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Thread: Question about Crossfit and gear...1st time.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    San Diego

    Question about Crossfit and gear...1st time.

    Hi everyone,

    I want to start a cycle for my Crossfit training. I have read a lot about cycles for beginners and cycles people have already done while on Crossfit. I have a few concerns, most of the cycles that I have read about are based on a lot of lifting. I do lift everyday in the morning but not a lot, I do Crossfit workouts 6 days a week and run 1 day a week. I want to get stronger and have more endurance, I am training to start competing next year. I was just going to run test for my first cycle because it seems like that would be the best to start with. My main concerns are about my heart rate, my workouts always jack my heart rate through the roof, will I have to worry about this with Test? Also does anyone suggest a cycle for my goals and workout style?

    My stats:
    Age 26
    Height 6 ft.
    Wieght 198
    BF 12-15%
    Squat 325
    Deadlift 355
    Bench 305
    Press 205
    Clean 245
    Jerk 245
    Snatch 185
    Mile run 6:30
    400M run 1:25

    Weight 185-190
    BF 8-10
    Squat 400
    Dealift 485
    Bench 350
    Press 230
    Clean 300
    Jerk 350
    Snatch 250
    Mile run 6:00
    400m Run 1:10

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Read some of our stickies, we have first time cycles wrote out. Yes test will help you ALOT with what you want. How much, will fall on you with diet, cardio, and training.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    San Diego
    Thanks, I have read a few but I will read more. I was just conerned with my heart rate and making sure I have the right pct mainly. I have a huge fear of messing up my natural test production. I will go read some more and get back with more question probably. Thanks for the help though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by vikingblood View Post
    Thanks, I have read a few but I will read more. I was just conerned with my heart rate and making sure I have the right pct mainly. I have a huge fear of messing up my natural test production. I will go read some more and get back with more question probably. Thanks for the help though.

    Lol, Im 99% sure the top guys in xfit run gear. As far as messing natty up, well thats on you.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by vikingblood View Post
    Thanks, I have read a few but I will read more. I was just conerned with my heart rate and making sure I have the right pct mainly. I have a huge fear of messing up my natural test production. I will go read some more and get back with more question probably. Thanks for the help though.
    You won't have an heart attack only because you are on a mild dosage of Testosterone during an intense workout, what you need to closely watch is your BP while cycling AAS.

    Some people, like myself, naturally have low BP, which is why BP is every hardly becomes a primary concern for them. People who already have high BP are those who take certain measures for keeping their BP under-control, which involves multiple variables including diet, BP medicines and cardio.

    However, AAS makes your blood thicker and this is a common experience that no individual can avoid. Again, only because your blood is a bit more sludgy won't necessarily lead to a heart attack.

    If you have a huge fear of messing up your natural test production, you will probably get very paranoid even if you are not actually messing your natural test production and this may lead to a series of issues triggered by a psychosomatic mechanism.

    You should either get over this fear (knowing that you can hardly completely mess up your natty test production if you listen to us and follow the correct procedures) or don't mess with AAS.

  6. #6
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    San Diego
    T-dogg I agree with you, thats why I want to run a few cycles. Turkish juicer I will get over that fear, my blood pressure it a little high. I really want to run a cycle and boost my performance so I am willing to listen go everyone on here. I am open to suggestion and am ready to learn. Thanks again.

  7. #7
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    San Diego
    So after reading the Beginners cycle stickies again and doing some research I think I am going to try this cycle. This was a cycle postied on the sticky, now do you think I should do a long cycle or short cycle. I read that it take about 4 weeks for Test C to show any results. Also when it says to monitor and adjust accordingly for Arimidex what am I monitoring, my water retention? Lastly the cycle says to take Arimidex EOD so do I start on the same day as Test or day after. Oh and one last thing, can I ask about a site to get gear or will that get me banned. I have a few sites I found I just dont want to get banned for asking. I just want to make sure I purchase from a legit source. Thanks!

    Option 1. Long Ester

    Wk 1-10 Testosterone Cypionate = 200mg twice/wk e3.5d
    Wk 1-10 Arimidex .25mg eod – monitor and adjust accordingly.
    Wk 1- 12.5 hCG = 250iu twice/wk day before test injection.

    Begins wk 13 to wk 17

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20

  8. #8
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    Feb 2011
    Sticky says to monitor your estrogen levels so that you can precisely adjust your AI dosage, which obviously requires blood work.

    You won't be retaining much water since you are a cross fit guy, assuming that 0.25mg Arimidex EOD will be also administered and that you won't be consuming sodium loaded food.

    You start administering your AI the first day of your Test injections and run it until PCT starts, which is 16 days after your last Test injection.

    HCG injections are recommended twice a week at the suggested dose above and preferably in the days before your Test injections.

    If you are concerned about HBP, try baby aspirin 80-100mg once a day, preferably before you go to bed since it will help thinning your blood. If HBP becomes a legitimate concern during your cycle, Cialis is highly recommended at 10mg every 12hr.

    I don't know any sources, so can't do the source check for you and I am not sure if it will get you banned.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    Ok that sounds good. Now for blood work, I should get a baseline before starting, correct? When I ask my dr. for blood work will it look odd or is it a common thing. I dont go to the DR. that much so I am not sure here. As for the cycle I think it sounds pretty striaght forward. Thanks again for all the help.

  10. #10
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    Feb 2011
    Yes, you should get a BW done before you cycle. Tell your Dr. that you have never had it done before and at this point in life you are curious to see what your overall health is like. This BW should also include a hormone panel, which will show you your current levels of total test, free test, and estrogen levels.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    So after doing some more reading I want to just make sure I am correct on this. My cycle calls for:

    Option 1. Long Ester

    Wk 1-10 Testosterone Cypionate = 200mg twice/wk e3.5d
    Wk 1-10 Arimidex .25mg eod – monitor and adjust accordingly.
    Wk 1- 12.5 hCG = 250iu twice/wk day before test injection.

    Begins wk 13 to wk 17

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20

    This cycle I took from the beginner sticky and I am going to run with this in a few weeks or when I am comfortable with the idea. For the PCT I noticed it said to start on week 13-17 but the dosing have only 4 weeks, is that correct? Also do I take 75mg of Clomid and Nolva in the same day? I have heard people space it out through the day, and I only take 75 and 40 once a week, or is that everyday? I know it may sound dumb but I want to get it perfect with no doubts before I commit to doing this. Thanks again!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    PCT begins 16 days after your Test injection and lasts for 4 weeks.

    ... and yes, you take Nolvadex and Clomid at the same time. You also take them everyday.

    If you run a light ester Testosterone, such as Test Propionate, you would have to inject EOD but PCT wait time is only 3 days.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    I read that Tamoxifen is better than Clomid and Novadex, have you heard that before?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by vikingblood View Post
    I read that Tamoxifen is better than Clomid and Novadex, have you heard that before?
    Nolvadex is the commercial (brand) name for Tamoxifen.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    ok, so then do you still think I need Clomid as well, I have jsut heard horrible things about clomid.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by vikingblood View Post
    ok, so then do you still think I need Clomid as well, I have jsut heard horrible things about clomid.
    Yes, you'll need both.

    Don't worry about Clomid sides. Your Clomid dosage is less than 100mg a day by 25% for the first week and decreases to 50mg for the rest of your PCT.

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