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  1. #1
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2012

    How exactly does front loading work?

    "Front loading is a process to saturate your receptors with the peak dose from week one to ensure stable blood levels instead of it taking several weeks to peak like most long esters,this is why most people dont feel the effect of a long ester until its built up substantial amount in the blood stream, the problem can be solve by front loading which is doubling the amount of mg in the first wk," <---- I found this definition of front loading, I think it sums it up pretty good.

    The more I think about it, the more I start to get it. Unless I am way off.

    So basically, you want to saturate your receptors with the peak dose of your specific cycle as quick as possible? . Which is why you would double your dose on your first injection or first two injections.

    Here is where I kind of get lost:

    Person A: 12 week cycle of Test E @ 500 mg a week. Front loading = 500 mg on first injection to fasten the rate of saturation regarding your receptors. Which, allows you to feel the test kick in faster, instead of waiting 4-6 weeks for it to kick in.


    Person B: 12 week cycle of Test E @ 1.5g a week. Front loading = 3g on first injection. Now, Since this is a much higher dose of test

    this is where I get confused. would the test kick in faster for person B, since more test = quicker saturation? Or not?, Wouldn't you have more 'active' test in your system, so you would feel the test kick in faster, but to peak your receptors with your specific cycle would still remain the same?

    Or am I completely missing the concept? lol thanks.

  2. #2
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    The point is not to saturate receptors. The point is to achieve your desired dose quicker.

    If you're running 1.5g test/wk, you're either a monster, or wasting gear. So...
    You could be 'feeling it' sooner, or not...depending on ^

  3. #3
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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