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This is my third cycle, does this cycle looks good?
week 1 - 18
Test E 500mg 2 shots
Equipoise 400mg 2 shots
HCG 250ui x2
week 21 - 23
week 21 200/40 100/20 100/20 100/20 100/20 100/20 100/20
week 22 100/20 100/20 100/20 100/20 100/20 100/20 50
week 23 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
1) How should i run HCG on last test E injection and stop or within the 2 weeks before starting PCT too?
2) Is Arimidix .25mg 3 days a week enough to prevent sides + water bloat
3) equipoise dosage is high enough? or should i increase it to 500mg? I am worried about anxiety side affect.
already did my first injection yesterday 500mg E + 400mg Equipose / slin HCG shot.