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Thread: First time cycling, RPN Havoc - HELP

  1. #1

    Exclamation First time cycling, RPN Havoc - HELP

    Hi, this is my first time trying any hormonal products. I am going to run the cycle before the summer.
    Is this a good dosage for first cycle? And please... DO NOT TELL ME THAT I AM TOO YOUNG! i know the risk, and i am taking the risk

    20/20/30/40 ? If not, i will appreciate if u can help me to set it up.
    While on cycle I will use: cycle support(CEL), fish oil, liver longer, taurine. And is it safe to use kre-alkalyn while cycling? (creatine without the bloating)
    For pct i will use: Nolva and Natadrol(testobooster) do i need something other than that?
    And is it necessary to run something for pre-cycle? I do not have a job atm, so money is a little problem.

    My current stats
    11-12% bf

    My goal after cycle is
    8% bf (i will be cutting down to about 9% before cycle)
    81-85kgs/178.5-187(please say that this is possible, 85kgs/187lbs is my main goal with 8% bf)

    Is my goal too much?

    And sorry if my english is bad, i just moved from Spain to Ireland

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    In the pub
    A good dosage of what????u didnt mention any anabolics, seems u may need to do more research lol

  3. #3
    If u look at the title u can see that i mentioned RPN Havoc. and it is an active steroid itself, and not a prohormone wich most people thinks.
    Last edited by Iz64n; 01-23-2013 at 06:06 AM.

  4. #4
    havoc is a prohormone, it's inactive until it's in the body and even then it can aromatize. There also worse for you!
    If your going to cycle you might as well use the real thing.

  5. #5
    epi is not a prohormone; it is a designer steroid. Essentially, it is a methylated version of a banned steroid.

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