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Thread: First Cycle Help: Sus 250 & Anavar stack

  1. #1

    First Cycle Help: Sus 250 & Anavar stack

    Hi Guys,

    This is my first cycle so want to try keep it simple. Need help or please advise if you think I'm doing it wrong. Already have the gear so please let me know how you may modify this. Taking Liv.52 for liver protection also whilst on the cycle.

    Age: 26
    Weight: 73kg
    Height: 175cm
    Workout 5 days a week an hour a day.

    Weeks 1-4:
    Sus 250 - 125mg per week (inject twice told that 1ml = 2.5mg)
    Anavar - 150mg per week (max 2 tablets a day)

    Weeks 5-8:
    Sus 250 - 250mg per week (inject twice per week)
    Anavar - 300mg per week

    Weeks 8-10
    Sus 250 - 250mg per week (inject twice)

    Will need some recommendations with PCT also.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Oh dear, I'm ready of some of the boys to have a field day on this.

    Whilst we are waiting, please list your diet together with macro's. and also post your bodyfat % thanks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonj427
    Hi Guys,

    This is my first cycle so want to try keep it simple. Need help or please advise if you think I'm doing it wrong. Already have the gear so please let me know how you may modify this. Taking Liv.52 for liver protection also whilst on the cycle.

    Age: 26
    Weight: 73kg
    Height: 175cm
    Workout 5 days a week an hour a day.

    Weeks 1-4:
    Sus 250 - 125mg per week (inject twice told that 1ml = 2.5mg)
    Anavar - 150mg per week (max 2 tablets a day)

    Weeks 5-8:
    Sus 250 - 250mg per week (inject twice per week)
    Anavar - 300mg per week

    Weeks 8-10
    Sus 250 - 250mg per week (inject twice)

    Will need some recommendations with PCT also.

    This cycle is inappropriate.

    - No reason to backload Sust
    - no AI!?!?!
    - Sust inappropriate for first time use
    - if you have to ask what to use for PCT, you shouldn't be messing around with this stuff
    - how many calories are you consuming?
    - what's the macro ratio?
    - training experience????

    Sorry I can't be more detailed right now. Headed to work!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonj427 View Post
    Hi Guys,

    This is my first cycle so want to try keep it simple. Need help or please advise if you think I'm doing it wrong. Already have the gear so please let me know how you may modify this. Taking Liv.52 for liver protection also whilst on the cycle.

    Age: 26
    Weight: 73kg
    Height: 175cm
    Workout 5 days a week an hour a day.

    Weeks 1-4:
    Sus 250 - 125mg per week (inject twice told that 1ml = 2.5mg)
    Anavar - 150mg per week (max 2 tablets a day)

    Weeks 5-8:
    Sus 250 - 250mg per week (inject twice per week)
    Anavar - 300mg per week

    Weeks 8-10
    Sus 250 - 250mg per week (inject twice)

    Will need some recommendations with PCT also.



    1) test e or c should be a first cycle
    2) no AI
    3) no HCG
    4) no pct
    5) you keep the dose the same
    6) anavar should be used no more then 100mgs at no more then 8wks
    7) 12wks for a cycle is the norm

    Basically you arnt ready just going off this. Alot of money spent and you will more then likely lose anything you gain. You should read some stickies here asap.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    In addition to the two well-written and educating responses above, you also have no business with Anavar as for your 1st cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Test only 500 mg EW HCG through the cycle, You need an AI for on cycle and nolva and clomid for pct. How simple is that?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    Oh dear, I'm ready of some of the boys to have a field day on this.

    Whilst we are waiting, please list your diet together with macro's. and also post your bodyfat % thanks.
    Comments like that are the exact reason why most people stay off the forums. If I had the answer to everything or knew all there was about gear I wouldn't be on here!!!

    3000 calories a day consumed, healthy diet and just want this to give me a little boost, I am not after a professional body just something that will help me gain a few kgs

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonj427

    Comments like that are the exact reason why most people stay off the forums. If I had the answer to everything or knew all there was about gear I wouldn't be on here!!!

    3000 calories a day consumed, healthy diet and just want this to give me a little boost, I am not after a professional body just something that will help me gain a few kgs
    We do it so people take the time to learn and read. We are not here to spoon feed you. If someone is too damn lazy to read and learn, they are not intellectually ready to make the commitment required. Few people here are professional body builders but that doesn't excuse anyone from exercising good judgement by learning how to cycle properly.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Test only 500 mg EW HCG through the cycle, You need an AI for on cycle and nolva and clomid for pct. How simple is that?
    Thanks for that, stuff like this is what I'm after. I'm sticking with sus and anavar because its the only clean stuff I can get around here, there's been alot of problems with supply so I'd rather be safe.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    We do it so people take the time to learn and read. We are not here to spoon feed you. If someone is too damn lazy to read and learn, they are not intellectually ready to make the commitment required. Few people here are professional body builders but that doesn't excuse anyone from exercising good judgement by learning how to cycle properly.
    Agree 100% but with so many different theories it gets very confusing at times. There's many guys that go to my gym that look the part and take nothing but sus, no pct no ai's no nothing. Once they finish there cycle that's it, and to be honest most maintain it well with there diet and dedication to training.

    I want to do it properly and what I have come up with is what you see. For PCT thinking of taking nova for 5 weeks, 40mgs first 3 weeks then 20 next 2 weeks. Whilst on cycle liv.52 to protect my liver, don't think I want to overload and use hcg as I am not taking a massive amount, keeping doses low as I am not after dramatic gains. But again this is why I ask the question, with the amounts I am taking do people believe its to high and if so how much do I take?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonj427

    Thanks for that, stuff like this is what I'm after. I'm sticking with sus and anavar because its the only clean stuff I can get around here, there's been alot of problems with supply so I'd rather be safe.'re told the cycle is poor and your response is basically, "I'm doing it anyway".

    Good luck......hope you enjoy high estrogen and the problems associated with it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonj427

    Agree 100% but with so many different theories it gets very confusing at times. There's many guys that go to my gym that look the part and take nothing but sus, no pct no ai's no nothing. Once they finish there cycle that's it, and to be honest most maintain it well with there diet and dedication to training.

    I want to do it properly and what I have come up with is what you see. For PCT thinking of taking nova for 5 weeks, 40mgs first 3 weeks then 20 next 2 weeks. Whilst on cycle liv.52 to protect my liver, don't think I want to overload and use hcg as I am not taking a massive amount, keeping doses low as I am not after dramatic gains. But again this is why I ask the question, with the amounts I am taking do people believe its to high and if so how much do I take?
    I understand what you are saying, but with no AI you run the risk of elevated estrogen which is harmful. As for those other guys, they won't tell you if they have low libido or erectile dysfunction. It's not a topic most guys want to discuss openly.

    HCG will help restart your own testosterone and alleviate testicular atrophy. For PCT, tamoxifen alone won't help with spermatogenesis

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Kids like that **** it up for everyone else.

    Nice going buddy....

    They tell you thats something doesnt jive and you go off and do it any ways.

    Im sure you will smoke some crack cause its the best cocaine around your neck of the woods.

    Im sure we will see you around Google with some nice size BITCH TITS!


  14. #14
    I've read 200 hours worth of info on the net and found sus and anavar to be the cycle of choice for many novice. I post a question and get s**t back, top forum! Instead of advising on different cycles or dosages I get rubbish I'm not asking about

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    I understand what you are saying, but with no AI you run the risk of elevated estrogen which is harmful. As for those other guys, they won't tell you if they have low libido or erectile dysfunction. It's not a topic most guys want to discuss openly.

    HCG will help restart your own testosterone and alleviate testicular atrophy. For PCT, tamoxifen alone won't help with spermatogenesis
    What's a good AI, was told to stay away from arimidex after researching this was the best AI to take?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonj427 View Post
    I've read 200 hours worth of info on the net and found sus and anavar to be the cycle of choice for many novice. I post a question and get s**t back, top forum! Instead of advising on different cycles or dosages I get rubbish I'm not asking about

    Actually we have basic cycle plans. They are in the stickies.

    Im not sure how 200hrs of research has lead you to this but.... A smart guy will keep reading.

  17. #17
    What's sus? lol someone was going to say it

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Kidd636 View Post
    What's sus? lol someone was going to say it

    Its multi forms of test.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Its multi forms of test.
    Sust. with a sustanon

    idk it just always bothered me when people said that.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    So, OP made a final decision to give it a go for his 1st cycle by using 5 different compounds, one of them being an oral.


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    This guy reads 200hours of post and becomes a genius!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonj427 View Post
    Comments like that are the exact reason why most people stay off the forums. If I had the answer to everything or knew all there was about gear I wouldn't be on here!!!

    3000 calories a day consumed, healthy diet and just want this to give me a little boost, I am not after a professional body just something that will help me gain a few kgs
    Bro if you took the time to do 10 min of reading you wouldnt be upset.Just think about it.Here we have a grown man wanting all the answers beacuse he dont want to research.Hell its only your body Bro and you can mess yourself up for life.Sorry but we are here to help not spoon feed people.So we should be upset not you!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    So, OP made a final decision to give it a go for his 1st cycle by using 5 different compounds, one of them being an oral.


    I just dont get people. If you are set on something why ask questions? Unless people want/hope to hear people say "its a good ideal".

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    What I find more amusing is when someone says, "I read it on the Internet". Oh, we'll shit yes then, it MUST be correct!!!! Really????? How naive can someone be. I'm not suggesting all net-based info is worthless, but everything must be viewed with some level of skepticism and objectivity. When reading something on the Internet, you don't know the credentials or integrity of the publisher. Hell, it could have been a 12 year old girl posting information about Sust and anavar as a good novice cycle! At least forums such as this one create a community where people with common experiences and ideologies come together to discuss and share practical knowledge. I'd put more faith in this community than anything else circulated on the Internet.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Parma, Ohio USA
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    What I find more amusing is when someone says, "I read it on the Internet". Oh, we'll shit yes then, it MUST be correct!!!! Really????? How naive can someone be. I'm not suggesting all net-based info is worthless, but everything must be viewed with some level of skepticism and objectivity. When reading something on the Internet, you don't know the credentials or integrity of the publisher. Hell, it could have been a 12 year old girl posting information about Sust and anavar as a good novice cycle! At least forums such as this one create a community where people with common experiences and ideologies come together to discuss and share practical knowledge. I'd put more faith in this community than anything else circulated on the Internet.
    X2! I agree completely.
    This forum is packed full of excellent information.
    I, myself, am very grateful for those of you who take the time to share what you KNOW. Thanks.


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