I am aware of the different boards based on different topics, so I won't post my current workout and diet routine. However wouldn't posting most information in one location allow users to give the best advice? Anyway, I will continue with two possible first-time cycles.
Cycle 1:
Testosterone enanthate (Test-E): 250 mg every 3.5 days for 12 weeks
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex): 40 mg every day during weeks 16-17 followed by 20 mg every day during weeks 18-19 (weeks 13-15 I don't do anything).
Cycle 2:
Test-E: 250 mg every 3.5 days for 12 weeks
Dianabol: 25 mg every day for the first 6 weeks
Nolvadex: 40 mg every day during weeks 15-16 followed by 20 mg every day on week 17 (weeks 13-14 I don't do anything).
I am 23 (soon to be 24), 6'0, weigh around 183 pounds, and am very lean; however I believe I have plateaued so I am contemplating using steroids. I have been lifting for the past 5 years, and I have a fairly strict diet. Again I won't post my diet or workout routine because I know I will get shit, but I will be more than happy to post any more information to anyone wanting to know more information before giving any advice.