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Please take a look and provide feedback.
175#, 13% BF (was down at 8%, but got sick and slacked off).I wont be starting this until i get back to 10% though.
Multiple cycles under belt not a noob, just looking for tweaks. Simple questions 1) I have run HCG during and after, current Dr and Llewelyn (book author) tell me to run it at the end because you can kill your sensitivity to LH running it during cycle. So.... your thoughts? 2) I was thinking about changing the below test dosage to increase it throughout cycle.. ie 200/250/300/350/400. I have never run more than 300, thought this might work better (also book by Lleweyln recomends it/ Thoughts? 3) General comments on the cycle plan below? I should note that I run extra PCT to minimize LT damage to the swimmer or so my Dr. Says. I also am mildly suspectable to gyno symptoms.
test cyp 300mg/week 12 weeks
Nolva 10mg twice a week
Anastrozole 1mg twice a week
Albuterol 8mg daily
Sermorelin/GHRP 6mg/3mg daily starting last week of cycle
PCT Starting week 14
HCG 2,000 iu daily 5 days, 1000 iu daily 10 days. 500 iu every day for 20 days
Clomid 51 mg daily for 15 days
Nolva 20 mg daily 45 days
Post PCT
Working up to Clenbuterol 120mcg daily 4 weeks on 4 weeks off