle this year, here I explain how:

    W1 to W 8 Dbol 40-40-40-40-40-35-30-25mg/w
    W1 to W 10 Deca 400mg/w
    W1 to W 10 Sust 250mg/w I’ve been advised to bust it up to 500mg/w but I included it mainly for test support.
    Maybe Arimidex EOD? and Nov ?

    I’ll wait 21 days after the last Sust/Deca injection and then

    W13 to W15 PCT of HCG 2500IU x 2w (6 shoots total)
    This to aid regeneration of HPTA thus normalizing end test production

    Then I go for cutting and keep the gains.
    W16 to W 23 Eq 500mg/w EOD
    W16 to W 23 Winny 50mg 3xw
    W18 to W 23 Clen 2 days on 2 off (40 W18 – 60 W19 etc…)

    W24 to W25 2500IU 2xw
    Clomid or not clomid?

    I have plenty of Nov and Arimidex if needed but I’m not incline to gyno.
    My body usually respond well with 2500iu 2w rather than 500IU day

    Thank you guys any advice will be good.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Yes this is another nightmare cycle.Where did you dig this dumb idea from.Plz dont tell me your coach or trainer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Hong Kong
    Well, You almost right, in my gym there is this book that have been passing to everyone, is from L.rea (2002) chemical muscle you can find the pdf online I think. I know it is 10 years old and this is why I thouth about asking what do you guys think. I already received advices on this forum about keeping the test in during my deca cycle and avoiding prov but I'm interested in hearing other people opionion.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I downloaded that book a few years ago and read through, frankly it is garbage just like majority of published literature on AAS.

    Like songdog said, your cycle is a nightmare. There are too many things that are wrong with it, I don't think that anyone is going to actually sit down and bother typing...

    What are your full stats and what is the purpose behind this cycle?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by belva View Post
    Hi guys,
    I need some advices for my 6th cycle. I just got my blood check and everything is back to normal 

    I’m thinking of doing a 23 Weeks cycle this year, here I explain how:

    W1 to W 8 Dbol 40-40-40-40-40-35-30-25mg/w No need to taper Dbol, but I'm not a huge fan of orals anyways. Esp not the ones that bloat you up. Var is prolly the exception
    W1 to W 10 Deca 400mg/w This is not long enough really, Decanoate is a really long ester, with a very long halflife and takes a while to build up to stable blood-levels. Any Deca or EQ cycles should be run 14weeks IMO
    W1 to W 10 Sust 250mg/w I’ve been advised to bust it up to 500mg/w but I included it mainly for test support. Dropping the Deca, and bumping this to 500mg/week would be better
    Maybe Arimidex EOD? and Nov ? Not maybe, absolutely! ALWAYS run an AI on cycle when you're dealing with compounds that can convert to estrogen. Arimidex or Aromasin. Nolva wont be needed if your AI dosage is correct.

    I’ll wait 21 days after the last Sust/Deca injection and then

    W13 to W15 PCT of HCG 2500IU x 2w (6 shoots total)
    This to aid regeneration of HPTA thus normalizing end test production Horrible idea, hCG should be run at 250iu EOD or x3/week throughout the cycle! High doses of hCG can increase progesterone and estrogen

    Then I go for cutting and keep the gains.No you don't, do ONE cycle, then proper PCT and time OFF = Time on, before you hop on your next cycle. Or better yet, have BW done to determine that everything is back to baseline
    W16 to W 23 Eq 500mg/w EODNo, just.. no. Firstly, EQ has an even LONGER ester and halflife then Deca, and needs to be run for 14weeks to reallt se any benefit, secondly because of the long halflife you absolutely dont need to do it EOD, wtf? Thirdly, you need some Test in there, and Fourthly, you shouldn't do this "second part" of the cycle at all
    W16 to W 23 Winny 50mg 3xwWinny in oral form has a halflife, or terminal life, I actually cant remember which right now, of 9 hours. Therefore doing winny 3x a week is just stupid. You should really be breaking your dosage up 3 times a day to get as stable bloodlevels as possible.
    W18 to W 23 Clen 2 days on 2 off (40 W18 – 60 W19 etc…)If you cannot shed weight without clen, then you're not gonna get the results you want WITH clen either. Just utilize proper nutrition, thats a helluva lot better then doing Clen

    W24 to W25 2500IU 2xw Again, not at these doses and not during PCT, 250iu eod or 3x/week throughout the cycle to eliminate testicular atrophy.
    Clomid or not clomid? YES! IMO Nolva is an even better choice... Dude, it's your 6th cycle, and you cant even do basic PCT? wtf?

    I have plenty of Nov and Arimidex if needed but I’m not incline to gyno. Gyno is not the only reason you want to keep your Estrogen down...
    My body usually respond well with 2500iu 2w rather than 500IU day

    Thank you guys any advice will be good.
    Answers in bold

    Also, you should really be reading the stickies here.. Forget everything you've read in that book, and re-learn how to do this properly

    Also, what are your stats?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Hong Kong
    My bad for winny I meant the winstrol inj.

    Aim is to increase muscle.
    I mainly use compound exercises,
    I'm 188cm weight 92kg
    My stats are arms 40cm
    chest 115cm
    waist 88cm
    Legs 61 cm
    calf 39 cm

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    USA-New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by belva View Post
    My bad for winny I meant the winstrol inj.

    Aim is to increase muscle.
    I mainly use compound exercises,
    I'm 188cm weight 92kg
    My stats are arms 40cm
    chest 115cm
    waist 88cm
    Legs 61 cm
    calf 39 cm
    SHIT!!! 5 cycles and your arms are 15'
    dude!!! what are cycling !!?!?!? are you sure its not those fake oral steroids on top ??
    you arent even ready for a 1st cycle!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Hong Kong
    Thanks man, yea I only use this fake stuff on the top.

  9. #9
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    Feb 2011
    My arms were 44cm before I ever cycled, lol.

    Belva, I think you need to figure out nutrition instead of your next cycle.

    What do you eat everyday and how much?

  10. #10
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    USA-New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    My arms were 44cm before I ever cycled, lol.

    Belva, I think you need to figure out nutrition instead of your next cycle.

    What do you eat everyday and how much?
    im exactly 44 now and im close to have 10% BF so i dont believe there is fat on it....since i got on PH PCT and hcg i gained an inch on arms and around 5-7 lbs muscle just from getting my testosterone back up to where it used to be....
    gains and strength is going up so fast like im on testosterone or something!

  11. #11
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    My arms were 32cm, and my weight 78kg 188cm tall before I started the first cycle...and I've been on and off the gym for 10 years. I'm kind of hard gainer believe me.
    What do I eat... I been eating much I'm around 3600cal 330g prot, 400g carbs, 80g fat, when on cycle I'm usually a little bit 4000 also including weight gainer

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    If you're a hardgainer, or natural ectomorph, it's ALL gonna be in how, what, and when you eat.

    You've managed to gain a whooping 12 kg's in 5 cycles? Thats... well, there's no other way to put it, its really poor progress.
    I'm an Endomorph myself, so Ecto eating isnt really my speciality, but as far as I know you REALLY need to stuff your face.

    I'd say, eat at least every other hour. 8 times or MORE per day. 4k kcal's
    Dont be afraid to use nuts or healthy fats to get the kcals up, increase cals by ~200kcal/day if you're not growing, and just keep doing this till you hit your sweetspot.

    This will most likely do more for you then your cycles ever have!
    Dont be afraid to get a bit chubby, you're and Ecto so it'll come off easy enough once its time to cut.

    Do this for about 6-12 months, but keep hanging around here and read all the educational threads you can, both on AAS and nutrition.
    THEN, maybe, if you still feel you need it, get back to us with what progress you've made, and a new, properly thought out proposed cycle.

    You should also get BW done, see that your test and thyroids are in the normal range


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    ^^^ OP should also start looking into Insulin at this point.

    It is by far cheaper than any AAS out there and as long as he uses it correctly, I believe his chances of hurting himself are significantly less than running 23 Week Deca-Dbol-Test cycles with no proper OCT and/or PCT.

    In my experience, combining insulin with AAS is like 1 + 1 = 3

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Hong Kong
    Thank you guys for the advices. I consider them really useful.
    I must say that I had huge up and down with my life (but I'm not here to share dama) so Let just say that I kept 14 kg since I started.
    A new year is coming and I see it full of opportunity.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    23 WEEKS. Do what. That is way to long my friend. 10-12 at the most.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Hong Kong
    I already chose to divided the cycle in 2, with proper PCT

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by belva View Post
    I already chose to divided the cycle in 2, with proper PCT

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