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Agree 100% but with so many different theories it gets very confusing at times. There's many guys that go to my gym that look the part and take nothing but sus, no pct no ai's no nothing. Once they finish there cycle that's it, and to be honest most maintain it well with there diet and dedication to training.
I want to do it properly and what I have come up with is what you see. For PCT thinking of taking nova for 5 weeks, 40mgs first 3 weeks then 20 next 2 weeks. Whilst on cycle liv.52 to protect my liver, don't think I want to overload and use hcg as I am not taking a massive amount, keeping doses low as I am not after dramatic gains. But again this is why I ask the question, with the amounts I am taking do people believe its to high and if so how much do I take?