I'm curious as to what you guys think are/is the best anabolic steroids(s) for long term low to moderate gains. I have been reading various forums for about a year now and it seems that a lot of anabolic steroids are amazing for appearance but behind the bigger size is water or the hardened look are other short term factors. For people competing, lots of the AASs out there sound very useful. My question though is what do you guys recommend for one who is patient, does not compete, and eats very well and works out religiously and is looking more for that consistent fitness model physique = muscular but not big and ripped? One who does not need to look at their peak for a competition but wants the overall benefit and enhanced long term benefits from anabolic steroids. For example, I have tried Masteron and Winstrol - stanozolol....was awesome while on them and a couple months after but soon returned back to near 'normal' appearance attained by working out and eating well (with proper PCT btw). With this question, assume diet, lifting, sleep, cardio, etc. are all in check. From what I have researched, I would think that test, Equipoise - boldenone undecylenate - , trenbolone, and Primobolan - methenolone - are the ones best suited for what I have described but I could be way off. Thoughts?