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Thread: Danazol and supression??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Danazol and supression??

    I've started to read a bit on danazol because the its capacity to lower shbg really attract me.

    I've got some strange information... on the review of danocrine(danazol) it say nothing about supression of natty test. on another website it say that it do not affect lh/fsh and on another source it says that it supress it. It never say at what intensity it shutdown(if it does).

    I'm still young and but my test is so low that even 30% shutdown worth the shot if it lower my shbg enough...

    If I'm able to get some I was thinking about mixing it with aromasin.
    And I'm wondering at what dosage I must run aromasin if my goal is lower my shbg and drop my estradiol(or course), I won't be in cycle!

    Aromasin+Danazol= good idea or bad idea??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I'm confused. So you want to lower shbg and plan on running aromasin and Danazol why?

    Are you seeing this as a Testosterone alternative so you dont have to inject since it's an oral?

    Well the first few google searches I did came up with this.
    Danazol has rarely caused very serious (possibly fatal) blood clots (such as stroke), liver disease, and increased pressure on the brain (benign intracranial hypertension). Seek immediate medical attention if you have any symptoms of these side effects, including weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech, vision changes, severe stomach/abdominal pain, dark urine, persistent nausea/vomiting, yellowing eyes/skin, mental/mood changes (such as confusion), severe/persistent headache.

    I'm thinking it's not a good alternative.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    -_- with all due respect im tired of people insinuating things who is not even ****ing related with the actual subject...

    Im saying that my natty test free is low because my shbg is high and certainly my estradiol also.

    So im trying to maximize my natty potentiel so I will have the will to wait before using steroid... I won't stay natty until my 25 for sure if my stupid shbg don't drop!! IM TWENTY AND HAVE ED! And btw I NEVER used any ph or aas... Im twenty and Im very seriously planning to start aas because i prefere to risk permanant damage than keep going like this. and this is my last resort because im really piss off of the lack of result of my hard training(who is caused MOSTLY by my natty low free test btw)

    Ill take my med opinion but if they don't hurry up or arent willing to help, Ill do it by myself...

    Thanks for your information about danazol but like you said, it RARELY CAUSED such side effect. so why would I bother with it... if any sign of it happen ill just discontinu my use...

    My question was and still is:

    Does danazol supress natty test?
    If yes at what degree?
    Does taking aromasin with danazol will have synergic effect on lowering my SHBG?

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