Hello, I'm 23 years old 6ft, 215lbs, 17%bf, 34in waist and I workout 5-6x week.
Cycle history: Over the past 4 years I've used dbol, tbol, test 400, test prop, anavar, clen and winstrol.
Goals: I would like to get my bodyfat down as much as possible around 10-13% seems most realistic, maintaining size, weight, and gaining more definition.
I have always been big but it is time to be jacked, I weighed almost 250 around 9 months ago, post leg surgery- yes I got fat as hell, with large arms and no abs. It had to change and I have cut down to 215-still losing weight- with no gear and my body feels incredible. I haven't cycled in a while but I have spent the last 4 months curving my diet from high carb-low carb, upping my weekly cardio regiment (in addition to- I ride the bicycle an average of 65 miles a week- source of most of my weight loss) and preparing my body to go beast mode again so I am super pumped to get this going. My research/experience/friendly advice has pointed me in a few directions:
Im not a huge fan of Winstrol and all of my current recommendations seem to agree, Masteron will maximize my goals and expectations greater than Winstrol. My only concern with Masteron through personal research is that it is most effective when bf% is single digits but I have been told that it will only maximize my lean gains throughout the cycle. Thoughts, opinions?
My research has shown that Tren is an incessant fat burner and with a reasonable dose of test is a great cutting technique and there is no need for all the aggression that comes with added test. I chose Tren Ace because it is fast acting like Prop. I have never used Tren before so please any tips are welcomed!
Tbol to date has been my favorite oral compound to play with, as I said I've been on the larger side of the spectrum for a while, Dbol was effective(Dbol is so much fun). But my strength, lean muscle, and overall results with Tbol were unparalleled with any other oral. For that reason I would be kick-starting this cycle with it, 16 hr half life, it will kick in quick but results wont be too drastic. I know alot of people don't agree with the kickstarting with Tbol so let me know what you think.
The kigtropin I started a few weeks ago in preparation, pretty sure I like it. Pins are painless, and my abs are starting to make a comeback! So getting my hands on more and continuing trhoughout seems like it will be a great addition, and Ive read alot of recommendations.
That being said, here is what I am leaning towards.
Week 1-12: Test prop 300mgs/week
Week 1-10: Tren ace 500mgs/week
Week 1-3: Tbol 50mgs/day
Week 1-12: Kigtropin 2iu's/day
Week 1-12: Masteron 500mgs/week
Week 15-18: Clomid 40mgs/day
I have letro and rimi on hand as needed but have never had gyno issues, been doing alot of reading on hcg and considering the addition as well. My last physical/blood tests were normal, and my schedule provides no conflicting issues with this proposed cycle.
Thanks for reading, and please, any insight is welcomed!