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  1. #1
    miguel700707's Avatar
    miguel700707 is offline Junior Member
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    Stupid question needs answer!!!

    I'm 18 can't grow facial hair just a little fuzz on my chin. If I buy a test booster from GNC or bodybuilding . Com will it help me grow facial hair faster???
    I know I know dumb question but I'm just wondering can it work?

  2. #2
    ma_fighter's Avatar
    ma_fighter is offline Associate Member
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    NO! Absolutely not

  3. #3
    miguel700707's Avatar
    miguel700707 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ma_fighter
    NO! Absolutely not
    Why? Won't it help grow hair faster since my testostorone will increase a bit?

  4. #4
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by miguel700707 View Post
    I'm 18 can't grow facial hair just a little fuzz on my chin. If I buy a test booster from GNC or bodybuilding . Com will it help me grow facial hair faster???
    I know I know dumb question but I'm just wondering can it work?
    No, so don't waste your money. Everybody matures at different ages. I had a more-or-less full beard at 15, my younger brother is now 26 and still can't grow much of one. You may just need some more time, puberty isn't finished at 18. In fact, you just may be someone who doesn't have much facial hair, and if this is the case no amount of testosterone will change that, your genetics decide this more than anything else. I think you'd be lucky if this is the case, my facial hair came hand in hand with a lower back afro, and a butt-hole comb-over.

  5. #5
    Soar's Avatar
    Soar is offline Productive Member
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    Starting to get tired of the pointless topics this guys making.

  6. #6
    ma_fighter's Avatar
    ma_fighter is offline Associate Member
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    I just wanted to get that in quickly before I elaborate.

    By introducing exogenous testosterone at a young age you risk messing up your endocrine system for life! And that will result in a whoooooole bunch of health issues, none of which you want to have.
    And by messing up your endocrine system I mean that you'll risk NEVER BEING ABLE TO PRODUCE TESTOSTERONE ON YOUR OWN, ever..

    You'll mature when you mature, I was 26 before I had enough beard growth to grow a beard, and to this day it's still not very thick.

    Do you have any other health issues?
    Were you slow on growing hair on your nuts?
    How are you built? Cubby? Skinny? Height+weight please
    What does your fathers beard-growth look like? If his isn't very thick, then you most likeky dont have the genes for thick beard either.

    There's also a very off chance that you already have a disruption of your HPTA (endocrine system) of some sorts, and have low T. This is NOT SOMETHING THAT CAN BE DETERMINED WITHOUT GOING TO THE DOC however, so dont dream up symptoms you *think* you have just so you can use it as an excuse to do something extremely stupid, like injecting test to grow a beard.

    And if you really have low T, and is not simply just that you still havent matured, then you really need to have the cause examined, because worst case: it could be cancer in your brain. And no, this is not a joke.
    Last edited by ma_fighter; 01-15-2013 at 07:01 PM.

  7. #7
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by miguel700707

    Why? Won't it help grow hair faster since my testostorone will increase a bit?
    The relationship between hair growth and testosterone is NOT that simple. Increasing testosterone can stimulate hair growth but often in the mid to lower extremities (back, abdomen, legs) and may inhibit hair growth on the head and face. Genetics plays a larger part in where and how much hair you grow and if levels of DHT are high, it could suppress hair growth or cause a loss of hair.

    Test boosters are mostly marketing hype and do very little. Don't believe the crap/hype the nutrition stores feed you.

  8. #8
    555mjolnir's Avatar
    555mjolnir is offline Associate Member
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    I all I can say is having a beard is not that great!!! I got facial hair at a very young age, at 8 yrs old got sent home from Parochial school to shave. Not a full blown beard mind you, but a little boy mustache and a couple of hitch hiker whiskers on my chin. That year for Xmas I got a Norelco razor, at 8 yrs old, not the Star Wars action figures I wanted but a freaking razor. Thirty-two years later I almost need to shave 2x a day and that's just my face... My whole freaking body looks like it covered in fvcking carpet. I got shave my back before I feel comfortable going to the beach and then where do you stop so it looks natural, lol, so I gotta do chest and stomach sucks I wish I had a lot less body hair!!! So count your blessing bud you'll be able to grow one some day probably, plus they are hot and a pain in the ass to keep looking any good at all, way more time spent grooming it than it takes to shave every day.

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