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Thread: Test cyp - 1st cycle help

  1. #1

    Test cyp - 1st cycle help

    I am 29 and this will be my 1st cycle

    Celtic Dragons Pharmaceuticals Test Cyp 200

    10 weeks - 1st week 100mg once

    9 weeks - 100mg Monday / 100mg Thursday

    I have letrozole 2.5mgx30ml, and was told only take if needed. And if i do take it , use .25mg twice a week

    Pct is Nolvadex 20mgx30ml Ive been told different info on when to start. Was told to start 18 days after last injection, but ppl i know told to start before my last injection ?????
    Was told 30mg first 10 days then 20mg the last 20 days

    How does this look? Any suggestions would be great!! Thanks

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
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    Where did you get this protocol from? You're going to shut yourself down for zero results.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by joazn09
    I am 29 and this will be my 1st cycle

    Celtic Dragons Pharmaceuticals Test Cyp 200

    10 weeks - 1st week 100mg once

    9 weeks - 100mg Monday / 100mg Thursday

    I have letrozole 2.5mgx30ml, and was told only take if needed. And if i do take it , use .25mg twice a week

    Pct is Nolvadex 20mgx30ml Ive been told different info on when to start. Was told to start 18 days after last injection, but ppl i know told to start before my last injection ?????
    Was told 30mg first 10 days then 20mg the last 20 days

    How does this look? Any suggestions would be great!! Thanks
    Not sure I follow you. Are you doing a 10 week cycle and only 200mg per week? That's pretty low.

    You don't take an AI "if needed". You need to limit the amount of aromatization. Letro is pretty harsh. Adex would be better or aromasin if you want to limit the effect on your lipids.

    How about HCG?

    PCT starts 14-18 days after your last injection. Not before. Your information sources are wrong.

    How many calories are you consuming daily?

  4. #4
    My bad, I'm doing a 10 week cycle. 1st week 100mg and then 400mg per week.
    I wasn't able to get adex. i was told letro was adex but found out last week it wasn't and from what ive read , it does seem harsh. however thats all i have and i wasnt able to get hcg niether

    effect on lipids ?

    I'm suppost to be at around 4000 calories but prbly at around 2000

    I'm 5'9 lean, have good muscle, from working out 5 days/week last 6 months 168 lbs

  5. #5
    any advice?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by joazn09
    My bad, I'm doing a 10 week cycle. 1st week 100mg and then 400mg per week.
    I wasn't able to get adex. i was told letro was adex but found out last week it wasn't and from what ive read , it does seem harsh. however thats all i have and i wasnt able to get hcg niether

    effect on lipids ?

    I'm suppost to be at around 4000 calories but prbly at around 2000

    I'm 5'9 lean, have good muscle, from working out 5 days/week last 6 months 168 lbs
    No need to start at 100mg. Run it at 400mg, dose it EOD or 2x/wk minimum. It'll take about 4-5 weeks for levels to reach their peek which is why most cycles are run at 12 weeks.

    Letro is harsh and may kill your libido (sex drive). .25mg EOD is plenty.

    Testosterone will drive down your HDL (good cholesterol) and drive up your LDL (bad cholesterol) leading to increases in heart rate and blood pressure which can be dangerous. Letrozole will make this even worse. You should read more an understand all the risks you are exposing yourself to first. Steroids are NOT risk free.

    Your total caloric intake is too low. If your don't eat more than your TDEE you won't gain much muscle and certainly won't retain it. Steroids never compensate for a lack of eating.

  7. #7
    Ok thanks bro...So I should start letro when i start the cycle instead of waiting

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by joazn09
    Ok thanks bro...So I should start letro when i start the cycle instead of waiting

    Get the nutrition checked by our guys in the nutrition section of the forum. You will be disappointed if your intake is too low. The gains won't happen or stick. Guaranteed.

    Make sure you have HCG and PCT ready. They are necessary, not optional.

  9. #9
    The letro i have is liquid. My hook cannot get adex however i found adex 1mg pills on website , not sure if this would work instead of using the letro

  10. #10
    I have pct ( nolvadex ) ready but i cant get hcg. So do NOT run a test cycle without hcg??

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by joazn09
    The letro i have is liquid. My hook cannot get adex however i found adex 1mg pills on website , not sure if this would work instead of using the letro
    Better choice. Get a pill cutter and cut them in to quarters.

    Again, get the diet checked. There is no way around this.

  12. #12
    Ok I'll grab the adex instead then. Cut in quarters and take one quarter twice a week i assume. I will get the diet checked asap And again i cant get hcg , is that gonna be a problem

    Thanks for the advice muscleink

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by joazn09
    Ok I'll grab the adex instead then. Cut in quarters and take one quarter twice a week i assume. I will get the diet checked asap And again i cant get hcg , is that gonna be a problem

    Thanks for the advice muscleink
    HCG mimics LH and stimulates the leydig cells of the testes to restore testicular function and size. Without HCG, recovery of testicular function may take longer.

    You're welcome.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by joazn09
    Ok I'll grab the adex instead then. Cut in quarters and take one quarter twice a week i assume. I will get the diet checked asap And again i cant get hcg , is that gonna be a problem

    Thanks for the advice muscleink
    Run your adex as muscle said eod(every other day) not twice a week.

    As I read your posts you should get way more reading before staring cycle! And not just here but in nutrition forum!

    Eating the right food is more important that compounds that you will be using!
    Last edited by Gaspaco; 01-22-2013 at 03:52 AM.

  15. #15
    Gaspaco Thanks Bro

    I will run the adex eod , and u mean start the adex right away when i start the cycle ?

    I went to the nutrition forum and have meal plans now.

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